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WordPress Search Engine Optimization. A complete guide to dominating search engines with your WordPress site

WordPress Search Engine Optimization. A complete guide to dominating search engines with your WordPress site

Michael David, Michael David

Eлектронна книга
WordPress is a powerful platform for creating feature-rich and attractive websites but, with a little extra tweaking and effort, your WordPress site can dominate search engines and bring thousands of new customers to your business.
WordPress Search Engine Optimization will show you the secrets that professional SEO companies use to take websites to the top of search results. You'll take your WordPress site to the next level; you'll brush aside even the stiffest competition with the advanced tutorials in this book.
  • 1. SEO Basics
  • 2. WordPress and Your SEO Strategy
  • 3. Technical Optimization
  • 4. The Importance of Keywords
  • 5. Optimized Content Creation
  • 6. Link Building
  • 7. Using Social Media
  • 8. Avoiding black hat techniques
  • 9. SEO Mistakes To Avoid
  • 10. Testing Your Site and Monitoring Your Progress
  • 11. Appendix A – WordPress SEO Plugins
  • 12. Appendix B – Other SEO resources
  • Назва: WordPress Search Engine Optimization. A complete guide to dominating search engines with your WordPress site
  • Автор: Michael David, Michael David
  • Оригінальна назва: WordPress Search Engine Optimization. A complete guide to dominating search engines with your WordPress site
  • ISBN: 9781785887802, 9781785887802
  • Дата видання: 2015-10-28
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_3cs8
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing