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Joomla! Accessibility. A quick guide to creating accessible websites with Joomla!

Joomla! Accessibility. A quick guide to creating accessible websites with Joomla!

Joshue O Connor, Chris Davenport, Joshue O'Connor

Understanding how to create accessible websites is an essential skill these days . You may even be obliged by law to create websites that are usable by the widest audience, including people with a range of disabilities.This book looks at what accessibility is and the various reasons, such as legislative or legal, as to why you really need to understand accessibility and then create websites that can be used by everyone. This book therefore examines the diverse range of user requirements that need to be considered for humans to successfully use web technologies.If you have no experience of being around, or working with, people with disabilities then it can be very difficult to successfully design user interfaces that cover their needs. This book will show you how you can both understand some of the various needs of people with disabilities and the technology they use to interact with computers and the Web.
  • Joomla! Accessibility
    • Table of Contents
    • Joomla! Accessibility
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
    • Preface
      • What This Book Covers
      • Who is This Book for
      • Conventions
      • Reader Feedback
      • Customer Support
        • Errata
        • Questions
    • 1. Why be Accessible?
      • Defining Accessibility
        • Understanding Your Users
        • Dealing with Change
        • Think Different
      • What Are the Benefits of Accessibility?
      • Accessibility Legislation
        • Irish Legislation
          • Accessible Procurement
      • Laws and Public Policies in Other Countries
        • UK Legislation
        • The US and Section 508/504
          • So Whats the Big Deal with 508?
        • The European Union (EU) and e-Accessibility
          • eEurope Action Plan
          • e-Inclusion Policy
          • European Policy and the Future
      • So What Does It All Mean to You?
      • Summary
    • 2. Understanding Accessibility
      • What Will Joomla! Not Do?
      • Usability
        • User Testing
        • Using Personas
          • Building Personas
      • Understanding Accessibility
        • Being Accessible Doesn't Hurt
      • WCAG 1.0
        • Differences Between WCAG 1.0 and WCAG 2.0
          • Principle 1Content Must be Perceivable (P)
          • Principle 2Interface Elements must be Operable (O)
          • Principle 3Content and Controls must be Understandable (U)
          • Principle 4Content Should be Robust Enough to Work with Current and Future Technologies (R)
        • Understanding WCAG
      • Summary
    • 3. Understanding Disability and Assistive Technology (AT)
      • Blindness
      • Visual Impairment
        • Glaucoma
        • Macular Degeneration
        • Retinopathy
        • Detached Retina
      • Physical Disabilities
      • Cognitive Disabilities
      • Assistive Technology (AT)
        • What is a Screen Reader?
        • Screen Magnification
        • Switch Access
        • How Do Switches Work?
        • Mouse Emulation
      • Useful Tools for Developers
        • Web Accessibility Tools Consortium (WAT-C)
        • Mozilla Web Developer Toolbar
      • Sitting Comfortably? Then we'll Begin
        • Exercise 1"No Frills" Browsing
          • If You are Using Firefox
          • Internet Explorer
            • ActiveX
            • Disabling JavaScript and Java in IE
            • Flash content
      • Mouse Free Zone
        • The Acid Test
        • FinallyWas It Good for You?
        • Try it yourself
        • Exercise 2Turn Off Your Display
      • Summary
    • 4. Creating Accessible Content
      • Describe What it is, Not How it Looks
        • All the (X)HTML You Need in Two Minutes
      • Using Headings to Communicate Structure
          • Time For ActionLet's Add Some Content
          • What Just Happened?
          • Time for ActionAdding Headings with WYSIWYG
          • What Just Happened?
          • Time for ActionAdding Headings by Editing the HTML
        • Add Frequent Headings to Assist the Screen Reader
        • How to Use Different Levels of Headings
      • Another Important Element
          • Lists
          • Time for ActionAdding Lists
          • What Just Happened?
      • Make Images Accessible
        • Description Anxiety
        • Time for ActionAdding Alternate Text to an Image
            • What Just Happened?
        • Choosing Good Alternate Text for Images
        • What is Good Alternate Text?
          • Ignoring Purely Decorative Images
          • Charts, Graphs, and Infographics
          • Describing Photographs
        • Time for actionUsing longdesc
            • What Just Happened?
      • Good Link Text Assists Accessibility
      • Creating Accessible Tables
        • The Trouble with Tables
        • Time for ActionCreate an Accessible Table (Part 1)
            • What Just Happened?
        • Time for ActionCreate an Accessible Table (Part 2)
            • What Just Happened?
            • Does it Work?
        • Time for ActionCreate an Accessible Table (Part 3)
            • Putting it All Together
            • What Just Happened?
        • Does Joomla! Have Good Table Manners?
      • Summary
    • 5. Creating Accessible Templates
      • Understanding How Joomla! Templates Work
        • Separation AnxietyLayout Tables, HTML, and CSS
          • Joomla! 1.0 Used Tables for Layout, So What's the Problem?
          • Why Are Tables Bad for Layout?
      • Building a Standards-Compliant Joomla! Template from Scratch
        • What Modules Do I Need?
        • Color scheme
          • Ensure Good Color Contrast for Your Site
        • Icons and Graphics
        • Create a Mock Up If Possible
          • Roll Your Own Accessible Joomla! Template
        • Using Dreamweaver
          • Set Up FTP Server Connection to Your Local Host
          • Create a Template for Your Template
          • A Few More Steps, Before We Get Going with Coding Our New Template
          • Selecting Your Template
          • Choosing the Correct DOCTYPE
            • What's up DOC?
        • XHTML Rules
        • Just One More Thing
          • Putting It All Together
        • Basic Template Layout
          • CSS Scaffolding
          • My CSS Layout
          • Just Before We Add Any Content Modules
        • Adding Content Modules
        • Module Options
        • Finishing the Template
      • Advantages of Joomla! Templates
      • Editing Joomla! Templates
          • Resizable Text
          • How to Make Sure That Text Will Resize
        • Without a Mouse
        • Highlighting Links
        • Some Basic Link Styles
        • Skip Navigation
        • Accessible Templates
        • Summary
    • 6. Using XStandard to Create Accessible Content
      • Choosing Your Editor
      • The XStandard Interface
        • Styles Menu
        • Tool buttons
        • View modes
          • Browser Preview
          • Screen Reader Preview
          • Help
          • Context Menu
      • Removing The "Noise" From Markup
        • Using Correct Markup
          • Relative Values
      • Decorative Versus Non-decorative Images
      • Data Tables
        • Create a Table
        • Edit Tables Using the Table Properties Dialog Box
        • Edit Tables Using the Context Menu
          • Abbreviations
          • Screen Reader Preview
        • What is Screen Reader Preview?
          • Using the Screen Reader Preview
          • Interface Accessibility
        • Keyboard Shortcuts
          • More Tiny MCE
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Title: Joomla! Accessibility. A quick guide to creating accessible websites with Joomla!
  • Author: Joshue O Connor, Chris Davenport, Joshue O'Connor
  • Original title: Joomla! Accessibility. A quick guide to creating accessible websites with Joomla!
  • ISBN: 9781847194091, 9781847194091
  • Date of issue: 2007-10-31
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3csi
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing