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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Biznes i ekonomia
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Dla dzieci
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Encyklopedie, słowniki
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Kultura i sztuka
Lektury szkolne
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Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
- Filozofie życiowe
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
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- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
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- Rozwój intelektualny
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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Dla dzieci
Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
Rozwój osobisty
Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
- Ebooki
- Programowanie
- Programowanie w chmurze
- Getting Started with XenDesktop 7.x. Deliver desktops and applications to your end users, anywhere, anytime, with XenDesktop 7.x
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Getting Started with XenDesktop 7.x. Deliver desktops and applications to your end users, anywhere, anytime, with XenDesktop 7.x
- Getting Started with XenDesktop 7.x
- Table of Contents
- Getting Started with XenDesktop 7.x
- Credits
- Notice
- About the Author
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- Preface
- Getting started with Hypervisors
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Designing a XenDesktop Site
- The core components of a XenDesktop Site
- Terminology and concepts
- Server side
- Hypervisor
- Database
- Delivery Controller
- Studio
- Director
- StoreFront
- Virtual machines
- The Virtual Desktop Agent
- Server OS machines
- Desktop OS machines
- Active Directory
- Desktop
- XenApp
- Edgesight
- FlexCast
- Storage
- The client side
- Receiver
- Server side
- System requirements
- Receiver
- StoreFront 2.1
- Databases
- Studio
- Delivery Controller
- Director
- The Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA)
- Server host
- Active Directory
- Designing a basic XenDesktop Site
- Scenario
- Common Citrix communication ports
- Summary
- 2. Installing XenDesktop
- Planning the XenDesktop installation
- Step 1 installing the controller (XD1)
- Installing the components on XD1
- Configuring a Site
- Step 2 installing StoreFront (XD2)
- Installing the components on XD2
- Creating a server certificate and adding a Site binding
- Installing StoreFront
- Step 3 installing Director (XD3)
- Installing the components on XD3
- Step 4 creating the virtual desktop and application delivery master images
- Step 5 installing the Virtual Delivery Agent on the master images
- Creating the desktop master images
- Creating the application master images
- Step 6 configuring the StoreFront server
- Step 7 creating the machine catalogs
- Creating desktops
- Creating the application servers
- Step 8 creating the delivery groups
- Creating desktop delivery groups
- Creating the application delivery groups
- Installation checkpoint
- Step 9 installing Citrix ReceiverTM on the client devices
- Step 10 testing the connection
- Testing the desktops
- Testing the applications
- Summary
- 3. Managing Machine Catalogs, Hosts, and Personal vDisks
- Machine catalogs
- Prerequisites
- Creating the master images
- Adding and configuring the virtual machines
- Creating the computer accounts
- Creating a machine catalog
- Operating systems and hardware
- Windows desktop
- Windows Server
- Remote PC Access
- Machine management
- User experience
- Operating systems and hardware
- Managing the machine catalogs
- Taking a snapshot of the master image
- Updating the master image
- Reverting to a previous master image
- Managing the Active Directory computer accounts
- Adding machines to a machine catalog
- Modifying a machine catalog
- Renaming a machine catalog
- Deleting a machine catalog
- Prerequisites
- Managing the hosts
- Managing Personal vDisks
- Updating Personal vDisks used by the master images
- Adjusting the space available for applications
- Disabling automatic resizing
- Reallocating user profiles
- Summary
- Machine catalogs
- 4. Managing Delivery Groups
- Managing the delivery groups
- Creating a delivery group
- Editing a delivery group
- Managing desktop sessions
- Logging off or disconnecting sessions
- Sending messages to users
- Managing the delivery group resources
- Adding and reallocating desktops
- Locating desktops, sessions, and delivery groups
- Shutting down and restarting desktops
- Removing desktops from delivery groups
- Deleting desktops from delivery groups
- Restricting access to desktops
- Using Smart Access
- Using Exclusion filters
- Securing the ICA protocol communications
- Managing power settings for desktops
- Pools and buffers
- Power state timers
- Partial power management
- Importing and exporting user data
- Enabling and disabling the maintenance mode
- Managing the server load
- The server load index
- The concurrent logon tolerance setting
- Managing the hosted applications
- Application desktop delivery groups
- Application sharing
- Publishing applications to multiple desktop groups
- Content redirection
- Creating an application
- Managing and creating application desktop delivery groups
- Managing application sessions
- Modifying the applications
- Application desktop delivery groups
- Managing the Delivery Controller environment
- Controller discovery
- Adding, moving, or removing Delivery Controllers
- Moving a Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) to another Site
- Active Directory OU-based controller discovery
- Using SSL on controllers
- Changing the default HTTP and HTTPS ports
- Summary
- Managing the delivery groups
- 5. Managing Policies
- XenDesktop Studio versus Microsoft Group Policy Editor
- Administrative roles
- Working with policies
- Navigating policies
- Accessing policies
- Searching policies
- Creating policies
- Creating a policy in Studio
- Creating a policy in Microsoft Group Policy Editor
- Configuring policies
- Configuring policy settings
- Best practices for designing policy settings
- Applying policies
- Using default values
- Using filters
- Unfiltered policies
- Filter modes
- Using the same filters with different modes
- Using different filters with similar modes
- Implementing multiple policies
- Implementing priorities
- Implementing exceptions
- The resulting set of policies
- Running the Citrix Group Policy Modeling Wizard
- Running the Microsoft Group Policy Results tool
- Troubleshooting policy scenarios
- Comparing policies
- Implementing policies with NetScaler Gateway
- Implementing NetScaler Gateway policy filters
- Summary
- XenDesktop Studio versus Microsoft Group Policy Editor
- 6. Managing Printing
- How printing works
- Using locally attached printers
- Using network attached printers
- Using default printing, preferences, and drivers
- Setting printing preferences
- Printing policies
- Universal Print Server and Driver
- Autocreation of printers
- Mapping printers and drivers
- Optimization of printing
- Summary
- How printing works
- 7. Virtualizing USB Support
- USB devices in virtualization
- How XenDesktop uses USB redirection
- Enabling USB support
- Preventing the mapping of USB devices
- Using USB mass storage
- USB redirection with XenApp versus XenDesktop
- Using USB automatic redirection
- Using voice and video
- Summary
- 8. Virtualizing Storage and Backup
- XenDesktop storage considerations
- Desktop storage
- High Availability
- Performance
- Personal vDisk
- XenDesktop storage requirements
- Virtual desktop storage requirements dedicated desktop model
- Virtual desktop storage requirements dedicated shared desktop model
- Virtual desktop storage requirements shared hosted desktop model
- Backup and restore
- Backing up a SQL Server
- Restoring a SQL Server
- Backing up and restoring VMs and user data
- USB mass storage
- Summary
- XenDesktop storage considerations
- 9. High Definition Experience (HDX)
- Introducing high definition experience
- HDX system requirements
- The reality of HDX
- Aero redirection
- Configuring Aero redirection or desktop composition redirection
- Windows Media
- Configuring Windows Media client-side fetching
- Configuring real-time Windows Media multimedia transcoding
- Flash Media
- Configuring Flash redirection on a server
- Configuring Flash redirection on the client
- HDX 3D
- GPU versus vGPU
- vGPU
- HDX 3D requirements
- Client
- Server
- HDX GPU sharing
- HDX 3D how it works
- Installing and configuring HDX 3D
- Upgrading HDX 3D
- Configuring monitors for HDX 3D
- GPU versus vGPU
- Configuring image quality
- Configuring audio
- Configuring webcams
- Configuring color compression
- Configuring network priorities
- Adaptive display
- Summary
- Introducing high definition experience
- 10. Application Delivery
- Delivering applications
- Differences between XenApp and XenDesktop
- Whats new?
- What's gone?
- What's changed?
- What hasn't changed?
- Application Delivery Controllers
- Application Delivery Networks
- Summary
- 11. Working with the XenDesktop SDK
- Microsoft Windows PowerShell
- PowerShell snap-ins and cmdlets for XenDesktop
- Using the XenDesktop SDK
- Creating an SDK script
- Troubleshooting using the XD PowerShell SDK
- Useful desktop cmdlets
- Useful controller cmdlets
- Site debugging tools
- Citrix Ready
- Summary
- Microsoft Windows PowerShell
- 12. Working with Citrix ReceiverTM and Plugins
- Understanding Receiver
- Changing the Receiver settings
- Pushing the Receiver settings from the server
- Changing the Receiver settings from the client's desktop
- Using plugins
- The online plugin
- Using workspace control
- Changing the resolution of the virtual desktop
- Moving the toolbar
- Controlling local file access
- Accessing devices
- Accessing USB devices
- Accessing local microphones and webcams
- Redirecting Flash to a local device
- Switching between virtual desktops
- Logging off virtual desktops
- Disconnecting from virtual desktops
- Restarting a virtual desktop
- Using Desktop Lock
- Printing in virtual desktops
- Understanding the keyboard input
- The offline plugin
- The CloudBridge plugin
- The online plugin
- Running Receiver on Microsoft Windows
- Running Receiver on Apple
- Running Receiver on other devices
- Summary
- 13. Securing XenDesktop
- DMZ and DMZ2
- Securing XenDesktop with NetScaler Gateway
- Importing NetScaler VPX into XenServer
- Installing a NetScaler license
- Installing an SSL certificate
- Creating a NetScaler Gateway virtual server
- Configuring NetScaler Gateway for StoreFront
- Configuring NetScaler for an ICA proxy
- Configuring a StoreFront connection to NetScaler Gateway
- Exporting the StoreFront certificate
- Importing the StoreFront certificate into NetScaler Gateway
- Secure Ticket Authority
- Securing the ICA/HDX protocols
- Securing StoreFront
- Securing Receiver
- Securing controller
- Non-IIS
- Changing the controller port to HTTPS
- Securing Studio and Director
- Securing the XenDesktop to XenServer communications
- Using smart cards
- Summary
- 14. Managing and Monitoring XenDesktop
- Using Studio to manage the XenDesktop Site
- Using Director to monitor the XenDesktop Site
- Using HDX Insight
- Troubleshooting XenDesktop
- Troubleshooting users
- Troubleshooting applications
- Troubleshooting desktops
- Troubleshooting sessions
- Troubleshooting HDX
- Troubleshooting Personal vDisks
- Third-party tools
- Summary
- 15. VDI in the Cloud
- Understanding virtualization in the cloud
- Private cloud
- Public cloud
- Hybrid cloud
- Personal cloud
- Your cloud
- Summary
- A. Creating a Domain Certificate Authority
- B. XenDesktop Policy Settings Reference
- Audio policies
- Bandwidth policies
- Redirection policies
- Desktop UI policies
- Graphics and multimedia policies
- Caching policies
- Multistream traffic policies
- Printing policies
- ICA policies
- Keep alive policies
- Autoreconnection policies
- Mobility policies
- Session policies
- Time zone policies
- Load management policies
- Delivery Agent policies
- HDX 3D policies
- C. Creating Self-signed Certificates for NetScaler Gateway
- Enabling SSL on NetScaler Gateway
- Creating a self-signed root CA certificate
- Creating a public-facing server certificate
- Installing the root CA and public certificates
- Linking the public and root CA certificates
- Viewing the root CA and server certificate bindings
- Binding the certificates to the NetScaler Gateway VIP
- Testing the certificates
- Testing the NetScaler Gateway connection
- Testing NetScaler Gateway with a Windows client
- D. Using Public CA-signed SSL Wildcard Certificates on NetScaler Gateway
- Enabling SSL on NetScaler Gateway
- Creating a certificate request
- Submitting the request to the public CA
- Installing the public-signed wildcard certificate
- Binding the public-signed certificate to the NetScaler Gateway VIP
- Testing NetScaler Gateway and certificates
- Index
- Tytuł: Getting Started with XenDesktop 7.x. Deliver desktops and applications to your end users, anywhere, anytime, with XenDesktop 7.x
- Autor: Craig Thomas Ellrod
- Tytuł oryginału: Getting Started with XenDesktop 7.x. Deliver desktops and applications to your end users, anywhere, anytime, with XenDesktop 7.x.
- ISBN: 9781849689779, 9781849689779
- Data wydania: 2014-04-22
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cvo
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing