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- Bizneswoman
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Dla młodzieży
Encyklopedie, słowniki
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Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Podręczniki szkolne
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Poradniki do gier
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
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- Prawo karne. Przestępstwa karne. Kryminologia
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- Prawo Unii Europejskiej
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- Słowniki i encyklopedie
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Przewodniki i podróże
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- Włochy
- Filozofie życiowe
- Kompetencje psychospołeczne
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
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- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Biznes i ekonomia
- Bitcoin
- Bizneswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-biznes
- Ekonomia
- Finanse
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- Kompetencje osobiste
- Komunikacja i negocjacje
- Mała firma
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Dla dzieci
Dla młodzieży
Encyklopedie, słowniki
Języki obce
Kultura i sztuka
Lektury szkolne
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Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
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- Mindfulness
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Sport, fitness, diety
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Kursy video
Bazy danych
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Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
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Microsoft Office
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Customer Success with Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step. Having invested in Microsoft Dynamics, your enterprise will want to make a success of it, which is where this guide to Sure Step comes in, teaching you how to apply the methodologies to ensure optimum results
Chandru Shankar, Vincent Bellefroid, Nilesh Thakkar
- Customer Success with Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step
- Table of Contents
- Customer Success with Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step
- Credits
- Foreword
- About the Author
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
- Acknowledgments
- About the Reviewer
- Acknowledgments
- About the Reviewer
- Acknowledgments
- About the Reviewer
- Acknowledgments
- www.PacktPub.com
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- Why Subscribe?
- Free Access for Packt account holders
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the color images of this book
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Background and Concepts
- The business solutions market
- Building a solution strategy with pace layering
- The two-tier approach, cloud computing, and workloads
- The importance of a methodology
- The importance of a methodology for solution selection
- Introducing Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step
- Microsoft Dynamics overview
- Understanding what a project is
- Implementing the solution
- ERP and CRM implementations and statistics
- Summary
- 2. Solution Selling and Driving Due Diligence
- Driving value for the customer and solution provider
- Value realization and measurement
- What it means to be solution centric
- Solution selling concepts
- Solution selling the buyers perspective
- Building trust
- Building a vision
- Determining the right time to demo the solution
- Staying aligned with the buyer
- Vision processing creation and reengineering
- The Microsoft Solution Selling Process
- Summary
- Driving value for the customer and solution provider
- 3. Solution Envisioning with Sure Step
- The Sure Step Diagnostic phase
- The concept of Decision Accelerator (DA) Offerings
- Diagnostic for a new Dynamics customer
- Starting the discovery process
- Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services tools and alignment with Sure Step
- The first step to envisioning the future state
- Identifying the right solution
- Determining infrastructure implications
- Estimating delivery costs, approaches, plans, and roles
- Phased approaches and staging options for multiple site deployments
- Reducing risk perception
- Estimating the Return on Investment
- Developing the project charter and proposal
- Closing the sales cycle
- Initiating the delivery cycle
- Other aspects of the Decision Accelerator Offering services
- Starting the discovery process
- Diagnostic leveraging of the Accelerated POC with the CRM Online service
- The Diagnostic phase for a current Dynamics customer
- Assessing the upgrade requirements
- Applying the other Decision Accelerator Offerings services to upgrade engagements
- Supporting the customer's buying cycle
- Defining organizational needs
- Determining the right solution
- Understanding and mitigating risks
- Approach to upgrade existing solutions
- Positioning solutions for specific industries
- Industry/vertical solutions
- The manufacturing industry
- The public sector industry
- Use case Decision Accelerator for a local government council
- The retail industry
- Service industries
- Cross-industry / horizontal solutions
- Cross-industry customer care solutions
- xRM or extended CRM solutions
- Future industry and cross-industry solution content
- Industry/vertical solutions
- Quick reference
- Summary
- The Sure Step Diagnostic phase
- 4. Managing Projects
- About projects and project management
- Myths and resistance
- Is project management an overhead?
- Is project management an obstacle to flexibility?
- Is project management unsalable?
- Why project management?
- The alternative
- Using our own methodology
- Why quality-driven companies prefer project management
- Myths and resistance
- The four pillars of project success
- Communication matters
- Rule number 1 communication requires interaction
- Rule number 2 e-mail does not equal project communication
- Rule number 3 be brief
- Rule number 4 set clear expectations
- A proactive attitude makes the difference
- Rule number 1 look ahead and prevent
- Rule number 2 be proactive with interactions
- Rule number 3 a measure for early warning signals
- Creating a guiding project culture
- The importance of closing
- Communication matters
- Project management essentials
- A project life cycle and its phases
- What is a phase?
- Respecting the phase-based approach
- Project management processes
- Breaking it up!
- From estimate to follow up
- WBS as an estimation instrument
- Follow up based on WBS
- WBS as a central concept
- A project life cycle and its phases
- Adopting project management
- The tireless quest for the perfect espresso
- Embracing change
- Indispensable organizational benefits
- A core competency for your company
- Profitable projects
- Satisfied customers and happy employees
- Summary
- About projects and project management
- 5. Implementing with Sure Step
- Implementation approaches in Sure Step
- The notion of phases and cross phases
- Waterfall-based implementation project types
- The Rapid project type
- The Standard project type
- The Enterprise project type
- Setting up a program for solution rollout
- Phased solution rollouts
- Multisite engagements
- Sure Step waterfall implementation phases
- The Analysis phase
- The start of the project
- Start your engines
- Expect some delays
- A chance to establish the project culture
- A look back
- A good project charter is priceless
- Project planning sessions
- Kick off your communication culture
- Wrapping up
- To train or not to train?
- The uncontrolled Analysis phase
- Scenarios for real-life analysis
- Back to square one
- Scope creep sneaking in
- No issues, no risks
- Analyze what?
- Go for interim analysis deliverables
- Managing scope creep during the Analysis phase by means of Fit Gap Analysis
- Do not forget about data migration
- Interact with the infrastructure department
- The start of the project
- The Design phase
- Do we really need a Design phase?
- The risk of a passive Design phase
- All activity in the Sure Step Design phase
- We are implementing a standard package solution
- From requirements to design
- Document and implement
- Initiate testing
- Interact with the infrastructure department
- Don't give up on data migration
- Start planning the deployment
- The Development phase
- Developers only?
- Develop and freeze custom code
- Complete the testing
- Last call for changes
- Can process models still change?
- Start finalizing
- Finalize the system configuration and ISV solution setup
- Finalize design updates
- Hand over non-production environments
- The Deployment phase
- What is critical for a successful deployment?
- Trainers' evangelists for change
- Conduct end user training
- Compose the trainer team
- What about the data?
- The Go-Live as the user acceptance test
- Your continued key user interaction will now pay off
- Early planning and commitment making the difference
- The focus of the user acceptance test
- Document and analyze the results
- Execute performance tests
- Infrastructure readiness
- Check and cross-check
- Ready to take off
- The Operation phase
- Provide post-Go-Live support
- Some things to do
- Clear pending items
- Finalize knowledge transfer
- Conduct performance tuning and optimization
- Transition the solution to support
- To close or not to close
- Closing a nice little job?
- Building it up
- The core challenge
- Sign please!
- The Agile Implementation project type
- Use case: Agile project type for a multinational chemicals customer
- Use case: Rapid project type for a GP customer
- Use case: Enterprise project type usage by a global advertising organization
- Summary
- Implementation approaches in Sure Step
- 6. Quality Management and Optimization
- Understanding the quality management manifestation in Sure Step
- Controlling quality within project types
- Quality activities embedded in program management
- Key quality and testing cross-phase activities
- Feature Testing
- Unit Testing
- Function Testing
- Sub-Process Testing
- Process Testing
- Data Acceptance Testing (DAT)
- Integration Testing
- Performance Testing
- User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
- The Sure Step Optimization Offerings
- Optimization Offering for Microsoft Dynamics AX
- Optimization Offering for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
- Optimization Offering for Microsoft Dynamics GP
- Optimization Offering for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- Optimization Offering for Microsoft Dynamics SL
- Understanding key Proactive and Post Go-Live services for AX and CRM
- Architecture Review
- Design Review
- Customization Review
- Performance Review
- Upgrade Review
- Health Check
- Project Governance and Delivery Review
- Optimization Offerings and their benefits
- Use case Technical Review services usage by Global Advertising Organization
- Use case Project Governance and Delivery Review service usage by partner
- Optimization Offering for Microsoft Dynamics AX
- Summary
- 7. Upgrading with Sure Step
- Decision Accelerator Offerings and the Diagnostic phase
- Phase 1 Need Determination
- The Upgrade Assessment Decision Service
- Phase 2 additional services and when to avail them
- Phase 3 Risk Evaluation
- Determining the Upgrade approach and release schedule
- Phase 1 Need Determination
- Delivering Upgrade
- The Analysis and Design phases
- The Development, Deployment, and Operation phases
- Use case Microsoft Dynamics Upgrade by a nondurable products manufacturer
- Summary
- Decision Accelerator Offerings and the Diagnostic phase
- 8. Project and Organizational Change Management
- The Sure Step Project Management Library
- Understanding project management disciplines
- Risk management
- Scope management
- Time and cost management
- Resource management
- Communication management
- Quality management
- Procurement management
- Integration management
- Understanding project management disciplines
- Organizational Change Management
- Organizational Change Management in Sure Step
- Defining the OCM Strategy
- Aligning and mobilizing leadership
- Engaging stakeholders
- Aligning an organization
- Enabling the organization
- Organizational Change Management in Sure Step
- Aligning to other project methodologies
- Prince2 and Sure Step
- Sure Step's Projects feature
- Sure Step Project Creation Wizard
- Creating projects on a local drive
- Creating projects on a SharePoint server
- Sure Step Online Project Creation Wizard
- Customizing Sure Step templates using the Projects feature
- Sure Step Project Creation Wizard
- Summary
- The Sure Step Project Management Library
- 9. A Practical Guide to Adopting Sure Step
- Don't park your brain outside
- Executing strategy
- Managing change
- Why change initiatives fail
- Underestimating the need for a clear vision of the desired change
- Failing to clearly communicate the vision
- Failing to build a substantial coalition
- Permitting roadblocks against the vision
- Not generating a sense of urgency tied to improved performance
- Not building a plan for short-term wins
- Failing to lead and coach changes in the business behavior
- Failure of managers to operate in and above day-to-day execution
- Not practicing what you preach
- Failing to anchor changes in the business culture
- Why change initiatives fail
- Making your Sure Step adoption program
- Creating a roadmap
- Diagnosis
- The Sure Step champion
- The V-team
- Analysis
- Design
- Development
- Deployment
- Operations
- Diagnosis
- The value of the adoption program
- GROW into new behaviors
- Creating a roadmap
- The Key Documents Visio diagram
- Some tips from real, conducted Sure Step adoption programs
- How to access Sure Step
- Sure Step 2012
- Sure Step Online
- Key differences between Sure Step 2012 and Sure Step Online
- Preparing for the Sure Step certification exam
- Sure Step for ISVs
- Classifying ISVs
- How ISVs can benefit from the Sure Step program
- ISV artifacts for Sure Step
- Sure Step and the CfMD program
- Use case Sure Step adoption by a small Dynamics partner
- Summary
- Don't park your brain outside
- 10. Summary and Takeaways
- What we now know about Sure Step
- The Sure Step value proposition
- Sure Step revisited summary and quick reference
- Sure Step updates
- Sure Step Online
- Sure Step and Lifecycle Services
- Key takeaways
- Takeaways for customer due diligence and solution selling
- Implementation takeaways
- Sure Step adoption takeaways
- General takeaways
- Summary
- What we now know about Sure Step
- A. Bibliography
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Index
- Tytuł: Customer Success with Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step. Having invested in Microsoft Dynamics, your enterprise will want to make a success of it, which is where this guide to Sure Step comes in, teaching you how to apply the methodologies to ensure optimum results
- Autor: Chandru Shankar, Vincent Bellefroid, Nilesh Thakkar
- Tytuł oryginału: Customer Success with Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step. Having invested in Microsoft Dynamics, your enterprise will want to make a success of it, which is where this guide to Sure Step comes in, teaching you how to apply the methodologies to ensure optimum results.
- ISBN: 9781849687034, 9781849687034
- Data wydania: 2014-01-24
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cxm
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing