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Drupal 7 First Look. Learn the new features of Drupal 7, how they work and how they will impact you

Drupal 7 First Look. Learn the new features of Drupal 7, how they work and how they will impact you

Mark Noble, Dries Buytaert

Drupal 7 contains features for which site administrators have been clamoring for years, including support for fields, an improved administration interface, better database support, improved theming, and more. You could of course make a laborious search on sites, blogs, and many online tutorials that would promise to update you about every new feature, but there's an even better way to know all about Drupal 7's new features: Drupal 7 First Look is the first and only book that covers all of the fantastic new features in Drupal 7 in depth and covers the process of upgrading your Drupal 6 site to Drupal 7. If you've used Drupal 6 and want to use Drupal 7, you need this book.Drupal 7 First Look takes an in-depth look into all of the major new features in Drupal 7 so you can quickly take full advantage of Drupal 7. It also assists you in upgrading your site to Drupal 7. Some of the new features in Drupal 7 include:

Fields API, based on Drupal 6 CCK, which allows you to easily build your own content types

Improved user interface for administering your website

Built-in support for working with images and files

Improved security for the site and users of the site

Completely rewritten database layer DBTNG to make working with the database easier and more secure.

Improved API for custom module development and user interface theming
  • Drupal 7 First Look
    • Table of Contents
    • Drupal 7 First Look
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewer
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Whats New In Drupal 7?
      • Goals of Drupal 7
      • Key new features in Drupal 7
        • Improved installation
        • New administration toolbar and overlay administration
        • Improved interface for creating content
        • Improved interface for creating new content types
        • New Field API
        • Additional support for files and images
        • Improved filter system
        • Added context information to messages during translation
        • Built-in automated cron functionality
        • Improved security
        • Added a new plugin manager
        • Added the Seven theme for administration
        • Added the jQuery UI to core
        • Allows additional preprocessing of themed information
        • Added the New Stark theme
        • Rewritten database layer (DBTNG)
        • Improved node access system
        • Added the Queue API for long-running tasks
        • Added a new test framework
        • RDF capabilities
      • Unmet goals
      • Key changes to Drupal 7
      • Removed functionality
      • Contributed modules
      • Minimum requirements for Drupal 7
      • Summary
    • 2. Installation and Upgrades
      • Installing Drupal 7
        • Obtaining Drupal
        • Selecting an installation profile
          • Minimal profile
          • Standard profile
        • Language selection
        • Requirements check
        • Database configuration
        • Configure site
        • New home page
      • Command-line installation
      • Upgrading from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7
      • Creating custom installation profiles
        • Components of an installation profile
          • The .info file
          • The .profile file
          • The .install file
            • File structure
            • Block creation
            • Node type definition
            • Additional default settings
            • Setting up permissions and roles
            • Theme configuration
      • Summary
    • 3. Site Building with Drupal 7
      • Creating content
        • Selecting a content type to create
        • Content UI
          • Creating node summaries
          • Formatting text
          • Additional node properties
      • Creating new content types with custom fields
        • Creating a custom content type
          • Additional content type properties
            • Display settings
            • Comment settings
            • Menu settings
        • Field API
          • Boolean fields
          • Numeric fields (Decimal, Float, and Integer)
          • File fields
          • Term Reference fields
          • Text fields
            • Text field
            • Long text field
            • Long text and summary field
        • Field display
      • Taxonomy changes
      • Image styles
      • Comment changes
      • Removed functionality
      • Summary
    • 4. Drupal 7 Administration
      • New administration interface
        • Administration toolbar
        • Dashboard
        • Overlay window
        • Appearance section
          • Installing and updating themes and modules
            • Installing new themes and modules
            • Updating themes and modules
        • People section
        • Modules section
        • Configuration section
          • Configuring settings
            • Regional and language
              • Regional settings
              • Date and time
              • Language
              • Translate interface
            • Search and metadata
              • Clean URLs
              • Search settings
              • URL aliases
            • Development
              • Logging and errors
              • Maintenance mode
              • Performance
              • Testing
            • Media section
              • File system
              • Image styles
              • Image toolkit
            • System section
              • Site information
              • Actions
              • Shortcuts
              • Statistics
            • People and permissions section
              • Account settings
              • Roles
              • Permissions
              • IP address blocking
              • Profiles
            • Web Services section
              • Feed aggregator
              • RSS publishing
            • Content Authoring section
              • Text formats
        • Shortcuts
        • Edit Anywhere
      • Configuring Date and Time display
      • User management
        • Account settings
        • User fields
        • Password strength meter
        • Login rate limitations
      • Search
      • Changes to the cron system
        • Protection from unauthorized access
      • Reports
        • Field list report
      • Summary
    • 5. Drupal 7 for Themers
      • Template changes
        • Everything there is to know about .info files
        • html.tpl.php
        • Rendering the entire page with page.tpl.php
        • Theming individual regions with region.tpl.php
        • Theming individual nodes with node.tpl.php
        • template.php
        • Other changes
      • New JavaScript functionality
        • jQuery tools
        • AJAX framework from CTools
        • Including other JavaScript libraries
      • CSS changes
        • System classes
        • Classes array
        • Hiding information
      • Theme API changes
        • Signature changes
        • Alter hooks
        • New methods
          • template_preprocess_menu_tree(&$variables)
          • template_preprocess_username(&$variables)
          • template_process_username(&$variables)
          • theme_admin_block($variables)
          • theme_confirm_form($variables)
          • theme_container($variables)
          • theme_dashboard($variables)
          • theme_dashboard_admin($variables)
          • theme_dashboard_disabled_block($variables)
          • theme_dashboard_disabled_blocks($variables)
          • theme_dashboard_region($variables)
          • theme_filter_guidelines($variables)
          • theme_form_element_label($variables)
          • theme_form_required_marker($variables)
          • theme_forum_form($variables)
          • theme_html_tag($variables)
          • theme_image_anchor($variables)
          • theme_image_crop_summary($variables)
          • theme_image_resize_summary($variables)
          • theme_image_rotate_summary($variables)
          • theme_image_scale_summary($variables)
          • theme_image_style_effects($variables)
          • theme_image_style_list($variables)
          • theme_image_style_preview($variables)
          • theme_link($variables)
          • theme_locale_date_format_form($variables)
          • theme_locale_languages_configure_form($variables)
          • theme_locale_translation_filters($variables)
          • theme_menu_link(array $variables)
          • theme_menu_local_action($variables)
          • theme_rdf_metadata($variables)
          • theme_rdf_template_variable_wrapper($variables)
          • theme_shortcut_set_customize($variables)
          • theme_system_compact_link()
          • theme_system_date_time_settings($variables)
          • theme_system_modules_fieldset($variables)
          • theme_system_modules_incompatible($variables)
          • theme_system_run_cron_image($variables)
          • theme_system_settings_form($variables)
          • theme_system_themes_page($variables)
          • theme_text_format_wrapper($variables)
          • theme_update_last_check($variables)
          • theme_update_manager_update_form($variables)
          • theme_user_admin_permissions($variables)
          • theme_vertical_tabs($variables)
        • Removed methods
      • Upgrading Drupal 6 themes to Drupal 7
      • Summary
    • 6. Drupal 7 Database Changes
      • What is DBTNG?
        • Background
      • Key concepts in DBTNG
        • Drivers
        • Connections
        • Statements
        • Queries
      • Using select statements
        • Static queries
          • Limiting the data returned
          • Adding parameters to static queries
          • Query options
          • Saving query results to a temporary table
        • Dynamic queries
        • Working with fields
        • Ordering results
        • Joining tables
        • Preventing duplicate records
        • Retrieving summary information
        • Using expressions to retrieve and manipulate data
        • Limiting the data returned
      • Dynamic query extensions
        • Paging records
        • Sorting data
        • Custom extensions
      • Adding conditions to a query
        • Condition method
        • Where method
        • Chaining conditions
      • Working with result sets
        • fetch and fetchAll
        • fetchObject
        • fetchAssoc
        • fetchAllAssoc
        • fetchField
        • fetchAllKeyed
        • fetchCol
        • Direct iteration
      • Tagging queries
      • insert statement syntax
        • Inserting single records
        • Inserting multiple records
        • Inserting records from another query
        • Delayed inserts
      • update statement syntax
      • merge statement syntax
      • delete statement syntax
      • truncate statement syntax
      • Transaction support
      • Master/slave replication
      • SQLite support
      • Summary
    • 7. Drupal 7 for Developers
      • .info file changes
      • Drupal hook changes
        • Hooks split by op code
        • Other changed hooks
          • hook_load
          • hook_system_info_alter
          • hook_view
        • New hooks
          • hook_admin_paths
          • hook_admin_paths_alter
          • hook_archiver_info
          • hook_css_alter
          • hook_dashboard_regions
          • hook_dashboard_regions_alter
          • hook_date_formats
          • hook_date_formats_alter
          • hook_date_format_types
          • hook_drupal_goto_alter
          • hook_library
          • hook_library_alter
          • hook_modules_disabled
          • hook_modules_enabled
          • hook_modules_installed
          • hook_modules_uninstalled
          • hook_openid
          • hook_openid_response
          • hook_path_delete
          • hook_path_insert
          • hook_path_update
          • hook_registry_files_alter
          • hook_overlay_child_initialize
          • hook_overlay_parent_initialize
          • hook_shortcut_default_set
          • hook_system_info_alter
          • hook_url_inbound_alter
          • hook_url_outbound_alter
          • hook_username_alter
          • hook_xmlrpc_alter
          • module_hook_info
        • Removed methods
      • Menu system changes
        • New hooks
          • hook_menu_active_handler_alter
          • hook_menu_contextual_links_alter
          • hook_menu_delete
          • hook_menu_insert
          • hook_menu_local_tasks_alter
          • hook_menu_update
        • New methods
        • Changed methods
          • menu_execute_active_handler
          • menu_get_names
          • menu_local_tasks
          • menu_router_build
          • menu_tree_all_data
          • menu_tree_data
          • menu_tree_page_data
        • Removed methods
      • Form API changes
        • New Form API hooks
          • hook_element_info
          • hook_element_info_alter
          • hook_form_system_theme_settings_alter
          • hook_node_prepare
        • Changed methods
          • form_type parameter renamed
          • drupal_rebuild_form
          • drupal_redirect_form
          • form_builder
          • form_set_error
          • form_type_image_button_value
        • New methods
        • Removed methods
      • File handling system
        • New file hooks
          • hook_file_copy
          • hook_file_delete
          • hook_file_insert
          • hook_file_load
          • hook_file_mimetype_mapping_alter
          • hook_file_move
          • hook_file_references
          • hook_file_update
          • hook_file_url_alter
          • hook_file_validate
        • Changed hooks
        • New and changed methods
          • PHP method wrappers
          • File IO
          • File information
          • Stream wrapper implementations
          • URI and URL handling
          • .htaccess file protection
        • Removed methods
      • Field API
        • Entities
        • Field types
        • Field instances
        • Field bundles
        • Displaying fields in forms with field widgets
        • Displaying field data
        • Saving, retrieving, and deleting field data
        • Getting information about fields
      • Node access and permission changes
        • Added methods
          • hook_node_access
          • hook_node_access_records_alter
          • hook_node_grants_alter
          • hook_user_cancel
          • hook_user_cancel_methods_alter
          • hook_user_role_delete, hook_user_role_insert, and hook_user_role_update
          • node_list_permissions
          • node_permissions_get_configured_types
          • user_role_permissions
          • user_role_grant_permissions, user_role_change_permissions, and user_role_revoke_permissions
        • Changed methods
      • Text filter changes
          • hook_filter_format_delete
          • hook_filter_format_insert
          • hook_filter_format_update
          • hook_filter_info
          • hook_filter_info_alter
        • Removed methods
      • Taxonomy changes
          • hook_taxonomy_term_delete
          • hook_taxonomy_term_insert
          • hook_taxonomy_term_load
          • hook_taxonomy_term_update
          • hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_delete
          • hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_insert
          • hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_load
          • hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_update
        • Removed methods
      • Searching changes
        • Added methods
          • hook_search_access
          • hook_search_admin
          • hook_search_execute
          • hook_search_info
          • hook_search_reset
          • hook_search_status
          • hook_node_search_result
          • hook_node_update_index
          • hook_ranking
        • Changed methods
        • Removed methods
      • Cron changes
          • hook_cron_queue_info
      • Tokens
        • hook_tokens
        • hook_token_info
        • hook_token_info_alter
        • token_info
      • Image handling
        • hook_image_default_styles
        • hook_image_styles_alter
        • hook_image_style_delete
        • hook_image_style_flush
        • hook_image_style_save
        • hook_image_effect_info
        • hook_image_toolkits
      • Trigger changes
      • RDF API
      • Translation API changes
        • hook_language_fallback_candidates_alter
        • hook_language_negotiation_info
        • hook_language_negotiation_info_alter
        • hook_language_switch_links_alter
        • hook_language_types_info
        • hook_language_types_info_alter
        • hook_multilingual_settings_changed
        • hook_node_prepare_translation
      • Coder module
      • Testing framework
        • Setting up SimpleTest
        • Running tests
        • Creating Tests
        • Available hooks
          • hook_test_finished
          • hook_test_group_started
          • hook_test_group_finished
          • hook_simpletest_alter
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Title: Drupal 7 First Look. Learn the new features of Drupal 7, how they work and how they will impact you
  • Author: Mark Noble, Dries Buytaert
  • Original title: Drupal 7 First Look. Learn the new features of Drupal 7, how they work and how they will impact you
  • ISBN: 9781849511230, 9781849511230
  • Date of issue: 2010-11-23
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3cy5
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing