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Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Applications (MB2-868) Certification Guide. A practical guide on how to use and manage Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 that focuses on helping you to pass the Microsoft certification exam

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Applications (MB2-868) Certification Guide. A practical guide on how to use and manage Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 that focuses on helping you to pass the Microsoft certification exam

Danny Varghese

Managing any relationship can be difficult. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 enables an organization to manage their marketing, sales, and service efforts for a customer, and give users a 360 degree view of the customer.Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Applications (MB2-868) Certification Guide will assist individuals in passing the certification exam by reviewing each topic covered by the exam in depth, providing questions to test your knowledge at the end of each chapter, and finally by providing a 75 question practice exam including answers.You'll start with an introduction to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 along with an overview of the exam, benefits of certification, and helpful exam taking tips.The following chapters take a deeper look into the CRM application itself covering each of the key modules: marketing, sales, service, and service scheduling. At the end of the book, there is a 75 question sample certification exam.This book will help you attain the MB2-868 certification, making you more marketable.
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Applications (MB2-868) Certification Guide
    • Table of Contents
    • Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Applications (MB2-868) Certification Guide
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • Acknowledgement
    • About the Reviewers
      • Support files, e-books, discount offers, and more
        • Why subscribe?
        • Free access for Packt account holders
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    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Overview
      • Introduction to CRM 2011
        • Sales module
          • Business scenarios
            • Leads
            • Accounts
            • Contacts
            • Opportunities
            • Products
            • Quotes
            • Orders
            • Invoices
            • Competitors
            • Goals
        • Marketing module
          • Business scenarios
            • Marketing lists
            • Campaigns
            • Sales literature
        • Customer service module
          • Business scenarios
            • Cases
            • Knowledge base articles
            • Contracts
            • Service calendar
      • Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 training and certifications
        • Training courses and examination
          • For users
          • For implementers and administrators
            • Applications
            • Installation
            • Customization and configuration
          • For developers
            • Extending
        • Certifications
          • Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS)
          • Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP)
          • Benefits of certification
        • Exam MB2-868
          • How to study for the exam
          • Hands-on experience
          • How to register for your exam
          • Exam languages
          • Exam fees
          • Retaking the exam
          • What to expect at the test center
          • How to make the best use of your time
          • How to answer the questions
      • Summary
    • 2. Activities and Notes
      • Activities
        • Business scenarios
        • Custom activities
        • Activity attributes
          • Common attributes
          • E-mail specific attributes
          • Phone call specific attributes
          • Letter specific attributes
          • Fax specific attributes
          • Appointment specific attributes
        • Creating activities
        • Completing activities
        • Viewing activities
          • Viewing activities on a record
          • Activity roll-up
          • Activity views
        • E-mail templates
          • Creating e-mail templates
          • Direct e-mails using e-mail templates
      • Notes
        • Creating notes
      • Test your knowledge
      • Summary
    • 3. Managing Marketing Automation Applications Marketing Lists and Campaigns
      • Introduction to marketing list core records
      • Creating and managing marketing lists
        • Creating static marketing lists
          • Business scenarios
          • Managing members dialog box
        • Updating static marketing lists
        • Creating dynamic marketing lists
          • Business scenarios
        • Copying a dynamic marketing list to a static marketing list
        • Copying marketing lists
        • Deleting and deactivating marketing lists
        • Dynamic versus static marketing lists
      • Creating and working with campaigns
        • Business scenarios
        • Planning activities
          • Creating planning activities
        • Campaign activities
          • Creating campaign activities
          • Campaign responses
          • Targeted products
            • Adding targeted products
          • Sales literature
            • Adding sales literature
          • Target marketing lists
            • Adding marketing lists
          • Related campaigns
            • Adding related campaigns
          • Creating marketing campaigns
            • Campaign financial metrics
            • Creating and working with quick campaigns
            • Creating quick campaigns
            • Scope of a quick campaign
          • Managing campaigns
            • Distributing campaign activities
            • Campaign responses
              • Creating a campaign response manually
              • Converting an activity to a campaign response
              • Converting a campaign response
              • Closing a campaign response
              • Campaign templates
                • Creating campaign templates
                • Creating campaign templates from an existing campaign
          • Campaigns versus quick campaigns
          • Reporting and analysis
            • Views
            • Charts
            • Advanced find
              • Creating an advanced find
            • Export to Excel
            • Dashboards
              • Marketing dashboards
              • Creating a personal dashboard
            • System reports
              • Campaign activity status
              • Campaign comparison
              • Campaign performance
              • Lead source effectiveness
              • Running marketing reports
              • Report wizard
              • Creating reports
            • Snapshot reports
          • Test your knowledge
          • Summary
    • 4. Managing Sales Applications
      • Creating and managing leads
        • Business scenarios
        • Creating leads
        • Creating a lead from an e-mail
          • Lead status
        • Managing leads
          • Business scenarios
          • Qualifying or disqualifying a lead
          • Assigning leads
          • Sharing leads
          • Activating a lead
      • Creating and managing accounts and contacts
        • Accounts
          • Business scenarios
          • Methods to create accounts
          • Creating accounts
        • Contacts
          • Business scenarios
          • Creating contacts
        • Managing accounts and contacts
          • Merging accounts and contacts
        • Creating and managing opportunities
        • Business scenarios
        • Creating opportunities
          • Converting an activity to an opportunity
          • Converting a lead to an opportunity
          • Creating an opportunity manually
            • Opportunity status
        • Opportunity products
          • Creating opportunity products
        • Managing opportunities
          • Closing opportunities
          • Reopening opportunities
          • Recalculating an opportunity
          • Multi-currency and opportunities
          • Viewing opportunities
      • Creating competitors
      • Creating and managing goals
        • Business scenarios
        • Goal metric
          • Creating a goal metric
          • Rollup fields
            • Creating rollup fields
        • Rollup query
          • Creating rollup queries
        • Creating goals
      • Reporting and analysis
        • Reporting
        • Dashboards
          • Sales Activity Dashboard
          • Sales Performance Dashboard
      • Test your knowledge
      • Summary
    • 5. Managing the Product Catalog and Order Processing
      • An introduction to the product catalog
        • Business scenarios
      • Unit groups
      • Creating and managing products
        • Creating products
        • Managing products
          • Reclassifying products
          • Setting the default price list
          • Converting a product to a kit
          • Adding substitute products
      • Creating and managing price lists
        • Business scenarios
        • Creating price lists
        • Creating price list items
          • Adding a price list item from a product
        • Deactivating price lists
      • Discount lists
        • Creating discount lists
        • Business scenarios
      • Creating and managing quotes
        • Creating a quote from an opportunity
        • Creating a quote manually
        • Managing quotes
          • Adding products by using Get Products
          • Adding products directly to a quote
            • Recalculating a quote
            • Quote statuses
            • Closing a quote
          • Business scenarios
        • Creating and managing orders
          • Creating an order from a quote
          • Creating an order manually
          • Order products
          • Managing orders
            • Recalculating orders
            • Use current pricing
            • Fulfilling an order
        • Creating and managing invoices
          • Creating an invoice from an order
          • Closing invoices
        • Reporting and analysis
        • Test your knowledge
        • Summary
    • 6. Managing CRM 2011 Outlook Client
      • An Overview of the Outlook client
        • CRM Outlook client versus web client
        • Offline access
        • Outlook synchronization
          • Changes from Outlook synchronized to CRM
          • Changes from CRM synchronized to Outlook
          • Changes made in both CRM and Outlook
          • Deletion rules
      • Tracking and managing e-mails
        • Automatically tracking e-mail messages
        • Tracking outgoing e-mail messages
        • Tracking incoming e-mail messages
        • Stop tracking e-mail messages
      • Tracking appointments and tasks
      • Custom views
        • Creating custom views
        • Modifying custom views
      • Conditional formatting
      • Test your knowledge
      • Summary
    • 7. Managing Service Management Applications
      • Introduction
        • Business scenarios
      • Managing service cases
        • Creating cases
        • Business scenarios
        • Assigning cases
        • Connecting cases
        • Creating a subject tree
        • Adding case notes
        • Creating a recurring appointment
        • Resolving a case
        • Case views
        • Searching for cases
        • System charts for cases
        • Managing the knowledge base
        • Knowledge base article templates
        • Managing knowledge base articles
        • Searching for knowledge base articles
        • Associating knowledge base articles with cases
      • Managing queues and teams
        • Business scenarios
        • Managing queues
          • Creating queues
          • Deleting and deactivating queues
          • Adding activities and cases to queues
          • Routing
          • Managing queue items
      • Managing teams
        • Creating a team
        • Adding team members
        • Adding security roles
      • Managing contracts
        • Business scenarios
        • Creating a contract template
        • Creating a contract
        • Creating contract lines
        • Contract actions
      • Analysis and reporting
        • Account overview
        • Case summary
        • Neglected cases
        • Service activity volume
        • Top knowledge base articles
        • Customer service operations dashboard
        • Customer service performance dashboard
        • Customer service representative dashboard
      • Test your knowledge
      • Summary
    • 8. Managing Service Scheduling Applications
      • Introduction to service scheduling
        • Business scenarios
        • Service scheduling scenarios
          • Individual scenario
          • Different skills and shifts
          • Different skills, equipment, and sites
          • Different skills, shifts, equipment, and sites
        • Selection rules
        • Service activities
      • Setting up service scheduling
        • Setting up work hours
        • Setting up business closures
        • Setting up time off
        • Setting up capacity scheduling
          • Defining resource capacity
          • Defining service capacity
        • Creating facilities and equipment
        • Creating a site
        • Creating a service
        • Creating resource groups
        • Configuring customer service preferences
      • Scheduling service activities
        • Creating service activities
          • Using the scheduling engine
        • Managing service activities
          • Service calendar
            • Displaying scheduling conflicts
            • Rescheduling activities
            • Changing activity status
      • Reporting on service activities
        • Service activity volume report
      • Test your knowledge
      • Summary
    • A. Sample Certification Exam Questions
      • Sample exam questions
      • Bonus question
    • B. Answers to Sample Certification Exam Questions
      • Bonus question
    • C. Answers to Self-test Questions
      • Chapter 2, Activities and Notes
      • Chapter 3, Managing Marketing Automation Applications Marketing Lists and Campaigns
      • Chapter 4, Managing Sales Applications
      • Chapter 5, Managing the Product Catalog and Order Processing
      • Chapter 6, Managing CRM 2011 Outlook Client
      • Chapter 7, Managing Service Management Applications
      • Chapter 8, Managing Service Scheduling Applications
    • Index
  • Tytuł: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Applications (MB2-868) Certification Guide. A practical guide on how to use and manage Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 that focuses on helping you to pass the Microsoft certification exam
  • Autor: Danny Varghese
  • Tytuł oryginału: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Applications (MB2-868) Certification Guide. A practical guide on how to use and manage Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 that focuses on helping you to pass the Microsoft certification exam
  • ISBN: 9781849686518, 9781849686518
  • Data wydania: 2013-04-19
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cys
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing