E-book details

Mobile Security: How to Secure, Privatize, and Recover Your Devices. Mobile phones and tablets enhance our lives, but they also make you and your family vulnerable to cyber-attacks or theft. This clever guide will help you secure your devices and know what to do if the worst happens

Mobile Security: How to Secure, Privatize, and Recover Your Devices. Mobile phones and tablets enhance our lives, but they also make you and your family vulnerable to cyber-attacks or theft. This clever guide will help you secure your devices and know what to do if the worst happens

Darla Nykamp, Joseph Anderson, Jayasree Nampalli, Mari Heiser, Timothy Speed

The threat of hacking may be the most damaging on the internet. Mobile technology is changing the way we live, work, and play, but it can leave your personal information dangerously exposed. Your online safety is at risk and the threat of information being stolen from your device is at an all- time high. Your identity is yours, yet it can be compromised if you don't manage your phone or mobile device correctly.

Gain the power to manage all your mobile devices safely. With the help of this guide you can ensure that your data and that of your family is safe. The threat to your mobile security is growing on a daily basis and this guide may just be the help you need.

Mobile Security: How to Secure, Privatize, and Recover Your Devices will teach you how to recognize, protect against, and recover from hacking attempts and outline the clear and present threats to your online identity posed by the use of a mobile device.

In this guide you will discover just how vulnerable unsecured devices can be, and explore effective methods of mobile device management and identity protection to ensure your data's security. There will be special sections detailing extra precautions to ensure the safety of family members and how to secure your device for use at work.
  • Mobile Security: How to Secure, Privatize, and Recover Your Devices
    • Table of Contents
    • Mobile Security: How to Secure, Privatize, and Recover Your Devices
    • Credits
    • Foreword
    • About the Authors
    • About the Reviewers
    • www.PacktPub.com
      • Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
        • Why Subscribe?
        • Free Access for Packt account holders
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Living in a Mobile World
      • The dangers of mobile computers
        • A widespread lack of awareness
          • Malware and viruses
          • Understanding legitimate programs
      • Precursors to the smartphone revolution Internet, social-networking, and spam
        • Social networking
          • The two-way street of social networking
        • 2012 is the new 1984 how companies track us
          • Facebook and customer tracking
      • The new mobile world
        • Making a smartphone smart
        • The iPhone why every phone secretly wants to be a smartphone
        • The difference between Android and iOS
      • Mobile purchasing and identification methods who needs credit cards?
        • CueCats and QR codes
        • Mobile finance buying and selling in the mobile marketplace
      • The cloud
        • The risks of cloud computing
      • Summary
    • 2. Users and Mobile Device Management
      • Protecting the corporations
        • Corporate security policies
        • Corporate security procedures
        • Frontend network protection
      • Mobile and business
      • Buying your device
      • Mobile Device Management
        • Does your company trust your device?
        • Details of MDM
          • MDM end user benefits and impacts
          • Jailbreak and rooting
            • Digital Rights Management
        • MDM solutions and products
      • Acceptable use policy (AUP)
        • Power users
        • Power user tools
          • iPhone configuration tools
          • Android configuration tools
            • Configuration
            • Simple tether configuration tool
            • Simple router configuration
            • Lookout
            • Quick settings
          • The hidden world (some advanced information)
      • Summary
    • 3. Privacy Small Word, Big Consequences
      • Troy and You
      • Data good enough to steal
        • Cookies, cookies everywhere
        • They are watching youand they know your name
        • Whats in it for the information thieves?
      • Good idea, mixed results
        • Reach out and touch
        • Touch, but don't break
      • And that's only the first part
        • Hidden "features"
        • The fallout
      • Who has your data? Round 1
        • The truth is out there
        • And now the rest of the story
      • Who has your data? Round 2
      • Who has your data? Round 3
      • Who has your data? The final stretch
      • Your data in their hands
      • Will your money be "too" mobile?
      • Bring your mobile device to work day
      • Steps you can take to protect yourself
      • Summary
    • 4. Mobile and Social the Threats You Should Know About
      • A prediction of the future (and the lottery numbers for next week) scams
        • Malware
          • Toll fraud
          • SMS spoofing
      • Social engineering
        • Phishing
          • Types of phishing
        • Spear phishing
          • How spear phishing works
          • Other examples
            • Receiving e-mails from a "friend"
            • Using your web presence against you
            • Keeping your secrets secret
            • Passwords that work
            • Patches, updates, and security software
            • Be vigilant
            • Cloud computing security
          • How it works
          • The mobile user's security
            • Cloud security
      • Virus/worms/others
      • Future threats
      • Steps you can take to protect yourself
      • Summing it up
      • Summary
    • 5. Protecting Your Mobile Devices
      • Identifying your phone the numbers that set your device apart
      • Preventative measures how to reduce the likelihood that your device will be hacked
        • iPhone
        • Android
        • For any device
        • Think twice before jailbreaking or rooting
        • Safety in numbers passwords and user IDs
          • Using strong passwords
          • Longer and varied passwords
          • Changing passwords
        • Data encryption
          • Encryption on iOS
          • Encryption on Android
        • Downloaded applications
          • Antivirus software on smartphones
          • Verifying that an application is legitimate
      • In the event that your device has been compromised
        • Has your device been hacked?
          • Social engineering
        • Trojans and malware on your smartphone
          • SMS messaging attacks
          • Attacks through attachment and application downloads
        • Compromised accounts
        • Stolen or lost devices
          • Wiping an iOS device
          • Wiping an Android device
      • Summing up
      • Summary
    • 6. Support and Warranty Insurance
      • Toby's story
      • The smartphone a personal device, a company device, or both?
      • The wide world of customer service and technical support
        • Customer support in the mobile space phone, chat, and text
        • Customer support by phone
        • Chat and texting solutions
          • SMS text
        • The Service Level Agreement (SLA)
      • OS operators, manufacturers, and service providers
        • Hardware
          • Other device issues
        • Operating system or user interface
        • Application issues
      • How to get the most out of your technical support experience if you have a malfunction
        • Before you make the call information, password problems, and your malfunction
        • How to make the most of your time while on the line
          • Answer every question
          • Do not skip steps when describing your problem
          • Test your device
        • What to do if your malfunction has not been resolved
      • Warranties in the mobile space
        • Basic terms
        • Navigating the web of warranties
        • Summing it up
      • Warranties
        • Definitions
        • Types of extended warranties
        • Extended warranty coverage
        • Extended warranty considerations
        • To purchase an extended warranty or not?
      • In a nutshell
      • Summary
    • 7. Baby Boomers, Teens, and Tweens
      • The boom in baby boomers
      • Colliding generations
      • Speaking of the younger generation
        • Texting, sexting, and the Internet
        • Strangers and dangers
        • And unlimited damage
      • Summary
    • 8. Getting Your Life Back After You've Been Hacked
      • Device profiles
        • The Apple profile
        • Apple backup
        • The Android profile
        • Android backup
      • Have you been hacked?
        • Knowing the difference device hacks, profile hacks, or both
      • In the event of a hack
        • The device type (BYOD or the corporate device)
        • BYOD
        • Who to contact
          • To wipe or not to wipe partial or complete
        • What to do and when to do it a list in the event that you've been hacked
      • Summing it up
      • Summary
    • A. IBM Notes Traveler
      • The architectural design of the IBM Notes Traveler service
        • Determining the correct deployment approach
        • Review of the IBM Notes Traveler Server
      • Overview of different clients
        • Access to the IBM Notes Traveler Servers
        • Communication to the devices
        • Location of the IBM Notes Traveler Servers
        • Location of the mail servers
        • Connection methodologies to the Traveler servers
        • Direct connection
        • Reverse proxy
        • IBM Mobile Connect
        • VPN connection
        • Establishing appropriate security settings
      • Important review information
        • Licensing information for IBM Notes Traveler
    • B. Mobile Device Management
      • Types of devices in the environment
        • Consumer-focused devices
        • Mobile information
        • Messaging, calendar, and personal information management
        • Collaboration and corporate applications
        • Generally available applications
      • Mobile security policies in the environment
        • Corporate data and information
        • Network/communications
        • Devices
        • Legal requirements and government regulations
        • Determining the types of devices that will be supported
        • Determine if a pure MDM solution is required in the environment
        • Elements of device management
          • Specific management of the device
          • Leveraging MDM for application management
          • Management of data on the device
        • Access control
        • Potential solutions
      • Summary
    • C. Tips to Help You Protect Your Mobile Device
    • D. Mobile Acceptable Use Policy Template
      • Mobile device acceptable use policy
        • Overview
        • Policy applicability
          • Rules
            • Disciplinary action
        • Company owned devices
          • Overview
          • Rules for corporate devices
            • Rules
            • Disciplinary action
      • Glossary
        • Procedure to enable a device for corporate access
    • E. The History of Social Networking, the Internet, and Smartphones
      • The Internet
        • Social networking
        • Mobiles
        • The difference between Android and iOS
        • Let's not forget Windows
        • Text messaging, chatting, and video chatting
    • Index
  • Title: Mobile Security: How to Secure, Privatize, and Recover Your Devices. Mobile phones and tablets enhance our lives, but they also make you and your family vulnerable to cyber-attacks or theft. This clever guide will help you secure your devices and know what to do if the worst happens
  • Author: Darla Nykamp, Joseph Anderson, Jayasree Nampalli, Mari Heiser, Timothy Speed
  • Original title: Mobile Security: How to Secure, Privatize, and Recover Your Devices. Mobile phones and tablets enhance our lives, but they also make you and your family vulnerable to cyber-attacks or theft. This clever guide will help you secure your devices and know what to do if the worst happens.
  • ISBN: 9781849693615, 9781849693615
  • Date of issue: 2013-09-10
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3d0s
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing