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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Biznes i ekonomia
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Encyklopedie, słowniki
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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
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Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
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Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
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- Ebooki
- Bazy danych
- Oracle
- Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 11g R1: Business Service Management. A Hands-on guide to modeling and managing business services using Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g R1 using this Oracle book and
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Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 11g R1: Business Service Management. A Hands-on guide to modeling and managing business services using Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g R1 using this Oracle book and
Ashwin Kumar Karkala, Govinda Raj Sambamurthy, Govinda R Sambhamurthy
- Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 11gR1: Business Service Management
- Table of Contents
- Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 11gR1: Business Service Management
- Credits
- About the Authors
- About the Reviewers
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- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Business Service Management: An Overview
- Complexity in data centers
- Modeling
- DBA perspective: An example
- Composite view: An example
- Business view: An example
- Target modeling
- Systems and groups modeling
- Services modeling
- System-based service model
- Synthetic transaction-based service model
- Information Technology Infrastructure Library guidelines
- Summary
- 2. Modeling IT Infrastructure Using Oracle Enterprise Manager 11gR1
- Oracle Enterprise Manager concepts
- Flavors of Oracle Enterprise Manager
- OEM Database Control
- OEM application server and Fusion Middleware Control
- OEM Grid Control (GC)
- OEM Grid Control 11gR1 architecture
- Oracle management agent
- Local monitoring
- Remote monitoring
- Oracle Management Service (OMS) and console
- Oracle management agent
- Target modeling
- Target discovery
- Agent-monitored and repository targets
- Availability management
- Performance management
- Alerts
- Target home page
- Passive and active monitoring
- Composite targets
- Group targets
- System targets
- Service targets
- Service-level management
- Product and management focus areas in OEM 11gR1
- Summary
- 3. Modeling Groups and Systems
- Groups modeling with OEM Grid Control
- Types of groups in OEM Grid Control
- Integrator defined group types
- Group types and availability management
- Creating groups in OEM Grid Control
- Normal group
- General tab
- Charts tab
- Columns tab
- Dashboard tab
- Privilege propagating group
- Converting normal groups to privilege propagating groups and vice versa
- Redundancy group
- Target type selection
- General tab
- Normal group
- Monitoring and managing group targets
- Group home page
- General region
- Alerts region
- Blackout region
- Policy Violations region
- Security Policy Violations region
- Recommended Security Patches region
- Related Links region
- Redundancy group home page
- Group monitoring
- Configuration change monitoring
- Monitoring selected metrics of members
- Charts and historical metric trends
- Group management
- Access management
- Administration of members
- Editing a group
- Group home page
- Types of groups in OEM Grid Control
- Systems modeling with OEM Grid Control
- Types of system targets in OEM Grid Control
- System targets and availability management
- Creating system targets in OEM Grid Control
- Creating a system target flow
- Components tab
- Topology tab
- Charts tab
- Columns tab
- Dashboard tab
- Creating a system target flow
- Monitoring and managing system targets
- System home page
- Services region
- System charts
- System administration
- System components
- System topology
- Configure system
- System home page
- Types of system targets in OEM Grid Control
- Summary
- Groups modeling with OEM Grid Control
- 4. Modeling Services
- Service modeling with OEM Grid Control
- Introduction to services
- Business services as targets in OEM Grid Control
- Passive and active monitoring
- Passive monitoring
- Active monitoring
- Passive and active monitoring
- Business service availability management
- Introduction to service availability
- Availability based on system
- Key components
- Availability based on service test
- Key beacons
- Key tests
- Service targets supported in OEM Grid Control
- Web application
- Forms application
- Generic service
- Aggregate service
- Out of box custom services
- Creating services based on a system target
- Creating generic services based on a system
- Create generic service: General step
- Create generic service: Availability step
- Create generic service: Performance metrics step
- Create generic service: Usage metrics step
- Create generic service: Review step
- Creating generic services based on a system
- Creating services Using command-line scripts
- Monitoring services
- All services page
- Status column
- Performance alerts
- Usage alerts
- System details
- Key tests
- Monitoring beacons
- Generic service home page
- General section
- Key component summary region
- All service alerts region
- Performance and usage region
- Key test summary region
- Service charts tab
- System tab
- Topology tab
- Service blackouts
- Creating a service blackout
- Properties step
- Schedule step
- Review step
- Creating a service blackout
- Availability status history
- All services page
- Editing services
- System configuration
- Availability definition
- Root cause analysis
- Configuration
- Service failure: Diagnostics using root cause analysis
- Automatic root cause analysis
- Manual root cause analysis
- Summary
- Service modeling with OEM Grid Control
- 5. Service Modeling Using Synthetic Transactions
- Active monitoring with OEM Grid Control
- Introduction to active monitoring
- Beacons
- Service tests
- Licensing information
- Creating services based on service tests
- Creating Generic Service based on host ping test
- Creating Generic Service: General step
- Creating Generic Service: Availability step
- Creating Generic Service: Service test step
- Creating Generic Service: Beacons step
- Creating Generic Service: Performance metrics step
- Creating Generic Service: Usage metrics step
- Creating Generic Service: Review step
- Creating Generic Service based on host ping test
- Creating services based on command-line scripts
- emcli create_service verb
- Prominent service test types
- Host ping service test type
- FTP service test type
- HTTP ping service test type
- LDAP service test type
- Web service (SOAP/REST) service test type
- Other test types
- Custom script test type
- Advanced service test type: Web transaction
- Web transaction recording
- Steps and step groups
- Web transaction playback options
- Debugging issues related to web transactions
- Monitoring services based on service tests
- All Service page
- Generic Service home page
- Key test summary section
- Test Performance tab
- Monitoring all service tests and all beacons
- Monitoring a single service test: Test home page
- Configuring metric thresholds and collection frequency for service test metrics
- Past changes and pending changes
- Monitoring beacon Targets
- Beacon home page
- Beacon monitored targets
- Watch Lists
- Host ping using network watch list
- HTTP ping using URL watch list
- Ad hoc execution using the Test option
- Summary
- Active monitoring with OEM Grid Control
- 6. Modeling Service Metrics
- Metric collection using OEM Grid Control
- Metrics
- Collection interval
- Metric thresholds and alerts
- Service target metrics
- Availability
- Performance metrics
- Usage metrics
- Business metrics
- Metric promotion for service targets
- Metric promotion based on system components
- Metric promotion based on service tests
- Service metric creation using OEM Grid Control console
- Performance metrics
- Usage metrics
- Service metric creation using command line
- emcli set_metric_promotion verb
- Editing service target metrics
- Configuring metric collections and advanced settings
- Monitoring service metrics
- Monitoring metrics in the service home page
- Monitoring metrics in the charts page
- Monitoring service metric alerts
- Service metric alerts in service target home page
- Service metric alert details
- Diagnosing metric promotion issues
- Manual diagnostics
- Diagnostics using promoted metrics diagnostics doctor
- Summary
- Metric collection using OEM Grid Control
- 7. Service-Level Management
- Service-level agreements
- Service-level management
- Service-level management in OEM Grid Control
- Service-level rule
- Metrics used for service-level computation
- Actual Service-level (%) computation
- Defining service-levels in OEM Grid Control
- Expected service-level
- Actual service-level
- Business hours
- Availability criteria
- Performance criteria
- Monitoring service-levels using OEM Grid Control
- Monitoring service-levels in service home page
- Service-level Details page
- Summary
- 8. Modeling Composite Business Services
- Introduction to composite business services
- Aggregate service targets in OEM Grid Control
- Modeling availability
- Modeling key performance indicators
- Modeling service levels
- Creating aggregate service targets
- Using OEM Grid Control console
- Add aggregate service: Subservices tab
- Add aggregate service: Performance tab
- Add aggregate service: Usage tab
- Using command-line scripts
- emcli create_aggregate_service verb
- Using OEM Grid Control console
- Editing aggregate service targets
- Monitoring aggregate service targets
- Aggregate service home page
- General section
- Subservices region
- Performance and usage region
- Alerts region
- Aggregate service charts tab
- Topology tab
- Aggregate service home page
- Diagnostics using Root Cause Analysis
- Root Cause Analysis details
- Root Cause Analysis configuration
- Summary
- 9. Real-Time Business Service Monitoring
- Real-time monitoring in OEM Grid Control
- Reports in OEM Grid Control
- Reports customization
- Report Definition: General tab
- Report Definition: Elements tab
- Report Definition: Schedule tab
- Report Definition: Access tab
- Dashboards in OEM Grid Control
- Desktop widgets
- Group and system monitoring dashboards
- System dashboard drill downs
- System monitoring dashboard customizations
- Services monitoring dashboards
- Services monitoring dashboard drill downs
- Service Status dashboard
- Service Detail dashboard
- Service Level Details dashboard
- Services monitoring dashboard drill downs
- Custom services monitoring dashboards
- General options
- Services options
- Columns and time ranges options
- Service Level and Monitoring widget
- Prerequisites and installation of SLM desktop widget
- Client-side prerequisites
- OMS-side prerequisites
- SLM widget setup
- Configuring the SLM widget
- Summary view
- Detailed view
- Sorting in the detailed view
- Prerequisites and installation of SLM desktop widget
- Summary
- Real-time monitoring in OEM Grid Control
- 10. Business Service Management at your Data Center
- Modeling IT infrastructure
- Best practices for using group targets
- Best practices for using system targets
- Modeling business services
- Best practices in the service target type selection
- Best practices for system-based services
- Best practices for test-based services
- Best practices for modeling locations using beacons
- Best practices for hybrid models
- Best practices for modeling composite services
- Modeling service hierarchy
- Best practices for modeling service hierarchy
- Monitoring business services
- Management by Exception
- Configuring metrics and thresholds
- Configuring blackouts
- Configuring service levels
- Configuring monitoring templates
- Configuring Root Cause Analysis
- Configuring services monitoring dashboards
- Management by Exception
- Lifecycle management
- Provisioning
- Configuration management
- Patching and upgrades
- Final words
- Modeling IT infrastructure
- Index
- Tytuł: Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 11g R1: Business Service Management. A Hands-on guide to modeling and managing business services using Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g R1 using this Oracle book and
- Autor: Ashwin Kumar Karkala, Govinda Raj Sambamurthy, Govinda R Sambhamurthy
- Tytuł oryginału: Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 11g R1: Business Service Management. A Hands-on guide to modeling and managing business services using Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g R1 using this Oracle book and eBook
- ISBN: 9781849682176, 9781849682176
- Data wydania: 2011-05-18
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3d1v
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing