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Architecting Cloud-Native Serverless Solutions. Design, build, and operate serverless solutions on cloud and open source platforms

Architecting Cloud-Native Serverless Solutions. Design, build, and operate serverless solutions on cloud and open source platforms

Safeer CM

Eлектронна книга
Serverless computing has emerged as a mainstream paradigm in both cloud and on-premises computing, with AWS Lambda playing a pivotal role in shaping the Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) landscape. However, with the explosion of serverless technologies and vendors, it has become increasingly challenging to comprehend the foundational services and their offerings.
Architecting Cloud Native Serverless Solutions lays a strong foundation for understanding the serverless landscape and technologies in a vendor-agnostic manner. You'll learn how to select the appropriate cloud vendors and technologies based on your specific needs. In addition, you'll dive deep into the serverless services across AWS, GCP, Azure, and Cloudflare followed by open source serverless tools such as Knative, OpenFaaS, and OpenWhisk, along with examples. You'll explore serverless solutions on Kubernetes that can be deployed on both cloud-hosted clusters and on-premises environments, with real-world use cases. Furthermore, you'll explore development frameworks, DevOps approaches, best practices, security considerations, and design principles associated with serverless computing.
By the end of this serverless book, you'll be well equipped to solve your business problems by using the appropriate serverless vendors and technologies to build efficient and cost-effective serverless systems independently.
  • 1. Serverless computing and Function as a service
  • 2. Backend as a Service and Powerful Serverless Platforms
  • 3. Serverless solutions in AWS
  • 4. Serverless Solutions in Azure
  • 5. Serverless solutions in GCP
  • 6. Serverless Cloudflare
  • 7. Kubernetes, Knative, and OpenFaaS
  • 8. Self-hosted FaaS with Apache Openwhisk
  • 9. Implementing DevOps Practices for Serverless
  • 10. Serverless security, Observability, and Best Practices
  • 11. Architectural and Design Patterns for Serverless
  • Назва: Architecting Cloud-Native Serverless Solutions. Design, build, and operate serverless solutions on cloud and open source platforms
  • Автор: Safeer CM
  • Оригінальна назва: Architecting Cloud-Native Serverless Solutions. Design, build, and operate serverless solutions on cloud and open source platforms
  • ISBN: 9781803235998, 9781803235998
  • Дата видання: 2023-06-23
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_3g6t
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing