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TLS Cryptography In-Depth. Explore the intricacies of modern cryptography and the inner workings of TLS

TLS Cryptography In-Depth. Explore the intricacies of modern cryptography and the inner workings of TLS

Eлектронна книга
TLS is the most widely used cryptographic protocol today, enabling e-commerce, online banking, and secure online communication. Written by Dr. Paul Duplys, Security, Privacy & Safety Research Lead at Bosch, and Dr. Roland Schmitz, Internet Security Professor at Stuttgart Media University, this book will help you gain a deep understanding of how and why TLS works, how past attacks on TLS were possible, and how vulnerabilities that enabled them were addressed in the latest TLS version 1.3. By exploring the inner workings of TLS, you’ll be able to configure it and use it more securely.
Starting with the basic concepts, you’ll be led step by step through the world of modern cryptography, guided by the TLS protocol. As you advance, you’ll be learning about the necessary mathematical concepts from scratch. Topics such as public-key cryptography based on elliptic curves will be explained with a view on real-world applications in TLS. With easy-to-understand concepts, you’ll find out how secret keys are generated and exchanged in TLS, and how they are used to creating a secure channel between a client and a server.
By the end of this book, you’ll have the knowledge to configure TLS servers securely. Moreover, you’ll have gained a deep knowledge of the cryptographic primitives that make up TLS.
  • 1. The Role of Cryptography in the Connected World
  • 2. Secure Channel and the CIA Triad
  • 3. A Secret to Share
  • 4. Encryption and Decryption
  • 5. Entity Authentication
  • 6. Transport Layer Security at a Glance
  • 7. Public-Key Cryptography
  • 8. Elliptic Curves
  • 9. Digital Signatures
  • 10. Digital Certificates and Certification Authorities
  • 11. Hash Functions and Message Authentication Codes
  • 12. Secrets and Keys in TLS 1.3
  • 13. TLS Handshake Protocol Revisited
  • 14. Block Ciphers and Their Modes of Operation
  • 15. Authenticated Encryption
  • 16. The Galois Counter Mode
  • 17. TLS Record Protocol Revisited
  • 18. TLS Cipher Suites
  • 19. Attacks on Cryptography
  • 20. Attacks on the TLS Handshake Protocol
  • 21. Attacks on the TLS Record Protocol
  • 22. Attacks on TLS Implementations
  • Назва: TLS Cryptography In-Depth. Explore the intricacies of modern cryptography and the inner workings of TLS
  • Автор: Dr. Paul Duplys, Dr. Roland Schmitz
  • Оригінальна назва: TLS Cryptography In-Depth. Explore the intricacies of modern cryptography and the inner workings of TLS
  • ISBN: 9781804615966, 9781804615966
  • Дата видання: 2024-01-29
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_3ske
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing