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Spring Security. Effectively secure your web apps, RESTful services, cloud apps, and microservice architectures  - Fourth Edition

Spring Security. Effectively secure your web apps, RESTful services, cloud apps, and microservice architectures - Fourth Edition

Badr Nasslahsen

Knowing that experienced hackers are constantly on the prowl to attack your apps can make security one of the most challenging concerns of creating an app. The complexity of properly securing an app is compounded when you must also integrate this factor with legacy code, new technologies, and other frameworks. This book will help you easily secure your Java apps with Spring Security, a trusted and highly customizable authentication and access control framework.
The book starts by showing you how to implement different authentication mechanisms before demonstrating how to properly restrict access to your app. You’ll then cover tips for integrating Spring Security with popular web frameworks such as Thymeleaf. The book also features an example of how Spring Security defends against session fixation, moves into concurrency control, and how you can use session management for administrative functions. This fourth edition aligns with Java 17/21 and Spring Security 6, covering advanced security scenarios for RESTful web services and microservices. This ensures you gain a complete understanding of the issues surrounding stateless authentication and discover a concise approach to solving those issues.
By the end of this book, you’ll be able to integrate Spring Security 6 with GraalVM native images seamlessly, from start to finish.
  • 1. Anatomy of an Unsafe Application
  • 2. Getting Started with Spring Security
  • 3. Custom Authentication
  • 4. JDBC-based Authentication
  • 5. Authentication with Spring Data
  • 6. LDAP Directory Services
  • 7. Remember-me Services
  • 8. Client Certificate Authentication with TLS
  • 9. Opening up to OAuth 2
  • 10. SAML 2 Support
  • 11. Fine-Grained Access Control
  • 12. Access Control Lists
  • 13. Custom Authorization
  • 14. Session Management
  • 15. Additional Spring Security Features
  • 16. Migration to Spring Security 6
  • 17. Microservice Security with OAuth 2 and JSON Web Tokens
  • 18. Single Sign-On with the Central Authentication Service
  • 19. Build GraalVM Native Images
  • 20. Appendix – Additional Reference Material
  • Titel: Spring Security. Effectively secure your web apps, RESTful services, cloud apps, and microservice architectures - Fourth Edition
  • Autor: Badr Nasslahsen
  • Originaler Titel: Spring Security. Effectively secure your web apps, RESTful services, cloud apps, and microservice architectures - Fourth Edition
  • ISBN: 9781835460115, 9781835460115
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2024-06-28
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_3uzs
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing