E-book details

Outlaw Breed

Outlaw Breed

Max Brand


This great book by Max Brand tells the story of honest, hard working Phil Slader, the son of a notorious murdering outlaw, who had sworn not to follow the footsteps of his father, a feared and hated gunman. Phil was adopted by the man who put a bullet in his fathers heart. Watched and expected every day to explode into the lawless ways of his father, young Phil patiently waits to come of age to leave the servitude of his fathers killer and find the truth of his death. Could he keep that oath now that Doc Macgruder, his dads killer, was out gunning for him? How could he get his just revenge and still keep the respect of his fellow men? Find the answer in Max Brands action-filled story of adventure and heroism.

  • Title: Outlaw Breed
  • Author: Max Brand
  • ISBN: 9788382009118, 9788382009118
  • Date of issue: 2024-04-01
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3vc7
  • Publisher: Ventigo Media