Деталі електронної книги

Luck or Pluck. A Story of the Northern Forests

Luck or Pluck. A Story of the Northern Forests

T.C. Bridges

Eлектронна книга

The long table was filled with guys from Overtons school, everyone was busy with breakfast and talked from sixteen to a dozen. Only two days remained until the end of the summer semester, and everyone was wildly excited about the idea of returning home for a long eight-week vacation. Bruce, being the captain of the hostel, sat at the head of the table, and Clive next to him so that they could read their letters calmly.

  • Назва: Luck or Pluck. A Story of the Northern Forests
  • Автор: T.C. Bridges
  • ISBN: 9788382009699, 9788382009699
  • Дата видання: 2024-04-04
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_3vgr
  • Видавець: Ventigo Media