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New Trends in Business Management 2024 [DEBIUTY STUDENCKIE]

New Trends in Business Management 2024 [DEBIUTY STUDENCKIE]

Joanna Radomska, Anna Witek-Crabb red.

Eлектронна книга

Zeszyt zawiera dziewięć artykułów przygotowanych w języku angielskim, dotyczących aktualnych trendów w zarządzaniu. W prezentowanych opracowaniach szczegółowo opisano m.in. następujące zagadnienia: Motivation Systems Evolution and Their Impact on Employee Satisfaction in a Modern Workplace on the Example of IT Industry; Efficient Communication in Distributed Collaboration: A Study of Remote Work Environments; A Critical Analysis of Corporate Governance: The Case of BlackRock; Leadership Styles Identification - Case of the Company from an Industrial Installations Sector; Business Model Innovation Process on the Example of an IT Company

Introduction 7
Hanna Dzemesh: Motivation Systems Evolution and Their Impact on Employee Satisfaction in a Modern Workplace on the Example of IT Industry 9
Jan Bujas: Satisfaction of Employees in the Organisation from Frederick Laloux Model Perspective 24
Kacper Kurzejamski: Efficient Communication in Distributed Collaboration: A Study of Remote Work Environments 34
Krzysztof Słomiak: The Strategic Role of Medical Affairs Department in a Pharmaceutical Company 47 Magdalena Baran: The Perception of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Case Study 64
Marcin Czyżewski: A Critical Analysis of Corporate Governance: The Case of BlackRock 77
Natalia Pysiewicz: Celebrity Endorsement as an Element of Promotion on the Example of Selected Luxury Brands 91
Olivia Czech: Leadership Styles Identification – Case of the Company from an Industrial Installations Sector 103
Wojciech Fokczyński: Business Model Innovation Process on the Example of an IT Company 118


  • Назва: New Trends in Business Management 2024 [DEBIUTY STUDENCKIE]
  • Автор: Joanna Radomska, Anna Witek-Crabb red.
  • ISBN: 978-83-67899-29-1, 9788367899291
  • Дата видання: 2024-06-27
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_3ywl
  • Видавець: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu