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- Human at the Center of the Organization: Visions, Realities, Challenges
Szczegóły ebooka

"Human at the Center of the Organization: Visions, Realities, Challenges," a monograph edited by Marzena Stor, is a comprehensive exploration of the paradigm shift in organizational management that emphasizes placing humans at the core of all strategic and operational activities. The monograph delves into various critical aspects such as HRM responses to labor shortages, employee loyalty, and performance factors, and the evolution of management practices in Poland. It also addresses contemporary issues like AI-enhanced recruitment, the needs of Generation Z, and the importance of mental health and well-being in the workplace. The goal of this monograph is to provide a detailed analysis of how organizations can balance efficiency and innovation with the need to support and understand their employees. Through theoretical frameworks, empirical research findings, and practical insights, this work offers valuable strategies for enhancing employee engagement, retention, and overall organizational performance, making it an indispensable resource for HRM professionals, organizational leaders, and scholars interested in the future of human-centric management.
Preface 7
- HRM Responses to Labor Shortages and Organizational Employee Retention from a Human-centric Management Paradigm (Marzena Stor, Łukasz Haromszeki, József Poór) 10
1.1.Introduction 10
1.2. The Theoretical Framework for the Variables Under Study 12
1.3. The Methodics of the Conducted Empirical Research 14
1.4. The Empirical Research Findings 16
1.5. Summary and Final Conclusions 22
References 23
- Workplace-related Factors Influencing Employee Loyalty and Job Performance in Human-centric Organizations (Marzena Stor, Łukasz Haromszeki, József Poór). 26
2.1. Introduction 26
2.2. The Theoretical Framework for the Variables under Study 27
2.3. The Methodics of the Conducted Empirical Research 30
2.4. The Empirical Research Findings 33
2.5. Summary and Final Conclusions 38
References 39
- HRM Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Companies from the Perspective of Human-centric Management Paradigm (Aurelia Domaradzka) 42
3.1. Introduction 42
3.2. Mechanisms of HRM Knowledge Transfer in MNCs 44
3.3. The Challenges and Opportunities in Cross-cultural HRM Knowledge Sharing 46
3.4. The Impact of Human-centric Management on HRM Knowledge Transfer Strategies 48
3.5. Summary and Final Conclusions 50
References 51
- From Stalinist Paradigms to Modern Human-centered Management: Tracing the Evolution of People Management Practices in Poland (Piotr Górski) 54
4.1. Introduction 54
4.2. Evolution of People Management within the Human-centered Paradigm 55
4.3. The Political Background 56
4.4. Scientific Reflection on Work and People Management in Poland in the First Half of the 1950s 58
4.5. Soviet Patterns and Their Polish Implementation 61
4.6. Implications of Historical Management Practices 63
4.7. Summary and Final Conclusions 64
References 65
- Shifting toward a Human-centric Management Paradigm in Shaping Soldier
Work Engagement and Job Satisfaction in the Polish Armed Forces (Maria Jabłońska-Wołoszyn) 69
5.1. Introduction 69
5.2. The Theoretical Framework for the Variables under Study 72
5.3. The Methodics of the Conducted Empirical Research 76
5.4. The Empirical Research Findings 77
5.5. Summary and Final Conclusions 80
References 84
- Managing Knowledge Worker Turnover in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Times of Human-centric Management (Olga Janicka) 87
6.1. Introduction 87
6.2. The Theoretical Framework for the Study 88
6.3. The Methodics of the Conducted Empirical Research 94
6.4. The Empirical Research Findings 95
6.5. Summary and Final Conclusions 99
References 100
- Adapting HRM Practices for Generation Z with a Human-centric Management Approach to Mental Health and Employee Development (Julia Piecuch-Jodłowiec). 103
7.1. Introduction 103
7.2. The Theoretical Framework for the Study 104
7.3. The Methodics of the Conducted Empirical Research109
7.4. The Empirical Research Findings 109
7.5. Summary and Final Conclusions 112
References 113
- Embracing Generation Z’s Unique Needs in the IT Sector through Innovative HRM and Sustainable Leadership as Pillars of Human Focus Management (Ireneusz Rynduch) 116
8.1. Introduction 116
8.2. The Theoretical Framework for the Variables Under Study 117
8.3. The Methodics of the Conducted Empirical Research 122
8.4. The Empirical Research Findings 122
8.5. Summary and Final Conclusions 128
References 130
- Conceptual E-HRM Solutions for Enhancing Employee Focus in Human-centric Organizations (Grzegorz Łukasiewicz) 133
9.1. Introduction 133
9.2. The Concept of Electronic Human Resources Management 134
9.3. The Key Components of E-HRM 136
9.4. The Author’s Own Conceptual Proposal for the Matrix of E-HRM 139
9.5. Summary and Final Conclusions 141
References 143
- Advancing Human-centric Management through AI-enhanced Recruitment and Selection (Gabriela Strzelec) 145
10.1. Introduction 145
10.2. The Impact of AI on HRM Processes 147
10.3. Al in Recruitment and Selection of Applicants 148
10.4. Challenges and Opportunities in AI-enhanced Recruitment and Selection 150
10.5. Summary and Final Conclusions 152
References 154
- Exploring Diverse Personal Definitions of Career Success in the Polish Labor Market within a Human-centric Management Framework (Olga Czeranowska) 156
11.1. Introduction 156
11.2. The Theoretical Framework for the Study 157
11.3. The Methodics of the Conducted Empirical Research 159
11.4. The Empirical Research Findings 160
11.5. Summary and Final Conclusions 163
References 165
- Navigating Generational Dynamics in Women’s Career Development under a Human-centric Management Approach (Aleksandra Wilk) 168
12.1.Introduction 168
12.2. The Theoretical Framework for the Study 170
12.3. The Methodics of the Conducted Empirical Research 173
12.4. The Empirical Research Findings 175
12.5. Summary and Final Conclusions 177
References 180
The Comprehensive Overview of the Monograph’s Key Findings 183
List of figures 186
List of tables 187
- Tytuł: Human at the Center of the Organization: Visions, Realities, Challenges
- Autor: Marzena Stor red.
- ISBN: 978-83-67899-59-8, 9788367899598
- Data wydania: 2024-09-09
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_42ec
- Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu