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The Importance of Universities for Society and Economy. The Experience of Researchers from the Visegrád Group

The Importance of Universities for Society and Economy. The Experience of Researchers from the Visegrád Group

red. Bogusława Drelich-Skulska, Magdalena Sobocińska, Andrea Tomášková


The monograph entitled "The Importance of Universities for Society and Economy. The Experience of Researchers from the Visegrad Group" was made by 28 authors representing 12 universities from the Visegrad Group. The intention of the authors is to answer the question about the role of universities and the relevance of research they conduct for the construction of sustainable societies and modern economies in conditions of volatile the environments.

Addressing the problems discussed in this monograph from the perspective of the experience of researchers from Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary, corresponds with the important direction in the development of science, namely its internationalisation.

The monograph consists of three parts. The first concerns the functioning of universities and directions in the development of education, as well as the scientific research conducted in the context of the sustainability crisis, and the need to expand the scope of implementation of the sustainable development concept. The considerations included in the second part of the monograph regard academic teaching and areas of research emerging in the context of the ongoing technological progress, particularly visible in the growing use of artificial intelligence, and the need to develop digital competencies. The third part presents the results of research undertaken in view of finding research gaps resulting from changes in the geopolitical and social conditions produced by the COVID-19 pandemic

Foreword 9

Part 1. Universities and Scientific Research in View of Sustainable Development 15

  1. Bogusława Drelich-Skulska, Magdalena Sobocińska, Małgorzata Domiter: The Culture of Responsibility of a University as the Factor Stimulating Implementation of the Principles of Sustainable Development by Entrepreneurs and Consumers 17

1.1. Introduction 18

1.2. Evolution of the Functions Performed by Universities19

1.3. The Concept of Sustainable Development in the Context of Tasks Performed by Universities 22

1.4. Culture of Responsibility Within a University – the Example of WUEB....... 26

1.5. Conclusions 28

References 29

  1. Emília Huttmanová, Jana Chovancová, Radoslav Mikča: Going Green in the Education of Future Managers 32

2.1. Introduction 33

2.2. Material and Methods 36

2.3. Different Ways of Implementing Current Challenges and Trends Into the Educational Content of Future Managers 36

2.4. Questionnaire of Students’ Preferences in Relation to Sustainability Issues in Education 40

2.5. Conclusions 46

References 47

  1. Piotr Gryszel, Sabina Zaremba-Warnke: The Role of the Academic Coordination Centre in the Euroregion Nisa in the Implementation of Sustainable Development 49

3.1. Introduction 49

3.2. The Academic Coordination Centre in the Euroregion Nisa 50

3.3. Selected Activities of the ACC for Sustainable Development 52

3.4. Conclusions 56

References 57

  1. Agnieszka Piekara: A Step Towards Stopping the Food Waste Pandemic.The Case of Poland, Slovakia and Czechia 59

4.1. Introduction 59

4.2. The Level of Food Waste 61

4.3. Food Waste and SDG 64

4.4. Conclusions 66

References 66

  1. Eva Kostikov, Dawid Szramowski, Martina Švecová: A Case Study of Czechia and Poland Towards a Sustainable Future: The Crucial Role of Reuse Centres in Circular Economy Implementation 68

5.1. Introduction 68

5.2. Literature Review 69

5.3. Methodology 70

5.4. Research Results: The Case Study 71

5.4.1. Reuse Centres in Poland 71

5.4.2. Reuse Centres as New Opportunities 73

5.4.3. Overview of Reuse Centres and Points in Czechia 78

5.4.4. Overview of Organizations Operating within the International RREUSE Network 85

5.4.5. Challenges in Czechia 87

5.5. Conclusions 88

References 90

  1. Łukasz Jurek: Welfare Abuse as a Challenge for the Sustainable Development of the Welfare State 92

6.1. Introduction 92

6.2. Welfare Abuse: A Theoretical Approach 95

6.3. Studying Welfare Abuse: Opportunities and Limitations 98

6.4. Attitudes to Welfare Abuse in Light of International Surveys 99

6.5. Results of an Empirical Study on Attitudes Towards Welfare Abuse in Poland 104

6.6. Conclusions 106

References 107


Part 2. Shaping Digital Competencies and Conducting Research in the Era of Technological Progress 109

  1. Anna Mempel-Śnieżyk, Petr Hlaváček: The Digital Catalyst for Sustainable Development in Europe: E-Government Perspective 111

7.1. Introduction 111

7.2. Increasing the Role of Digitalisation in the Public Sector 112

7.3. Methods 114

7.4. Results 115

7.5. Discussion and Conclusions 120

Appendix. Descriptive Statistics for the Quantitative Variables in 2010 and 2022 122

References 124

  1. Petr Svoboda, Ladislava Knihová: Redefining Excellence: AI-Enhanced Digital Competencies in Tertiary Education 125

8.1. Introduction 125

8.2. The Evolution of Tertiary Education and Competencies 128

8.3. Instructional Design in the Age of AI 136

8.4. Newskilling University Teachers for an AI-augmented Era 138

8.5. Modernising the Curriculum: Integration of AI and New Competencies. 141

8.6. Conclusions 143

References 144

  1. Andrea Tomášková, Ladislava Knihová: From Family Business to Family Entrepreneurship: Embracing Innovation and AI in the Evolution of Family Ventures 147

9.1. Introduction 147

9.2. The Role of Family Businesses in Building a Thriving Society 148

9.3. Transitioning from Family Business to Family Entrepreneurship 149

9.4. From Heritage to Modernity: The Transformation of Family Businesses in a Time of Adaptability 151

9.5. The Role of Universities in Relation to Family Businesses 153

9.6. The Social and Economic Significance of Family Businesses 156

9.7. Conclusions 157

References 158


Part 3. Scientific Research as a Response to Changing Geopolitical and Social Conditions 161

  1. Eva Ardielli, Robert Kovács, Marta Maciejasz, David Slavata: Housing Affordability in the Visegrád Countries 163

10.1. Introduction 164

10.2. Housing and Its Affordability 164

10.3. Housing Market in V4 Countries 165

10.4. Methods and Data 171

10.5. Results 172

10.6. Conclusions179

References. 180

  1. Otakar Schlossberger, Andrea Tomášková: The Consolidation Package and Its Impact on the Business Sector and Universities as Key Educational Institutions 182

11.1. Introduction 182

11.2. Background 183

11.3. The Consolidation Package and Its Contents 186

11.4. Consolidation Package and a Company 187

11.5. The Importance of Universities for Society and the Economy 190

11.6. Conclusions 193

References 194

  1. Katarzyna Łukaniszyn-Domaszewska, Roman Śmietański: Enhancing Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Between Poland and Czechia Through Euroregions: Opportunities and Challenges 195

12.1. Introduction 195

12.2. Czech-Polish Cross-Border Cooperation 197

12.3. Euroregions – Barriers and Opportunities 198

12.4. The Interreg V-A Czech Republic-Poland Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 200

12.5. Examples of Projects Implemented in 2024 Under the Interreg Czech Republic-Poland Programme  202

12.6. Conclusions 203

References 204

  1. Daria E. Jaremen, Izabela Michalska-Dudek, Pavlína Pellešová: Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed the Way Travel Agencies Clients’ Make Decisions? 207

13.1. Introduction 207

13.2. Purchasing Strategies Used by Buyers of Package Holidays 208

13.3. Purchasing Strategies of Travel Agency Customers in the Period Before, During and After the Pandemic 209

13.4. Conclusions 213

References 215

Note about the Authors 217

List of Figures 226

List of Tables 228

  • Tytuł: The Importance of Universities for Society and Economy. The Experience of Researchers from the Visegrád Group
  • Autor: red. Bogusława Drelich-Skulska, Magdalena Sobocińska, Andrea Tomášková
  • ISBN: 978-83-67899-91-8, 9788367899918
  • Data wydania: 2025-02-13
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_496q
  • Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu