
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.

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Actionable Insights with Amazon QuickSight. Develop stunning data visualizations and machine learning-driven insights with Amazon QuickSight

Manos Samatas

Amazon Quicksight is an exciting new visualization that rivals PowerBI and Tableau, bringing several exciting features to the table – but sadly, there aren’t many resources out there that can help you learn the ropes. This book seeks to remedy that with the help of an AWS-certified expert who will help you leverage its full capabilities.After learning QuickSight’s fundamental concepts and how to configure data sources, you’ll be introduced to the main analysis-building functionality of QuickSight to develop visuals and dashboards, and explore how to develop and share interactive dashboards with parameters and on-screen controls. You’ll dive into advanced filtering options with URL actions before learning how to set up alerts and scheduled reports. Next, you’ll familiarize yourself with the types of insights before getting to grips with adding ML insights such as forecasting capabilities, analyzing time series data, adding narratives, and outlier detection to your dashboards. You’ll also explore patterns to automate operations and look closer into the API actions that allow us to control settings. Finally, you’ll learn advanced topics such as embedded dashboards and multitenancy.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed with QuickSight’s BI and analytics functionalities that will help you create BI apps with ML capabilities.

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Adaptywny kod. Zwinne programowanie, wzorce projektowe i SOLID-ne zasady. Wydanie II

Gary McLean Hall

Tworzenie oprogramowania nie może być procesem powolnym. Dziś zespoły projektowe muszą cechować się elastycznością i dynamiką działania, aby odnieść sukces. Wymagania stawiane kodowi mogą wielokrotnie się zmieniać podczas projektu. Oznacza to, że wprowadzanie zmian do kodu powinno być proste i możliwie mało pracochłonne. Deweloperzy, którzy wdrożą zasady programowania zwinnego i będą przestrzegać związanych z nimi dobrych praktyk, będą w stanie sprostać tym wymaganiom. Niniejsza książka jest przeznaczona dla średnio zaawansowanych programistów, którzy dobrze opanowali tworzenie kodu zorientowanego obiektowo i chcą przyswoić sobie najlepsze praktyki programistyczne. Książka stanowi pomost między teorią a praktyką, ułatwiający wdrożenie w codziennej pracy wzorców projektowych, zasad SOLID, testów jednostkowych czy refaktoringu. Wyjaśniono tu stosowanie zawiłych reguł, takich jak „otwarte – zamknięte”, zasad podstawienia Liskova, metod wstrzykiwania zależności czy zwiększania adaptywności kodu za pomocą interfejsów. Przedstawiono również pewne antywzorce projektowe wraz ze wskazówkami, w jaki sposób można ich uniknąć i zapewnić potrzebną funkcjonalność bez utraty elastyczności kodu. Najważniejsze zagadnienia: metodologie Scrum i kanban, zależności i warstwy architektury kodu, testy i refaktoring, odwracanie zależności, wiązanie i spójność kodu. Gary McLean Hall jest programistą i architektem oprogramowania. Jest cenionym konsultantem, który specjalizuje się w dobrych wzorcach i praktykach programistycznych. Pracował w wielu zespołach ukierunkowanych na tworzenie adaptywnego kodu w takich firmach, jak Eidos, Xerox, Nephila Capital czy The LateRooms Group. W swojej pracy zawsze szukał złotego środka pomiędzy tworzeniem funkcjonalnego produktu i wysokiej jakości jego kodu źródłowego. Kod adaptywny: solidny, elastyczny i łatwy w utrzymaniu!

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Administracja systemami Linux. Programowanie w powłoce bash

Andrzej Chmielewski; Ireneusz Mrozek; Eugenia Busłowska

Skrypt jest przeznaczony dla studentów jako pomoc dydaktyczna do przedmiotów związanych z administracją systemami Linux. Oferuje kompleksowe wprowadzenie do programowania w powłoce bash, zarówno dla początkujących, jak i dla tych, którzy mają już pewne doświadczenie w programowaniu. Opisuje podstawowe konstrukcje języka, takie jak zmienne, pętle, warunki, funkcje, jak i śledzenie wykonywania oraz zastosowanie wyrażeń regularnych. Skrypt zawiera również przykłady i liczne zadania, o zróżnicowanym poziomie trudności, które pozwalają użytkownikom na praktyczne zastosowanie zdobytej wiedzy.

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Adobe AIR dla programistów JavaScript. Leksykon kieszonkowy

Daniel Dura, Mike Chambers, Kevin Hoyt, Dragos Georgita

Poznaj moc nowoczesnej technologii AIR w tworzeniu funkcjonalnych aplikacji internetowych! Jak skonfigurować środowisko programistyczne w AIR? Jak zaimplementować funkcje? Jak utworzyć aplikację AIR, wykorzystując HTML i JavaScript? Adobe AIR to nowe międzyplatformowe środowisko wykonawcze, które pozwala programistom na wykorzystanie znanych technologii, takich jak HTML i JavaScript, do tworzenia rozbudowanych aplikacji internetowych. AIR oferuje bogaty zbiór wywołań API, a także ścisłą integrację z pulpitem, co umożliwia łączenie potęgi zasobów lokalnych z dostępem do internetu. O atrakcyjności Adobe AIR świadczą więc zarówno zasięg i łatwość programowania (najlepsze cechy modelu WWW), jak i funkcjonalność oraz bogactwo modelu pulpitowego. Książka "Adobe AIR dla programistów JavaScript. Leksykon kieszonkowy" stanowi wprowadzenie do tworzenia aplikacji Adobe AIR z wykorzystaniem języków HTML i JavaScript. Leksykon zawiera przegląd mechanizmów wykonawczych HTML i JavaScript w Adobe AIR oraz wyjaśnia, jak uzyskać dostęp do funkcji i interfejsów Adobe AIR z poziomu JavaScript. Znajdziesz tu wszelkie porady i wskazówki niezbędne do tego, by skonfigurować środowisko programistyczne, stworzyć, przetestować i wdrożyć atrakcyjną oraz funkcjonalną aplikację WWW.

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Adobe Edge Quickstart Guide. Quickly produce engaging motion and rich interactivity with Adobe Edge Preview 4 and above with this book and

Joseph Labrecque

With the advent of HTML5 and CSS3, web designers can now create sophisticated animations without the need of additional plugins such as Flash. However, there hasn't been an easy way for creating animations with web standards until now. This book enables even those with little knowledge of HTML or programming web content to freely create a variety of rich compositions involving motion and interactivity.Learning Adobe Edge will quickly get you up and running with this professional authoring software to create highly engaging content which targets HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Content created in Adobe Edge does not rely on a plugin ñ so it can be run within any standard browserñ even on mobile.Learning Adobe Edge begins with an overview of the shifting web landscape and the Edge application. We then move on through the variety of panels and toolsets available, and explore the many options we have when creating motion and interactivity using Edge.The book presents the reasoning behind engaging, standards-based web content and how Edge fills the need for professional tooling in this area. In the book we'll examine content creation and how to achieve fluid animation and advanced transitioning through the Edge timeline. Sprinkled throughout the book are tips and references for those coming to Edge from a background in Flash Professional. Whether you are coming to Edge from Flash Professional or are totally new to motion graphics on the web, Adobe Edge Quickstart Guide provides a solid foundation of motion and interactivity concepts and techniques along with a set of demo assets to build upon.

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Adopting .NET 5. Understand modern architectures, migration best practices, and the new features in .NET 5

Hammad Arif, Habib Qureshi

.NET 5 is the unification of all .NET technologies in a single framework that can run on all platforms and provide a consistent experience to developers, regardless of the device, operating system (OS), or cloud platform they choose.By updating to .NET 5, you can build software that can quickly adapt to the rapidly changing demands of modern consumers and stay up to date on the latest technology trends in .NET.This book provides a comprehensive overview of all the technologies that will form the future landscape of .NET using practical examples based on real-world scenarios, along with best practices to help you migrate from legacy platforms.You’ll start by learning about Microsoft’s vision and rationale for the unification of the platforms. Then, you’ll cover all the new language enhancements in C# 9. As you advance, you’ll find out how you can align yourself with modern technology trends, focusing on everything from microservices to orchestrated containerized deployments. Finally, you’ll learn how to effectively integrate machine learning in .NET code.By the end of this .NET book, you’ll have gained a thorough understanding of the .NET 5 platform, together with a readiness to adapt to future .NET release cycles, and you’ll be able to make architectural decisions about porting legacy systems and code bases to a newer platform.

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Advanced C++. Master the technique of confidently writing robust C++ code

Gazihan Alankus, Olena Lizina, Rakesh Mane, Vivek Nagarajan, ...

C++ is one of the most widely used programming languages and is applied in a variety of domains, right from gaming to graphical user interface (GUI) programming and even operating systems. If you're looking to expand your career opportunities, mastering the advanced features of C++ is key.The book begins with advanced C++ concepts by helping you decipher the sophisticated C++ type system and understand how various stages of compilation convert source code to object code. You'll then learn how to recognize the tools that need to be used in order to control the flow of execution, capture data, and pass data around. By creating small models, you'll even discover how to use advanced lambdas and captures and express common API design patterns in C++. As you cover later chapters, you'll explore ways to optimize your code by learning about memory alignment, cache access, and the time a program takes to run. The concluding chapter will help you to maximize performance by understanding modern CPU branch prediction and how to make your code cache-friendly.By the end of this book, you'll have developed programming skills that will set you apart from other C++ programmers.

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Advanced C++ Programming Cookbook. Become an expert C++ programmer by mastering concepts like templates, concurrency, and type deduction

Dr. Rian Quinn

If you think you've mastered C++ and know everything it takes to write robust applications, you'll be in for a surprise. With this book, you'll gain comprehensive insights into C++, covering exclusive tips and interesting techniques to enhance your app development process.You'll kick off with the basic principles of library design and development, which will help you understand how to write reusable and maintainable code. You'll then discover the importance of exception safety, and how you can avoid unexpected errors or bugs in your code. The book will take you through the modern elements of C++, such as move semantics, type deductions, and coroutines. As you advance, you'll delve into template programming - the standard tool for most library developers looking to achieve high code reusability. You'll explore the STL and learn how to avoid common pitfalls while implementing templates. Later, you'll learn about the problems of multithreaded programming such as data races, deadlocks, and thread starvation. You'll also learn high-performance programming by using benchmarking tools and libraries. Finally, you'll discover advanced techniques for debugging and testing to ensure code reliability.By the end of this book, you'll have become an expert at C++ programming and will have gained the skills to solve complex development problems with ease.

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Advanced Deep Learning with Keras. Apply deep learning techniques, autoencoders, GANs, variational autoencoders, deep reinforcement learning, policy gradients, and more

Rowel Atienza

Recent developments in deep learning, including Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) are creating impressive AI results in our news headlines - such as AlphaGo Zero beating world chess champions, and generative AI that can create art paintings that sell for over $400k because they are so human-like.Advanced Deep Learning with Keras is a comprehensive guide to the advanced deep learning techniques available today, so you can create your own cutting-edge AI. Using Keras as an open-source deep learning library, you'll find hands-on projects throughout that show you how to create more effective AI with the latest techniques.The journey begins with an overview of MLPs, CNNs, and RNNs, which are the building blocks for the more advanced techniques in the book. You’ll learn how to implement deep learning models with Keras and TensorFlow 1.x, and move forwards to advanced techniques, as you explore deep neural network architectures, including ResNet and DenseNet, and how to create autoencoders. You then learn all about GANs, and how they can open new levels of AI performance. Next, you’ll get up to speed with how VAEs are implemented, and you’ll see how GANs and VAEs have the generative power to synthesize data that can be extremely convincing to humans - a major stride forward for modern AI. To complete this set of advanced techniques, you'll learn how to implement DRL such as Deep Q-Learning and Policy Gradient Methods, which are critical to many modern results in AI.

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Advanced Deep Learning with Python. Design and implement advanced next-generation AI solutions using TensorFlow and PyTorch

Ivan Vasilev

In order to build robust deep learning systems, you’ll need to understand everything from how neural networks work to training CNN models. In this book, you’ll discover newly developed deep learning models, methodologies used in the domain, and their implementation based on areas of application. You’ll start by understanding the building blocks and the math behind neural networks, and then move on to CNNs and their advanced applications in computer vision. You'll also learn to apply the most popular CNN architectures in object detection and image segmentation. Further on, you’ll focus on variational autoencoders and GANs. You’ll then use neural networks to extract sophisticated vector representations of words, before going on to cover various types of recurrent networks, such as LSTM and GRU. You’ll even explore the attention mechanism to process sequential data without the help of recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Later, you’ll use graph neural networks for processing structured data, along with covering meta-learning, which allows you to train neural networks with fewer training samples. Finally, you’ll understand how to apply deep learning to autonomous vehicles.By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered key deep learning concepts and the different applications of deep learning models in the real world.

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Advanced Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras. Apply DL, GANs, VAEs, deep RL, unsupervised learning, object detection and segmentation, and more - Second Edition

Rowel Atienza

Advanced Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras, Second Edition is a completely updated edition of the bestselling guide to the advanced deep learning techniques available today. Revised for TensorFlow 2.x, this edition introduces you to the practical side of deep learning with new chapters on unsupervised learning using mutual information, object detection (SSD), and semantic segmentation (FCN and PSPNet), further allowing you to create your own cutting-edge AI projects.Using Keras as an open-source deep learning library, the book features hands-on projects that show you how to create more effective AI with the most up-to-date techniques.Starting with an overview of multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), the book then introduces more cutting-edge techniques as you explore deep neural network architectures, including ResNet and DenseNet, and how to create autoencoders. You will then learn about GANs, and how they can unlock new levels of AI performance.Next, you’ll discover how a variational autoencoder (VAE) is implemented, and how GANs and VAEs have the generative power to synthesize data that can be extremely convincing to humans. You'll also learn to implement DRL such as Deep Q-Learning and Policy Gradient Methods, which are critical to many modern results in AI.

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Advanced Elasticsearch 7.0. A practical guide to designing, indexing, and querying advanced distributed search engines

Wai Tak Wong

Building enterprise-grade distributed applications and executing systematic search operations call for a strong understanding of Elasticsearch and expertise in using its core APIs and latest features. This book will help you master the advanced functionalities of Elasticsearch and understand how you can develop a sophisticated, real-time search engine confidently. In addition to this, you'll also learn to run machine learning jobs in Elasticsearch to speed up routine tasks.You'll get started by learning to use Elasticsearch features on Hadoop and Spark and make search results faster, thereby improving the speed of query results and enhancing the customer experience. You'll then get up to speed with performing analytics by building a metrics pipeline, defining queries, and using Kibana for intuitive visualizations that help provide decision-makers with better insights. The book will later guide you through using Logstash with examples to collect, parse, and enrich logs before indexing them in Elasticsearch.By the end of this book, you will have comprehensive knowledge of advanced topics such as Apache Spark support, machine learning using Elasticsearch and scikit-learn, and real-time analytics, along with the expertise you need to increase business productivity, perform analytics, and get the very best out of Elasticsearch.

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Advanced JavaScript. Speed up web development with the powerful features and benefits of JavaScript

Zachary Shute

If you are looking for a programming language to develop flexible and efficient applications, JavaScript is an obvious choice. Advanced JavaScript is a hands-on guide that takes you through JavaScript and its many features, one step at a time. You'll begin by learning how to use the new JavaScript syntax in ES6, and then work through the many other features that modern JavaScript has to offer. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll use asynchronous programming with callbacks and promises, handle browser events, and perform Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation. You'll also explore various methods of testing JavaScript projects. In the concluding chapters, you'll discover functional programming and learn to use it to build your apps. With this book as your guide, you'll also be able to develop APIs using Node.js and Express, create front-ends using React/Redux, and build mobile apps using React/Expo.By the end of Advanced JavaScript, you will have explored the features and benefits of JavaScript to build small applications.

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Advanced Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow 2. Build effective real-world NLP applications using NER, RNNs, seq2seq models, Transformers, and more

Ashish Bansal

Recently, there have been tremendous advances in NLP, and we are now moving from research labs into practical applications. This book comes with a perfect blend of both the theoretical and practical aspects of trending and complex NLP techniques. The book is focused on innovative applications in the field of NLP, language generation, and dialogue systems. It helps you apply the concepts of pre-processing text using techniques such as tokenization, parts of speech tagging, and lemmatization using popular libraries such as Stanford NLP and SpaCy. You will build Named Entity Recognition (NER) from scratch using Conditional Random Fields and Viterbi Decoding on top of RNNs. The book covers key emerging areas such as generating text for use in sentence completion and text summarization, bridging images and text by generating captions for images, and managing dialogue aspects of chatbots. You will learn how to apply transfer learning and fine-tuning using TensorFlow 2. Further, it covers practical techniques that can simplify the labelling of textual data. The book also has a working code that is adaptable to your use cases for each tech piece. By the end of the book, you will have an advanced knowledge of the tools, techniques and deep learning architecture used to solve complex NLP problems.

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Advanced Python Programming. Accelerate your Python programs using proven techniques and design patterns - Second Edition

Quan Nguyen

Python's powerful capabilities for implementing robust and efficient programs make it one of the most sought-after programming languages.In this book, you'll explore the tools that allow you to improve performance and take your Python programs to the next level.This book starts by examining the built-in as well as external libraries that streamline tasks in the development cycle, such as benchmarking, profiling, and optimizing. You'll then get to grips with using specialized tools such as dedicated libraries and compilers to increase your performance at number-crunching tasks, including training machine learning models.The book covers concurrency, a major solution to making programs more efficient and scalable, and various concurrent programming techniques such as multithreading, multiprocessing, and asynchronous programming.You'll also understand the common problems that cause undesirable behavior in concurrent programs.Finally, you'll work with a wide range of design patterns, including creational, structural, and behavioral patterns that enable you to tackle complex design and architecture challenges, making your programs more robust and maintainable.By the end of the book, you'll be exposed to a wide range of advanced functionalities in Python and be equipped with the practical knowledge needed to apply them to your use cases.