
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.


Mastering Azure Machine Learning. Perform large-scale end-to-end advanced machine learning in the cloud with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning

Christoph Körner, Kaijisse Waaijer

The increase being seen in data volume today requires distributed systems, powerful algorithms, and scalable cloud infrastructure to compute insights and train and deploy machine learning (ML) models. This book will help you improve your knowledge of building ML models using Azure and end-to-end ML pipelines on the cloud.The book starts with an overview of an end-to-end ML project and a guide on how to choose the right Azure service for different ML tasks. It then focuses on Azure Machine Learning and takes you through the process of data experimentation, data preparation, and feature engineering using Azure Machine Learning and Python. You'll learn advanced feature extraction techniques using natural language processing (NLP), classical ML techniques, and the secrets of both a great recommendation engine and a performant computer vision model using deep learning methods. You'll also explore how to train, optimize, and tune models using Azure Automated Machine Learning and HyperDrive, and perform distributed training on Azure. Then, you'll learn different deployment and monitoring techniques using Azure Kubernetes Services with Azure Machine Learning, along with the basics of MLOps—DevOps for ML to automate your ML process as CI/CD pipeline.By the end of this book, you'll have mastered Azure Machine Learning and be able to confidently design, build and operate scalable ML pipelines in Azure.


Mastering Azure Serverless Computing. A practical guide to building and deploying enterprise-grade serverless applications using Azure Functions

Lorenzo Barbieri, Massimo Bonanni

Application development has evolved from traditional monolithic app development to using serverless options and microservices. This book is designed to guide you through using Microsoft's Azure Functions to process data, integrate systems, and build simple APIs and microservices.You will discover how to apply serverless computing to speed up deployment and reduce downtime. You'll also explore Azure Functions, including its core functionalities and essential tools, along with understanding how to debug and even customize Azure Functions. In addition to this, the book will take you through how you can effectively implement DevOps and automation in your working environment. Toward the concluding chapters, you'll cover some quick tips, troubleshooting techniques, and real-world serverless use cases that will help you make the most of serverless computing.By the end of this book, you will have gained the skills you need to develop and deliver cost-effective Azure serverless solutions.


Mastering Azure Virtual Desktop. A practical guide to designing, implementing, and managing Azure Virtual Desktop environments - Second Edition

Ryan Mangan, Neil McLoughlin, Marcel Meurer, Christiaan Brinkhoff

Acquire in-depth knowledge for designing, building, and supporting Azure Virtual Desktop environments with the updated second edition of Mastering Azure Virtual Desktop. With content aligned with exam objectives, this book will help you ace the Microsoft AZ-140 exam.This book starts with an introduction to Azure Virtual Desktop before delving into the intricacies of planning and architecting its infrastructure. As you progress, you’ll learn about the implementation process, with an emphasis on best practices and effective strategies. You’ll explore key areas such as managing and controlling access, advanced monitoring with the new Azure Monitoring Agent, and advanced application deployment. You’ll also gain hands-on experience with essential features like the MSIX app attach, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency. Beyond advancing your skills, this book is a crucial resource for those preparing for the Microsoft Certified: Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty certification.By the end of this book, you’ll have a thorough understanding of the Azure Virtual Desktop environment, from design to implementation.


Mastering Backbone.js. Design and build scalable web applications using Backbone.js

Abiee Echamea, Abiee Echamea

Backbone.js is a popular library to build single page applications used by many start-ups around the world because of its flexibility, robustness and simplicity. It allows you to bring your own tools and libraries to make amazing webapps with your own rules. However, due to its flexibility it is not always easy to create scalable applications with it. By learning the best practices and project organization you will be able to create maintainable and scalable web applications with Backbone.js.With this book you will start right from organizing your Backbone.js application to learn where to put each module and how to wire them. From organizing your code in a logical and physical way, you will go on to delimit view responsibilities and work with complex layouts. Synchronizing models in a two-way binding can be difficult and with sub resources attached it can be even worse. The next chapter will explain strategies for how to deal with these models. The following chapters will help you to manage module dependencies on your projects, explore strategies to upload files to a RESTful API and store information directly in the browser for using it with Backbone.js. After testing your application, you are ready to deploy it to your production environment. The final chapter will cover different flavors of authorization.The Backbone.js library can be difficult to master, but in this book you will get the necessary skill set to create applications with it, and you will be able to use any other library you want in your stack.


Mastering Blazor WebAssembly. A step-by-step guide to developing advanced single-page applications with Blazor WebAssembly

Ahmad Mozaffar

Blazor WebAssembly is a revolutionary technology in software development that enables you to develop web applications with a rich user interface using C# without JavaScript. It can be run natively in the browser and soon on mobile apps with .NET MAUI, making it a superweapon in the .NET developer’s toolbox. This capability has opened the doors for the JavaScript community to have a stable framework to build single page applications (SPAs) maintained by Microsoft and driven by the community.Mastering Blazor WebAssembly is a complete resource that teaches you everything you need to build client-side web applications using C# & .NET 7.0. Throughout this book, you’ll discover the anatomy of a Blazor WebAssembly project, along with the build, style, and structure of the components. You’ll implement forms to catch user input and collect data, as well as explore the topics of navigating between the pages in depth. The chapters will guide you through handling complex scenarios like RenderTrees, writing efficient unit tests, using variant security methods, and publishing the app to different providers, all in a practical manner.By the end of this book, you’ll have the skills necessary to build web apps with Blazor WebAssembly, along with the basics for a future in mobile development with .NET MAUI and Blazor.


Mastering C# and .NET Framework. .NET Under the hood

Marino Posadas

Mastering C# and .NET Framework will take you in to the depths of C# 6.0/7.0 and .NET 4.6, so you can understand how the platform works when it runs your code, and how you can use this knowledge to write efficient applications. Take full advantage of the new revolution in .NET development, including open source status and cross-platform capability, and get to grips with the architectural changes of CoreCLR.Start with how the CLR executes code, and discover the niche and advanced aspects of C# programming – from delegates and generics, through to asynchronous programming. Run through new forms of type declarations and assignments, source code callers, static using syntax, auto-property initializers, dictionary initializers, null conditional operators, and many others. Then unlock the true potential of the .NET platform. Learn how to write OWASP-compliant applications, how to properly implement design patterns in C#, and how to follow the general SOLID principles and its implementations in C# code.We finish by focusing on tips and tricks that you'll need to get the most from C# and .NET.This book also covers .NET Core 1.1 concepts as per the latest RTM release in the last chapter.


Mastering C# Concurrency. Create robust and scalable applications along with responsive UI using concurrency and the multi-threading infrastructure in .NET and C#

Evgenii Agafonov, Andrey Koryavchenko

Starting with the traditional approach to concurrency, you will learn how to write multithreaded concurrent programs and compose ways that won't require locking. You will explore the concepts of parallelism granularity, and fine-grained and coarse-grained parallel tasks by choosing a concurrent program structure and parallelizing the workload optimally. You will also learn how to use task parallel library, cancellations, timeouts, and how to handle errors. You will know how to choose the appropriate data structure for a specific parallel algorithm to achieve scalability and performance. Further, you'll learn about server scalability, asynchronous I/O, and thread pools, and write responsive traditional Windows and Windows Store applications.By the end of the book, you will be able to diagnose and resolve typical problems that could happen in multithreaded applications.


Mastering C++ Multithreading. Write robust, concurrent, and parallel applications

Maya Posch

Multithreaded applications execute multiple threads in a single processor environment, allowing developers achieve concurrency. This book will teach you the finer points of multithreading and concurrency concepts and how to apply them efficiently in C++.Divided into three modules, we start with a brief introduction to the fundamentals of multithreading and concurrency concepts. We then take an in-depth look at how these concepts work at the hardware-level as well as how both operating systems and frameworks use these low-level functions. In the next module, you will learn about the native multithreading and concurrency support available in C++ since the 2011 revision, synchronization and communication between threads, debugging concurrent C++ applications, and the best programming practices in C++.In the final module, you will learn about atomic operations before moving on to apply concurrency to distributed and GPGPU-based processing. The comprehensive coverage of essential multithreading concepts means you will be able to efficiently apply multithreading concepts while coding in C++.


Mastering C++ Programming. Modern C++ 17 at your fingertips

Jeganathan Swaminathan

C++ ? ?has ? ?come ? ?a ? ?long ? ?way ? ?and ? ?has ? ?now ? ?been ? ?adopted ? ?in ? ?several ? ?contexts. Its ? ?key ? ?strengths ? ?are ? ?its ? ?software ? ?infrastructure ? ?and ? ?resource-constrained applications. ? ?The ?C++ ? ?17 ? ?release ? ?will ? ?change ? ?the ? ?way ? ?developers ? ?write code, ? ?and ? ?this ? ?book ? ?will ? ?help ?you ? ?master ? ?your ? ?developing ? ?skills ? ?with ? ?C++. With ? ?real-world, ? ?practical ? ?examples ? ?explaining ? ?each ? ?concept, ? ?the ? ?book ? ?will begin ? ?by ? ?introducing ? ?you ? ?to ? ?the ? ?latest ? ?features ? ?in ? ?C++ ? ?17. ? ?It ? ?encourages clean ? ?code ? ?practices ? ?in ? ?C++ ? ?in ? ?general, ? ?and ? ?demonstrates ? ?the ? ?GUI app-development ? ?options ? ?in ? ?C++. ? ?You’ll ? ?get ? ?tips ? ?on ? ?avoiding ? ?memory ? ?leaks using ? ?smart-pointers. ? ?Next, ? ?you’ll ? ?see ? ?how ? ?multi-threaded ?programming can ? ?help ? ?you ? ?achieve ? ?concurrency ? ?in ? ?your ? ?applications. Moving ? ?on, ? ?you’ll ? ?get ? ?an ? ?in-depth ? ?understanding ? ?of ? ?the ? ?C++ ? ?Standard Template ? ?Library. ? ?We ? ?show ? ?you ? ?the ? ?concepts ? ?of ? ?implementing ? ?TDD ? ?and BDD ? ?in ? ?your ? ?C++ ? ?programs, ? ?and ? ?explore ? ?template-based ? ?generic programming, ? ?giving ? ?you ? ?the ? ?expertise ? ?to ? ?build ? ?powerful ? ?applications. Finally, ? ?we’ll ? ?round ? ?up ? ?with ? ?debugging ? ?techniques ? ?and ? ?best ? ?practices.By ? ?the ? ?end ? ?of ? ?the ? ?book, ? ?you’ll ? ?have ? ?an ? ?in-depth ? ?understanding ? ?of ? ?the language ? ?and ? ?its ? ?various ? ?facets.


Mastering Chef Provisioning. Render your entire infrastructure as code with Chef

Earl Waud

This book will show you the best practices to describe your entire infrastructure as code. With the help of this book you can expand your knowledge of Chef because and implement robust and scalable automation solutions. You can automate and document every aspect of your network, from the hardware to software, middleware, and all your containers. You will become familiar with the Chef’s Chef Provisioning tool. You will be able to make a perfect model system where everything is represented as code beneath your fingertips.Make the best possible use of your resources, and deliver infrastructure as code, making it as versionable, testable and repeatable as application software


Mastering Clojure. Understand the philosophy of the Clojure language and dive into its inner workings to unlock its advanced features, methodologies, and constructs

Akhil Wali

Clojure is a general-purpose language from the Lisp family with an emphasis on functional programming. It has some interesting concepts and features such as immutability, gradual typing, thread-safe concurrency primitives, and macro-based metaprogramming, which makes it a great choice to create modern, performant, and scalable applications.Mastering Clojure gives you an insight into the nitty-gritty details and more advanced features of the Clojure programming language to create more scalable, maintainable, and elegant applications. You’ll start off by learning the details of sequences, concurrency primitives, and macros. Packed with a lot of examples, you’ll get a walkthrough on orchestrating concurrency and parallelism, which will help you understand Clojure reducers, and we’ll walk through composing transducers so you know about functional composition and process transformation inside out. We also explain how reducers and transducers can be used to handle data in a more performant manner. Later on, we describe how Clojure also supports other programming paradigms such as pure functional programming and logic programming. Furthermore, you’ll level up your skills by taking advantage of Clojure's powerful macro system. Parallel, asynchronous, and reactive programming techniques are also described in detail. Lastly, we’ll show you how to test and troubleshoot your code to speed up your development cycles and allow you to deploy the code faster.


Mastering Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2.x. Build advanced computer vision applications using machine learning and deep learning techniques

Krishnendu Kar

Computer vision allows machines to gain human-level understanding to visualize, process, and analyze images and videos. This book focuses on using TensorFlow to help you learn advanced computer vision tasks such as image acquisition, processing, and analysis. You'll start with the key principles of computer vision and deep learning to build a solid foundation, before covering neural network architectures and understanding how they work rather than using them as a black box. Next, you'll explore architectures such as VGG, ResNet, Inception, R-CNN, SSD, YOLO, and MobileNet. As you advance, you'll learn to use visual search methods using transfer learning. You'll also cover advanced computer vision concepts such as semantic segmentation, image inpainting with GAN's, object tracking, video segmentation, and action recognition. Later, the book focuses on how machine learning and deep learning concepts can be used to perform tasks such as edge detection and face recognition. You'll then discover how to develop powerful neural network models on your PC and on various cloud platforms. Finally, you'll learn to perform model optimization methods to deploy models on edge devices for real-time inference. By the end of this book, you'll have a solid understanding of computer vision and be able to confidently develop models to automate tasks.


Mastering Concurrency in Python. Create faster programs using concurrency, asynchronous, multithreading, and parallel programming

Quan Nguyen

Python is one of the most popular programming languages, with numerous libraries and frameworks that facilitate high-performance computing. Concurrency and parallelism in Python are essential when it comes to multiprocessing and multithreading; they behave differently, but their common aim is to reduce the execution time. This book serves as a comprehensive introduction to various advanced concepts in concurrent engineering and programming.Mastering Concurrency in Python starts by introducing the concepts and principles in concurrency, right from Amdahl's Law to multithreading programming, followed by elucidating multiprocessing programming, web scraping, and asynchronous I/O, together with common problems that engineers and programmers face in concurrent programming. Next, the book covers a number of advanced concepts in Python concurrency and how they interact with the Python ecosystem, including the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). Finally, you'll learn how to solve real-world concurrency problems through examples.By the end of the book, you will have gained extensive theoretical knowledge of concurrency and the ways in which concurrency is supported by the Python language


Mastering Concurrency Programming with Java 8. Master the principles and techniques of multithreaded programming with the Java 8 Concurrency API

Javier Fernández González

Concurrency programming allows several large tasks to be divided into smaller sub-tasks, which are further processed as individual tasks that run in parallel. All the sub-tasks are combined together once the required results are achieved; they are then merged to get the final output. The whole process is very complex. This process goes from the design of concurrent algorithms to the testing phase where concurrent applications need extra attention. Java includes a comprehensive API with a lot of ready-to-use components to implement powerful concurrency applications in an easy way, but with a high flexibility to adapt these components to your needs.The book starts with a full description of design principles of concurrent applications and how to parallelize a sequential algorithm. We'll show you how to use all the components of the Java Concurrency API from basics to the most advanced techniques to implement them in powerful concurrency applications in Java.You will be using real-world examples of complex algorithms related to machine learning, data mining, natural language processing, image processing in client / server environments. Next, you will learn how to use the most important components of the Java 8 Concurrency API: the Executor framework to execute multiple tasks in your applications, the phaser class to implement concurrent tasks divided into phases, and the Fork/Join framework to implement concurrent tasks that can be split into smaller problems (using the divide and conquer technique). Toward the end, we will cover the new inclusions in Java 8 API, the Map and Reduce model, and the Map and Collect model. The book will also teach you about the data structures and synchronization utilities to avoid data-race conditions and other critical problems. Finally, the book ends with a detailed description of the tools and techniques that you can use to test a Java concurrent application.


Mastering Concurrency Programming with Java 9. Fast, reactive and parallel application development - Second Edition

Javier Fernández González

Concurrency programming allows several large tasks to be divided into smaller sub-tasks, which are further processed as individual tasks that run in parallel. Java 9 includes a comprehensive API with lots of ready-to-use components for easily implementing powerful concurrency applications, but with high flexibility so you can adapt these components to your needs.The book starts with a full description of the design principles of concurrent applications and explains how to parallelize a sequential algorithm. You will then be introduced to Threads and Runnables, which are an integral part of Java 9's concurrency API. You will see how to use all the components of the Java concurrency API, from the basics to the most advanced techniques, and will implement them in powerful real-world concurrency applications.The book ends with a detailed description of the tools and techniques you can use to test a concurrent Java application, along with a brief insight into other concurrency mechanisms in JVM.


Mastering Cross-Platform Development with Xamarin. Master the skills required to steer cross-platform applications from drawing board to app store(s) using Xamarin

Can Bilgin, Miljenko Cvjetko, Paulo Ortins, Robert Hellestrae, ...

The main goal of this book is to equip you with the required know-how to successfully analyze, develop, and manage Xamarin cross-platform projects using the most efficient, robust, and scalable implementation patterns.This book starts with general topics such as memory management, asynchronous programming, local storage, and networking, and later moves onto platform-specific features. During this transition, you will learn about key tools to leverage the patterns described, as well as advanced implementation strategies and features. The book also presents User Interface design and implementation concepts on Android and iOS platforms from a Xamarin and cross-platform perspective, with the goal to create a consistent but native UI experience.Finally, we show you the toolset for application lifecycle management to help you prepare the development pipeline to manage and see cross-platform projects through to public or private release.


Mastering Delphi Programming: A Complete Reference Guide. Learn all about building fast, scalable, and high performing applications with Delphi

Primož Gabrijelčič

Delphi is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that supports rapid application development for most operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, iOS, and now Linux with RAD Studio 10.2. If you know how to use the features of Delphi, you can easily create scalable applications in no time.This Learning Path begins by explaining how to find performance bottlenecks and apply the correct algorithm to fix them. You'll brush up on tricks, techniques, and best practices to solve common design and architectural challenges. Then, you'll see how to leverage external libraries to write better-performing programs. You'll also learn about the eight most important patterns that'll enable you to develop and improve the interface between items and harmonize shared memories within threads. As you progress, you'll also delve into improving the performance of your code and mastering cross-platform RTL improvements.By the end of this Learning Path, you'll be able to address common design problems and feel confident while building scalable projects.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:Delphi High Performance by Primož Gabrijel?i?Hands-On Design Patterns with Delphi by Primož Gabrijel?i?


Mastering DevOps on Microsoft Power Platform. Build, deploy, and secure low-code solutions on Power Platform using Azure DevOps and GitHub

Uroš Kastelic, József Zoltán Vadkerti

Mastering DevOps on Microsoft Power Platform is your guide to revolutionizing business-critical solution development. Written by two Microsoft Technology Specialists with extensive experience in enterprise-scale Power Platform implementations and DevOps practices, this book teaches you how to design, build, and secure efficient DevOps processes by adapting custom software development practices to the Power Platform toolset, dramatically reducing time, cost, and errors in app modernization and quality assurance.The book introduces application life cycle management (ALM) and DevOps-enabled architecture, design patterns, and CI/CD practices, showing you why companies adopt DevOps with Power Platform. You'll master environment and solution management using Dataverse, Git, the Power Platform CLI, Azure DevOps, and GitHub Copilot.Implementing the shift-left approach in DevSecOps using GitHub Advanced Security features, you’ll create a Power Platform tenant governed by controls, automated tests, and backlog management. You’ll also discover advanced concepts, such as fusion architecture, pro-dev extensibility, and AI-infused applications, along with tips to avoid common pitfalls.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build CI/CD pipelines from development to production, enhancing the life cycle of your business solutions on Power Platform.


Mastering Django: Core. The Complete Guide to Django 1.8 LTS

Nigel George

Mastering Django: Core is a completely revised and updated version of the original Django Book, written by Adrian Holovaty and Jacob Kaplan-Moss - the creators of Django.The main goal of this book is to make you a Django expert. By reading this book, you’ll learn the skills needed to develop powerful websites quickly, with code that is clean and easy to maintain. This book is also a programmer’s manual that provides complete coverage of the current Long Term Support (LTS) version of Django. For developers creating applications for commercial and business critical deployments, Mastering Django: Core provides a complete, up-to-date resource for Django 1.8LTS with a stable code-base, security fixes and support out to 2018.


Mastering Docker. Enhance your containerization and DevOps skills to deliver production-ready applications - Fourth Edition

Russ McKendrick

Docker has been a game changer when it comes to how modern applications are deployed and created. It has now grown into a key driver of innovation beyond system administration, with a significant impact on the world of web development. Mastering Docker shows you how you can ensure that you're keeping up with the innovations it's driving and be sure you're using it to its full potential. This fourth edition not only demonstrates how to use Docker more effectively but also helps you rethink and reimagine what you can achieve with it.You'll start by building, managing, and storing images along with exploring best practices for working with Docker confidently. Once you've got to grips with Docker security, the book covers essential concepts for extending and integrating Docker in new and innovative ways. You'll also learn how to take control of your containers efficiently using Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, and Kubernetes.By the end of this Docker book, you’ll have a broad yet detailed sense of what's possible with Docker and how seamlessly it fits in with a range of other platforms and tools.


Mastering Docker Enterprise. A companion guide for agile container adoption

Mark Panthofer

While known mostly as the open source engine behind tens of millions of server nodes, Docker also offers commercially supported enterprise tooling known as the Docker Enterprise. This platform leverages the deep roots from Docker Engine - Community (formerly Docker CE) and Kubernetes, but adds support and tooling to efficiently operate a secure container platform at scale. With hundreds of enterprises on board, best practices and adoption patterns are emerging rapidly. These learning points can be used to inform adopters and help manage the enterprise transformation associated with enterprise container adoption. This book starts by explaining the case for Docker Enterprise, as well as its structure and reference architecture. From there, we progress through the PoC,pilot and production stages as a working model for adoption, evolving the platform’s design and configuration for each stage and using detailed application examples along the way to clarify and demonstrate important concepts.The book concludes with Docker’s impact on other emerging software technologies, such as Blockchain and Serverless computing.By the end of this book, you’ll have a better understanding of what it takes to get your enterprise up and running with Docker Enterprise and beyond.


Mastering Docker. Unlock new opportunities using Docker's most advanced features - Third Edition

Russ McKendrick, Scott Gallagher

Docker has been a game-changer when it comes to how modern applications are deployed and created. It has now grown into a key driver of innovation beyond system administration, with an impact on the world of web development. But how can you make sure you're keeping up with the innovations it's driving, or be sure you're using it to its full potential? Mastering Docker shows you how; this book not only demonstrates how to use Docker more effectively, but also helps you rethink and reimagine what's possible with it. You will cover concepts such as building, managing, and storing images, along with best practices to make you confident, before delving more into Docker security. You'll find everything related to extending and integrating Docker in new and innovative ways. Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, and Kubernetes will help you take control of your containers in an efficient manner.By the end of the book, you will have a broad, yet detailed, sense of what's possible with Docker, and how seamlessly it fits in with a range of other platforms and tools.