
Unsere Online-Bibliothek enthält eine Reihe von Veröffentlichungen, dank derer Programmierung keine Geheimnisse vor Ihnen haben wird. Die hier enthaltenen Bücher führen Sie in Sprachen wie HTML, JavaScript, Python und CSS ein. Dank ihnen lernen Sie auch, wie Sie effektive Algorithmen erstellen, mobile Anwendungen entwerfen oder auf Websites auf die richtige Informationsarchitektur achten.

Amazon Connect: Up and Running. Improve your customer experience by building logical and cost-effective solutions for critical call center systems

Jeff Armstrong

Amazon EC2 Cookbook. Over 40 hands-on recipes to develop and deploy real-world applications using Amazon EC2

Sekhar Reddy, Aurobindo Sarkar

Amazon Fargate Quick Start Guide. Learn how to use AWS Fargate to run containers with ease

Deepak Vohra

Amazon Redshift Cookbook. Recipes for building modern data warehousing solutions

Shruti Worlikar, Thiyagarajan Arumugam, Harshida Patel, Eugene Kawamoto

Amazon S3 Cookbook. Over 30 hands-on recipes that will get you up and running with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) efficiently

Naoya Hashimoto

Amazon Web Services Bootcamp. Develop a scalable, reliable, and highly available cloud environment with AWS

Sunil Gulabani

Amazon Web Services. Podstawy korzystania z chmury AWS

Mark Wilkins

Amazon Web Services w akcji. Wydanie II

Andreas Wittig, Michael Wittig

An Atypical ASP.NET Core 5 Design Patterns Guide. A SOLID adventure into architectural principles, design patterns, .NET 5, and C#

Carl-Hugo Marcotte, Abdelhamid Zebdi

Analiza danych behawioralnych przy użyciu języków R i Python

Florent Buisson

Analiza i projektowanie obiektowe. Rusz głową!

Brett D. McLaughlin, David West, Gary Pollice

Analytics for the Internet of Things (IoT). Intelligent analytics for your intelligent devices

Andrew Minteer

Android 3. Tworzenie aplikacji

Dave MacLean, Sayed Hashimi, Satya Komatineni

Android 6 Essentials. Design, build, and create your own applications using the full range of features available in Android 6

Yossi Elkrief

Android. Aplikacje wielowątkowe. Techniki przetwarzania

Anders Göransson