
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.

Hands-On Visual Studio 2022. A developer's guide to exploring new features and best practices in VS2022 for maximum productivity

Miguel Angel Teheran Garcia, Hector Uriel Perez Rojas

Hands-On Web Penetration Testing with Metasploit. The subtle art of using Metasploit 5.0 for web application exploitation

Harpreet Singh, Himanshu Sharma

Hands-On Web Scraping with Python. Perform advanced scraping operations using various Python libraries and tools such as Selenium, Regex, and others

Anish Chapagain

HashiCorp Packer in Production. Efficiently manage sets of images for your digital transformation or cloud adoption journey

John Boero, Armon Dadgar

Haskell Cookbook. Build functional applications using Monads, Applicatives, and Functors

Yogesh Sajanikar

Haskell Design Patterns. Take your Haskell and functional programming skills to the next level by exploring new idioms and design patterns

Ryan Lemmer

Haskell High Performance Programming. Write Haskell programs that are robust and fast enough to stand up to the needs of today

Samuli Thomasson

Haxe Game Development Essentials. Create games on multiple platforms from a single codebase using Haxe and the HaxeFlixel engine

Jeremy McCurdy, Steven Richey

HBase High Performance Cookbook. Solutions for optimization, scaling and performance tuning

Ruchir Choudhry

Head First C#. Edycja polska

Jennifer Greene, Andrew Stellman

Head First JavaScript. Edycja polska

Michael Morrison

Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Edycja polska (Rusz głową!)

Brett D. McLaughlin, David West, Gary Pollice

Head First PHP & MySQL. Edycja polska

Michael Morrison, Lynn Beighley

Head First Ruby on Rails. Edycja polska

David Griffiths

Head First Servlets & JSP. Edycja polska. Wydanie II (Rusz głową!)

Bert Bates, Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra

Head First Software Development. Edycja polska

Dan Pilone, Russ Miles

Hello Scratch! Napisz swoją pierwszą grę i ucz się programowania

Melissa Ford, Sadie Ford, Gabriel Ford

Hello World! Przygoda z programowaniem dla dzieci i absolutnie początkujących. Wydanie II

Warren Sande, Carter Sande

Heroku Cloud Application Development. A comprehensive guide to help you build, deploy, and troubleshoot cloud applications seamlessly using Heroku

Anubhav Hanjura

Heroku Cookbook. Over 70 step-by-step recipes to solve the challenges of administering and scaling a real-world production web application on Heroku

Mike Coutermarsh

Hibernate Search. Skuteczne wyszukiwanie

Steve Perkins

High Performance with Java. Discover strategies and best practices to develop high performance Java applications

Dr. Edward Lavieri Jr.

High-Performance Programming in C# and .NET. Understand the nuts and bolts of developing robust, faster, and resilient applications in C# 10.0 and .NET 6

Jason Alls

HLSL Development Cookbook. Implement stunning 3D rendering techniques using the power of HLSL and DirectX 11

Doron Feinstein, Doron Feinstein