
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.

Instant Razor View Engine How-to. Create dynamic web pages in your MVC web application with the Razor view engine

Abhimanyu Kumar Vatsa

Instant RubyMine Assimilation. Utilize the RubyMine IDE to develop your own Ruby on Rails applications

Dave Jones, David L. Jones

Instant SASS CSS How-to. Learn to write more efficient CSS with the help of the SASS CSS library using practical, hands-on recipes

Alex Libby

Instant Silverlight 5 Animation. Enrich your web page or Silverlight business application with Silverlight animations

Nick Polyak

Instant Spring for Android Starter. Leverage Spring for Android to create RESTful and OAuth Android apps

Anthony Dahanne

Instant StyleCop Code Analysis How-to. Learn how to analyze and maintain code for your projects using StyleCop

Franck Leveque

Instant VMware vCloud Starter. A practical, hands-on guide to get started with VMware vCloud

Daniel Langenhan

Integracja PHP z Windows

Arno Hollosi

Integrate Lua with C++. Seamlessly integrate Lua scripting to enhance application flexibility

Wenhuan Li

Intel Edison Projects. Build exciting IoT projects with Intel Edison

Avirup Basu

Inteligentna sieć. Algorytmy przyszłości. Wydanie II

Douglas McIlwraith, Haralambos Marmanis, Dmitry Babenko

Inteligentne algorytmy

Artur Bieliński

Intelligent Automation with VMware. Apply machine learning techniques to VMware virtualization and networking

Ajit Pratap Kundan

Intelligent Mobile Projects with TensorFlow. Build 10+ Artificial Intelligence apps using TensorFlow Mobile and Lite for iOS, Android, and Raspberry Pi

Jeff Tang

Intelligent Projects Using Python. 9 real-world AI projects leveraging machine learning and deep learning with TensorFlow and Keras

Santanu Pattanayak

IntelliJ IDEA Essentials. Quickly get up and running with this practical IntelliJ IDEA tutorial guide, for developing better software faster

Jaroslaw Krochmalski

Interactive Data Visualization with Python. Present your data as an effective and compelling story - Second Edition

Abha Belorkar, Sharath Chandra Guntuku, Shubhangi Hora, Anshu Kumar

Interfejs API. Strategia programisty

Greg Brail, Dan Woods, Daniel Jacobson

Internet of Things for Architects. Architecting IoT solutions by implementing sensors, communication infrastructure, edge computing, analytics, and security

Perry Lea

Internet of Things Programming Projects. Build exciting IoT projects using Raspberry Pi 5, Raspberry Pi Pico, and Python - Second Edition

Colin Dow

Internet of Things Programming Projects. Build modern IoT solutions with the Raspberry Pi 3 and Python

Colin Dow

Internet rzeczy. Podstawy programowania aplikacji i serwerów sieciowych w językach C/C++, MicroPython i Lua na urządzeniach IoT ESP8266, ESP32 i Arduino

Mariusz Duka

Interpretable Machine Learning with Python. Learn to build interpretable high-performance models with hands-on real-world examples

Serg Masís

Introduction to Algorithms. A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners: Unlocking Computational Thinking

Cuantum Technologies LLC