
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.

Mastering Selenium WebDriver 3.0. Boost the performance and reliability of your automated checks by mastering Selenium WebDriver - Second Edition

Mark Collin

Mastering ServiceStack. Utilize ServiceStack as the rock solid foundation of your distributed system

Andreas Niedermair

Mastering SFML Game Development. Inject new life and light into your old SFML projects by advancing to the next level

Raimondas Pupius

Mastering SoapUI. Experience SOA Test and Test Automation from an expert view

Pranai Nandan, Surendra Mohan

Mastering Software Testing with JUnit 5. Comprehensive guide to develop high quality Java applications

Boni Garcia

Mastering spaCy. An end-to-end practical guide to implementing NLP applications using the Python ecosystem

Duygu Altinok

Mastering Spark for Data Science. Lightning fast and scalable data science solutions

Andrew Morgan, Antoine Amend, Matthew Hallett, David George

Mastering Splunk. Optimize your machine-generated data effectively by developing advanced analytics with Splunk

James D. Miller

Mastering Spring 5.0. Master reactive programming, microservices, Cloud Native applications, and more

Ranga Rao Karanam

Mastering Spring Application Development. Gain expertise in developing and caching your applications running on the JVM with Spring

Anjana Mankale

Mastering Spring Boot 2.0. Build modern, cloud-native, and distributed systems using Spring Boot

Dinesh Rajput

Mastering Spring Boot 3.0. A comprehensive guide to building scalable and efficient backend systems with Java and Spring

Ahmet Meric

Mastering Spring Cloud. Build self-healing, microservices-based, distributed systems using Spring Cloud

Piotr Mińkowski

Mastering Sublime Text. When it comes to cross-platform text and source code editing, Sublime Text has few rivals. This book will teach you all its great features and help you develop and publish plugins. A brilliantly inclusive guide

Dan Peleg

Mastering Swift 3 - Linux. Click here to enter text

Jon Hoffman

Mastering Swift 3. Build incredible apps for iOS and OS X

Jon Hoffman

Mastering Swift 5. Deep dive into the latest edition of the Swift programming language - Fifth Edition

Jon Hoffman

Mastering Swift 5.3. Upgrade your knowledge and become an expert in the latest version of the Swift programming language - Sixth Edition

Jon Hoffman

Mastering Symfony. Orchestrate the designing, development, testing, and deployment of web applications with Symfony

Sebastien Armand, Sohail Salehi

Mastering TensorFlow 1.x. Advanced machine learning and deep learning concepts using TensorFlow 1.x and Keras

Armando Fandango

Mastering Terraform. A practical guide to building and deploying infrastructure on AWS, Azure, and GCP

Mark Tinderholt, Armon Dadgar

Mastering the C++17 STL. Make full use of the standard library components in C++17

Arthur O'Dwyer

Mastering the Java Virtual Machine. An in-depth guide to JVM internals and performance optimization

Otavio Santana

Mastering Transformers. Build state-of-the-art models from scratch with advanced natural language processing techniques

Savaş Yildirim, Meysam Asgari- Chenaghlu