Programowanie gier


C++ Game Development By Example. Learn to build games and graphics with SFML, OpenGL, and Vulkan using C++ programming

Siddharth Shekar

Although numerous languages are currently being used to develop games, C++ remains the standard for fabricating expert libraries and tool chains for game development. This book introduces you to the world of game development with C++.C++ Game Development By Example starts by touching upon the basic concepts of math, programming, and computer graphics and creating a simple side-scrolling action 2D game. You'll build a solid foundation by studying basic game concepts such as creating game loops, rendering 2D game scenes using SFML, 2D sprite creation and animation, and collision detection. The book will help you advance to creating a 3D physics puzzle game using modern OpenGL and the Bullet physics engine. You'll understand the graphics pipeline, which entails creating 3D objects using vertex and index buffers and rendering them to the scene using vertex and fragment shaders. Finally, you'll create a basic project using the Vulkan library that'll help you get to grips with creating swap chains, image views, render passes, and frame buffers for building high-performance graphics in your games.By the end of this book, you’ll be ready with 3 compelling projects created with SFML, the Vulkan API, and OpenGL, and you'll be able take your game and graphics programming skills to the next level.


Cinematic Photoreal Environments in Unreal Engine 5. Create captivating worlds and unleash the power of cinematic tools without coding

Giovanni Visai

As Unreal Engine 5 continues to conquer all industries thanks to its real-time technology, UE skills are becoming more sought after than ever. This three-part book covers all the processes behind the creation of a stunning environment in UE 5.Starting with the steps for installing the game engine and learning about its potential, you’ll quickly progress toward generating a variety of different upwards scaling outputs, each bigger than the previous one. After completing the first part and getting realistic shots of a single object, you’ll delve into the world of landscapes, procedural material and foliage, the Landmass plugin, and water tools by creating an environment using Megascan assets. At this point, you’ll know everything you need to create a fascinating and realistic environment. The final part of this book will teach you how to craft cinematic shots by working with cinematic tools, post processing, and framing tools, and by rendering a photorealistic shot in the last chapter.By the end of this Unreal Engine book, you'll be able to create outstanding and realistic environments using the powerful tools provided by UE as well as have an understanding of the importance of filming and composition in world building.


Code with me. Zostań game developerem

Krzysztof Pianta

Projektuj, programuj, promuj! Zostań twórcą gier komputerowych! Nie zaglądaj tu, nie warto! Stracisz tylko czas, na sto procent nie dowiesz się niczego ciekawego, znudzisz się i będziesz rozczarowany, bo... z pewnością nie chcesz dołączyć do prawdziwej elity programistów, zdobyć poszukiwanych na rynku umiejętności, nauczyć się czegoś naprawdę ekscytującego ani uzyskać wpływu na jedną z najdynamiczniej rozwijających się gałęzi przemysłu komputerowego, prawda? Jeśli jednak mocno pragniesz zostać twórcą gier komputerowych, dobrze trafiłeś! Ta książka powstała właśnie z myślą o tych, którzy chcą rozpocząć karierę profesjonalnego game developera. Bezboleśnie wprowadzi Cię w zagadnienia związane z tworzeniem gier sieciowych 2D w językach: HTML5, PHP i MySQL. Nauczysz się projektować oprogramowanie, dbać o jakość rozwiązania, opracowywać niezbędne materiały graficzne i dźwiękowe, a nawet promować i sprzedawać swoje dzieło. Niszczenie terenu jak w grach Worms i Soldat Scrollowanie obrazu (kamera 2D) Pseudooświetlenie (2D lighting) Manipulowanie pikselami (getImageData) i proste efekty, na przykład blur (rozmycie) Różne typy kolizji, perfekcyjna kolizja (pixel perfect collision) System cząsteczek (efekty 2D): efekt gwiezdny (starfield effect), deszcz, śnieg, deszcz 3D, mgła lub dym NW.js (node-webkit) Rysowanie prostych kształtów, obrazków i sprite'ów Własny loader plików Grawitacja Menu obsługiwane za pomocą klawiatury lub myszy Zrób pierwszy krok na drodze do profesjonalnej kariery!


Coding Roblox Games Made Easy. The ultimate guide to creating games with Roblox Studio and Lua programming

Zander Brumbaugh

Roblox is a global virtual platform like no other for both playing and creating games. With well over 150 million monthly active users, Roblox hosts all genres of games that can be played by other members of the community using the Lua programming language. Not only can you create games for free, but you can also earn considerable sums of money if from the success of your games, and become part of the vast and supportive developer circle that provides excellent opportunities for networking in a tight-knit community.With this practical book, you'll get hands-on experience working on the Roblox platform. You'll start with an overview of Roblox development and then understand how to use Roblox Studio. As you progress, you'll gradually learn everything you need from how to program in Roblox Lua to creating Obby and Battle Royale games. Finally, you'll delve into the logistics of game production, focusing on optimizing the performance of your game by implementing impressive mechanics, monetization, and marketing practices.By the end of this Roblox book, you'll be able to lead or work with a team to bring your gaming world to life, and extend that experience to players around the world.


Creating an RTS Game in Unity 2023. A comprehensive guide to creating your own strategy game from scratch using C#

Bruno Cicanci

Building a successful real-time strategy game is challenging, because of both the complex mechanics and the need to strike a balance between different elements, ensuring that players enjoy creating and executing strategies against the game's AI.Creating an RTS Game in Unity 2023 will teach you how to install and set up the Unity game engine, create a new 3D project, and build a level editor to make it easier to modify and add maps to a game. The RTS game will start to take shape while you learn to implement different core systems such as melee and ranged battles, unit spawners, camera controls, dynamic mapping generation, basic enemy AI, and the pathfinder algorithm. You'll also get to grips with implementing command units to perform actions, crafting and producing resources, basic physics and collision detection, and building an RTS game from scratch using C# and the latest features of the Unity game engine.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to make professional and high-quality end-to-end RTS games using the best practices and techniques from the gaming industry.


Creative Motion Mastery with Adobe After Effects. Learn the ins and outs of motion graphics, post-production, rotoscoping, and VFX

Vishu Aggarwal

Visual effects and motion graphics are everywhere, shaping the film, TV, games, websites, and application landscape. Navigating a field this complex and ever-expanding demands more than mere familiarity with tools; you need to stand out to get ahead. Creative Motion Mastery with Adobe After Effects is the definitive guide that not only equips you with the essential skills to distinguish yourself, but also takes you through real projects that you can add to your portfolio.Guided by a hands-on learning approach, you'll master the UI, workflow, and diverse projects such as text animation, shape layers, and rotoscoping. With this newfound knowledge, you’ll take your graphic design and post-production skills to the next level using chroma keying, particle simulations, and 2D and 3D tracking. You’ll progress faster than someone taking a formal course in Adobe After Effects! And it’s not all about creating; you’ll import graphics from Illustrator and Photoshop and apply post-production effects to give them a new life. Finally, you’ll discover how seamlessly you can export and manage your projects, ensuring end-to-end coverage of all you need.By the end of the book, you’ll have a thorough understanding of Adobe After Effects, equipped with the skills and practice you need to propel your career in graphic design.


CryENGINE 3 Game Development: Beginner's Guide. Discover how to use the CryENGINE 3 free SDK, the next-generation, real-time game development tool with this book and

Sean Tracy, Paul Reindell, Sean P Tracy (USD)

CryENGINE is a complete game development environment used by AAA game development studio Crytek to produce blockbuster games such as Crysis 1, 2 and 3. This complete Beginner's Guide takes the would be game developer through the steps required to create a game world complete with event scripting, user interface and 3D environment in the free CryENGINE SDK. Learn to create game worlds with the CryENGINE 3 Sandbox, the tool used to create AAA games like the soon to be released Crysis 3. Follow straightforward examples to sculpt the terrain, place vegetation, set up lighting, create game sounds, script with Lua and code with C++. Learn to navigate the interface within the CryENGINE 3 Sandbox, the tool used to create AAA games like Crysis 1 and 2, as well as the soon to be released Crysis 3. Learn to create your own worlds by following straight forward examples to sculpt the terrain, place vegetation, set up lighting, create game sounds, and script with the Lua language. The book covers all beginner aspects of game development including an introduction to C++ for non- coders.


Dotknij i przeciągnij. Projektowanie gier na ekrany dotykowe

Scott Rogers

Jednym palcem do sukcesu! Ekrany dotykowe opanowały świat. Są wygodne i intuicyjne, a ich obsługa nie sprawia żadnych problemów nawet najmłodszym użytkownikom. Jednocześnie dają one ogromne pole do popisu projektantom gier i aplikacji użytkowych. Kto nie zna największego hitu ostatnich lat - gry, której głównymi bohaterami są ptaki? Ta gra wykorzystuje tylko jeden palec! Przekonaj się sam, na co zwrócić uwagę przy tworzeniu aplikacji i gier pod kątem możliwości ekranów dotykowych. Nie mogłeś trafić na lepszą pozycję poświęconą tej tematyce! W trakcie lektury dowiesz się, jak opracować interesującą i wciągającą fabułę gry, stworzyć postacie, które pokochają użytkownicy, oraz skorzystać z rzeczywistości rozszerzonej. Ponadto znajdziesz tu odpowiedzi na pytania, czy warto stosować wirtualne joysticki oraz jak wprowadzić fizykę do swoich gier. Na sam koniec dowiesz się, jak opublikować swoje dzieło w sklepach z aplikacjami dla różnych platform. Książka ta charakteryzuje się dużą dawką dobrego humoru, zawiera liczne przykłady prawdziwych aplikacji oraz wywiady z profesjonalnymi deweloperami. To idealne źródło informacji dla projektantów gier i aplikacji dla urządzeń z ekranami dotykowymi. Sięgnij po tę książkę i: znajdź źródło sukcesu popularnych gier sprawdź, jak przygotować dobrą fabułę stwórz bohaterów uwielbianych przez użytkowników wprowadź fizykę do Twojego wirtualnego świata odnieś sukces na rynku gier Twórz porywające gry na ekrany dotykowe!


Dynamic Story Scripting with the ink Scripting Language. Create dialogue and procedural storytelling systems for Unity projects

Daniel Cox

ink is a narrative scripting language designed for use with game engines such as Unity through a plugin that provides an application programming interface (API) to help you to move between the branches of a story and access the values within it.Hands-On Dynamic Story Scripting with the ink Scripting Language begins by showing you how ink understands stories and how to write some simple branching projects. You'll then move on to advanced usage with looping structures, discovering how to use variables to set up dynamic events in a story and defining simple rules to create complex narratives for use with larger Unity projects. As you advance, you'll learn how the Unity plugin allows access to a running story through its API and explore the ways in which this can be used to move data in and out of an ink story to adapt to different interactions and forms of user input. You'll also work with three specific use cases of ink with Unity by writing a dialogue system and creating quest structures and other branching narrative patterns. Finally, this will help you to find out how ink can be used to generate procedural storytelling patterns for Unity projects using different forms of data input.By the end of this book, you will be able to move from a simple story to an intricate Unity project using ink to power complex narrative structures.


Elevating Game Experiences with Unreal Engine 5. Bring your game ideas to life using the new Unreal Engine 5 and C++ - Second Edition

Gonçalo Marques, Devin Sherry, David Pereira, Hammad Fozi

Immerse yourself in the Unreal game projects with this book, written by four highly experienced industry professionals with many years of combined experience with Unreal Engine. Elevating Game Experiences with Unreal Engine 5 will walk you through the latest version of Unreal Engine by helping you get hands-on with the game creation projects.The book starts with an introduction to the Unreal Editor and key concepts such as actors, blueprints, animations, inheritance, and player input. You'll then move on to the first of three projects, building a dodgeball game, where you'll learn the concepts of line traces, collisions, projectiles, user interface, and sound effects. You’ll also discover how to combine these concepts to showcase your new skills. The second project, a side-scroller game, will help you implement concepts such as animation blending, enemy AI, spawning objects, and collectibles. And finally, you'll cover the key concepts in creating a multiplayer environment as you work on the third project, an FPS game.By the end of this Unreal Engine book, you'll have a broad understanding of how to use the tools that the game engine provides to start building your own games.


Enhancing Virtual Reality Experiences with Unity 2022. Use Unity's latest features to level up your skills for VR games, apps, and other projects

Steven Antonio Christian, Patrick B. Thomas

Virtual reality (VR) has emerged as one of the most transformative mediums of the 21st century, finding applications in various industries, including gaming, entertainment, and education.Enhancing Virtual Reality Experiences with Unity 2022 takes you into the fascinating realm of VR, where creativity meets cutting-edge technology to bring tangible real-world applications to life. This immersive exploration not only equips you with the essential skills needed to craft captivating VR environments using Unity's powerful game engine but also offers a deeper understanding of the philosophy behind creating truly immersive experiences.Throughout the book, you’ll work with practical VR scene creation, interactive design, spatial audio, and C# programming and prepare to apply these skills to real-world projects spanning art galleries, interactive playgrounds, and beyond. To ensure your VR creations reach their full potential, the book also includes valuable tips on optimization, guaranteeing maximum immersion and impact for your VR adventures.By the end of this book, you’ll have a solid understanding of VR’s versatility and how you can leverage the Unity game engine to create groundbreaking projects.


Enterprise API Management. Design and deliver valuable business APIs

Luis Weir, Zdenek "Z" Nemec

APIs are the cornerstone of modern, agile enterprise systems. They enable access to enterprise services from a wide variety of devices, act as a platform for innovation, and open completely new revenue streams.Enterprise API Management shows how to define the right architecture, implement the right patterns, and define the right organization model for business-driven APIs.Drawing on his experience of developing API and microservice strategies for some of the world's largest companies, Luis Weir explains how APIs deliver value across an enterprise. The book explores the architectural decisions, implementation patterns, and management practices for successful enterprise APIs, as well as providing clear, actionable advice on choosing and executing the right API strategy in your enterprise.With a relentless focus on creating business value, Luis Weir reveals an effective method for planning, building, and running business products and services with APIs.


EVE Online: ISK Strategy Guide

Y Michael Xu, Y. Michael Xu

New Eden, a universe of beauty, destruction and unlimited potential. Take on the role of a capsuleer and forge a story and empire that spans vast regions of space that is uniquely your own. But in order to forge your story and empire, it takes ISK and lots of it.The ISK Making Guide to EVE Online teaches you the inner workings of each ISK making career choice. Learn the tricks of the pros and avoid the hidden pitfalls that await you at every turn. Learn from the experience of a seasoned EVE veteran.Starting with the more easily accessible career choices and moving on to the careers only available to the experienced capsuleers, this book takes you step-by-step as your story unfolds. Help determine the path of EVE by taking on careers like Mining and Manufacturing, the backbone of New Eden or help your empire rise above the rest by Running Missions for the corporations of your empire. The ISK Making Guide to EVE Online gives you a jump start and walks you through every ISK making career choice.