Програмування ігор

Tablice informatyczne. Unity

Agnieszka Borkowska

Tajniki projektowania gier w Unreal Engine 4

Taking Blender to the Next Level. Implement advanced workflows such as geometry nodes, simulations, and motion tracking for Blender production pipelines

Ruan Lotter

Teaching with Google Classroom. Save time and stay organized while delivering online and in-person classes - Second Edition

Michael Zhang

The Applied Artificial Intelligence Workshop. Start working with AI today, to build games, design decision trees, and train your own machine learning models

Anthony So, William So, Zsolt Nagy

The Essential Guide to Creating Multiplayer Games with Godot 4.0. Harness the power of Godot Engine's GDScript network API to connect players in multiplayer games

Henrique Campos, Nathan Lovato

The Modern Vulkan Cookbook. A practical guide to 3D graphics and advanced real-time rendering techniques in Vulkan

Preetish Kakkar, Mauricio Maurer

The Ultimate Roblox Game Building Cookbook. Design immersive experiences with easy-to-follow recipes for world and game development

Taylor Field-Draper, Natasha West