

Android Studio 4.2 Development Essentials - Java Edition. Developing Android applications using Android Studio 4.2, Java, and Android Jetpack

Neil Smyth

Android Studio is an Integrated Development Environment based on the JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA. It provides developers with a unique platform to design and develop Android apps using various developer tools. The new Android Studio 4.2 has an upgraded IntelliJ platform and a variety of new features designed to improve the productivity of Android app developers. Fully updated for Android Studio 4.2, the objective of this book is to help you master the skills necessary to develop Android applications using Java as the programming language.This book begins by outlining the steps necessary to set up an Android development and testing environment and introducing programming in Java, describing data types, flow control, functions, lambdas, and object-oriented programming. It includes an overview of Android Studio, covering areas such as tool windows, the code editor, and the Layout Editor tool. An introduction to Android architecture is followed by an in-depth explanation of the design of Android applications and user interfaces using the Android Studio environment.Early chapters detail Android Architecture components like view models, lifecycle management, Room database access, the Database Inspector, app navigation, live data, and data binding. Advanced topics such as intents are also covered, as are touch screen handling, gesture recognition, and the recording and playback of audio. You will also explore printing, transitions, cloud-based file storage, and foldable device support.Detailed descriptions of the concepts of material design are provided, including the use of floating action buttons, Snackbars, tabbed interfaces, card views, navigation drawers, and collapsing toolbars. Some key features of Android Studio 4.2 and Android discussed in-depth include the Layout Editor, the ConstraintLayout and ConstraintSet classes, MotionLayout Editor, view binding, constraint chains, barriers, and direct reply notifications. Later chapters cover advanced features of Android Studio such as App Links, Dynamic Delivery, the Android Studio Profiler, Gradle build configuration, and submitting apps to the Google Play Developer Console.


Android Studio. Tworzenie aplikacji mobilnych

Marcin Płonkowski

Aplikacje do zadań specjalnych... pisz tylko w Android Studio! Czy umiesz sobie wyobrazić świat urządzeń cyfrowych, w którym nagle zabrakło Androida? Czy wiesz, jak wiele codziennych czynności okazałoby się wówczas nie do zrobienia? Przez kilka ostatnich lat Android niepostrzeżenie ulokował się we wszystkich smartfonach czy tabletach, a aplikacje pisane dla tego systemu służą nam wszędzie: w kinie, w sklepie, na biwaku, na nartach i u lekarza. I wciąż potrzebujemy nowych! Jeśli chcesz dołączyć do grona innowacyjnych kreatorów, tworzących aplikacje ułatwiające i uprzyjemniające codzienne życie setek milionów ludzi, czym prędzej zapoznaj się z możliwościami Android Studio! To pozwoli Ci szybko zacząć przygodę z Javą i efektywnie pisać dobre programy. Dzięki informacjom zawartym w tej książce uda Ci się szybko opanować podstawy pracy w Android Studio. Dowiesz się, jak zainstalować środowisko programistyczne, utworzyć i dopracować interfejs użytkownika, stosować tematy i style, generować komunikaty, wprowadzać elementy wizualne i multimedialne. Poznasz sposoby dodawania funkcjonalności, zobaczysz, jak zapewnić zapisywanie i odtwarzanie danych. Na końcu książki umieszczono dodatek, w którym znajdziesz także skróty klawiaturowe i informacje o szablonach. Na co czekasz? Czas wreszcie przekuć Twoje pomysły w prawdziwe aplikacje. Android czeka na Ciebie! Poznajemy Android Studio Podstawy tworzenia interfejsu użytkownika Style i tematy Aktywności i fragmenty Powiadomienia Praca z komponentami interfejsu użytkownika Obrazy i animacje Zapisywanie i odczytywanie danych Usprawnienia w pisaniu kodu Zainspiruj się Androidem!


Android System Programming. Porting, customizing, and debugging Android HAL

Roger Ye, Shen Liu

Android system programming involves both hardware and software knowledge to work on system level programming. The developers need to use various techniques to debug the different components in the target devices. With all the challenges, you usually have a deep learning curve to master relevant knowledge in this area. This book will not only give you the key knowledge you need to understand Android system programming, but will also prepare you as you get hands-on with projects and gain debugging skills that you can use in your future projects.You will start by exploring the basic setup of AOSP, and building and testing an emulator image. In the first project, you will learn how to customize and extend the Android emulator. Then you’ll move on to the real challenge—building your own Android system on VirtualBox. You’ll see how to debug the init process, resolve the bootloader issue, and enable various hardware interfaces. When you have a complete system, you will learn how to patch and upgrade it through recovery. Throughout the book, you will get to know useful tips on how to integrate and reuse existing open source projects such as LineageOS (CyanogenMod), Android-x86, Xposed, and GApps in your own system.


Android Wear Projects. Create smart Android Apps for Wearables

Ashok Kumar S

Android Wear Projects is your opportunity to step into the exciting new world of Android Wear app development. This book will help you to master the skills in Android Wear programming and give you a complete insight on wear app development.You will create five different Android Wear apps just like the most popular Android Wear apps. You will create a To-do list, a city maps app, a Wear messenger, Wear fitness tracker and Watch face. While you create these apps you will learn to create custom notifications, receive voice inputs in notifications, add pages to notifications and stack notifications. You will see how to create custom wear app layouts, the custom UIs specially designed for Wear. You will learn to handle and manage data and syncing data with other devices, create interactive Watch faces and also ensure the safety and security of your Wear apps by testing and securing your apps before you deploy them on the app store.


Angular 6 for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications. Deliver production-ready and cloud-scale Angular web apps

Doguhan Uluca

Angular 6 for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications follows a hands-on and minimalist approach demonstrating how to design and architect high quality apps.The first part of the book is about mastering the Angular platform using foundational technologies. You will use the Kanban method to focus on value delivery, communicate design ideas with mock-up tools and build great looking apps with Angular Material. You will become comfortable using CLI tools, understand reactive programming with RxJS, and deploy to the cloud using Docker.The second part of the book will introduce you to the router-first architecture, a seven-step approach to designing and developing mid-to-large line-of-business applications, along with popular recipes. You will learn how to design a solid authentication and authorization experience; explore unit testing, early integration with backend APIs using Swagger and continuous integration using CircleCI. In the concluding chapters, you will provision a highly available cloud infrastructure on AWS and then use Google Analytics to capture user behavior.By the end of this book, you will be familiar with the scope of web development using Angular, Swagger, and Docker, learning patterns and practices to be successful as an individual developer on the web or as a team in the Enterprise.


Apache Kafka 1.0 Cookbook. Over 100 practical recipes on using distributed enterprise messaging to handle real-time data

Raúl Estrada

Apache Kafka provides a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform to handle real-time data feeds. This book will show you how to use Kafka efficiently, and contains practical solutions to the common problems that developers and administrators usually face while working with it. This practical guide contains easy-to-follow recipes to help you set up, configure, and use Apache Kafka in the best possible manner. You will use Apache Kafka Consumers and Producers to build effective real-time streaming applications. The book covers the recently released Kafka version 1.0, the Confluent Platform and Kafka Streams. The programming aspect covered in the book will teach you how to perform important tasks such as message validation, enrichment and composition.Recipes focusing on optimizing the performance of your Kafka cluster, and integrate Kafka with a variety of third-party tools such as Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Elasticsearch will help ease your day to day collaboration with Kafka greatly. Finally, we cover tasks related to monitoring and securing your Apache Kafka cluster using tools such as Ganglia and Graphite.If you're looking to become the go-to person in your organization when it comes to working with Apache Kafka, this book is the only resource you need to have.


Apache Kafka Quick Start Guide. Leverage Apache Kafka 2.0 to simplify real-time data processing for distributed applications

Raúl Estrada

Apache Kafka is a great open source platform for handling your real-time data pipeline to ensure high-speed filtering and pattern matching on the ?y. In this book, you will learn how to use Apache Kafka for efficient processing of distributed applications and will get familiar with solving everyday problems in fast data and processing pipelines.This book focuses on programming rather than the configuration management of Kafka clusters or DevOps. It starts off with the installation and setting up the development environment, before quickly moving on to performing fundamental messaging operations such as validation and enrichment.Here you will learn about message composition with pure Kafka API and Kafka Streams. You will look into the transformation of messages in different formats, such asext, binary, XML, JSON, and AVRO. Next, you will learn how to expose the schemas contained in Kafka with the Schema Registry. You will then learn how to work with all relevant connectors with Kafka Connect. While working with Kafka Streams, you will perform various interesting operations on streams, such as windowing, joins, and aggregations. Finally, through KSQL, you will learn how to retrieve, insert, modify, and delete data streams, and how to manipulate watermarks and windows.