

Scala Programming Projects. Build real-world projects using popular Scala frameworks such as Play, Akka, and Spark

Mikael Valot, Nicolas Jorand

Scala Programming Projects is a comprehensive project-based introduction for those who are new to Scala. Complete with step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow tutorials that demonstrate best practices when building applications, this Scala book will have you building real-world projects in no time.Starting with the fundamentals of software development, you’ll begin with simple projects, such as developing a financial independence calculator, and then advance to more complex projects, such as a building a shopping application and a Bitcoin transaction analyzer. You’ll explore a variety of Scala features, including its OOP and FP capabilities, and learn how to write concise, reactive, and concurrent applications in a type-safe manner. You’ll also understand how to use libraries such as Akka and Play. Furthermore, you’ll be able to integrate your Scala apps with Kafka, Spark, and Zeppelin, along with deploying applications on a cloud platform.By the end of the book, you’ll have a firm foundation in Java programming that’ll enable you to solve a variety of real-world problems, and you’ll have built impressive projects to add to your professional portfolio.


Selenium Framework Design in Data-Driven Testing. Build data-driven test frameworks using Selenium WebDriver, AppiumDriver, Java, and TestNG

Carl Cocchiaro

The Selenium WebDriver 3.x Technology is an open source API available to test both Browser and Mobile applications. It is completely platform independent in that tests built for one browser or mobile device, will also work on all other browsers and mobile devices. Selenium supports all major development languages which allow it to be tied directly into the technology used to develop the applications. This guide will provide a step-by-step approach to designing and building a data-driven test framework using Selenium WebDriver, Java, and TestNG.The book starts off by introducing users to the Selenium Page Object Design Patterns and D.R.Y Approaches to Software Development. In doing so, it covers designing and building a Selenium WebDriver framework that supports both Browser and Mobile Devices. It will lead the user through a journey of architecting their own framework with a scalable driver class, Java utility classes, JSON Data Provider, Data-Driven Test Classes, and support for third party tools and plugins.Users will learn how to design and build a Selenium Grid from scratch to allow the framework to scale and support different browsers, mobile devices, versions, and platforms, and how they can leverage third party grids in the Cloud like SauceLabs.Other topics covered include designing abstract base and sub-classes, inheritance, dual-driver support, parallel testing, testing multi-branded applications, best practices for using locators, and data encapsulation.Finally, you will be presented with a sample fully-functional framework to get them up and running with the Selenium WebDriver for browser testing.By the end of the book, you will be able to design your own automation testing framework and perform data-driven testing with Selenium WebDriver.


Selenium WebDriver w Javie. Praktyczne wprowadzenie do tworzenia testów systemowych

Boni García

Selenium pozwala na automatyzację pracy przeglądarek internetowych. Kluczowym komponentem tego projektu open source jest Selenium WebDriver - biblioteka do programistycznego kontrolowania przeglądarek. Podstawowym zastosowaniem Selenium jest implementacja testów systemowych w celu weryfikacji funkcjonowania aplikacji. Narzędzie to zdobyło ogromną popularność - stanowi ono jedno z wiodących rozwiązań w zakresie testów systemowych. Jest chętnie używane zarówno przez duże organizacje, jak i samodzielnych programistów. Ten praktyczny przewodnik po Selenium WebDriver w wersji 4 z uwzględnieniem implementacji w Javie jest przeznaczony dla programistów Javy, inżynierów jakości i testerów. Przedstawiono w nim główne aspekty zautomatyzowanej nawigacji po stronie, manipulacji w przeglądarce, interakcji z elementami, naśladowania działań użytkownika i automatycznego zarządzania sterownikami. Opisano koncepcję wzorca projektowego POM, który pozwala na modelowanie stron internetowych w zorientowanych obiektowo klasach. Zaprezentowano różne sposoby przeprowadzania testów i wprowadzania odpowiedniej ich kolejności, omówiono też zasady analizy błędnych wykonań w celu określenia przyczyn niepowodzenia. Pokazano także możliwości wzbogacania testów o inne technologie, służące na przykład do raportowania wyników, generowania danych czy implementacji szczególnych przypadków użycia. W książce między innymi: przygotowanie środowiska do testów end-to-end z Selenium WebDriver automatyczne interakcje z aplikacjami internetowymi strategie testowania na wielu przeglądarkach testowanie działania formularzy, komunikatów w oknach i skryptów JavaScript posługiwanie się złożoną infrastrukturą w testach Selenium WebDriver wykorzystanie programowania zorientowanego obiektowo w testowanych aplikacjach Selenium: testowanie, które daje niezawodność i bezpieczeństwo!


Simplifying Application Development with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. Write robust native applications for iOS and Android efficiently

Róbert Nagy

Sharing code between platforms can help developers gain a competitive edge, and Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) offers a sensible way to do it. KMM helps mobile teams share code between Android and iOS in a flexible way, leaving room for native development.The book begins by helping you to gain a clear understanding of the Kotlin Multiplatform approach, how it works, and how it is different from cross-platform technologies, such as React Native and Flutter, and code sharing options, such as C++. You'll then see how your team can use this software development kit (SDK) to build native applications more effectively by learning timeless concepts and working through practical examples. As you advance, you'll get to grips with the core concepts, understand why UI sharing fails, and get hands-on with developing a small KMM application. Finally, you'll discover expert tips and best practices, along with production- and adoption-related questions, that will help you take the next step in your project and career.By the end of this Kotlin book, you'll have gained a solid understanding of the capabilities of KMM and be able to share code between Android and iOS flexibly.


Software Architecture with Spring 5.0. Design and architect highly scalable, robust, and high-performance Java applications

René Enríquez, Alberto Salazar

Spring 5 and its ecosystem can be used to build robust architectures effectively. Software architecture is the underlying piece that helps us accomplish our business goals whilst supporting the features that a product demands. This book explains in detail how to choose the right architecture and apply best practices during your software development cycle to avoid technical debt and support every business requirement. Choosing the right architecture model to support your business requirements is one of the key decisions you need to take when a new product is being created from scratch or is being refactored to support new business demands. This book gives you insights into the most common architectural models and guides you when and where they can be used. During this journey, you’ll see cutting-edge technologies surrounding the Spring products, and understand how to use agile techniques such as DevOps and continuous delivery to take your software to production effectively. By the end of this book, you’ll not only know the ins and outs of Spring, but also be able to make critical design decisions that surpass your clients’ expectations.


Solutions Architect's Handbook. Kick-start your career with architecture design principles, strategies, and generative AI techniques - Third Edition

Saurabh Shrivastava, Neelanjali Srivastav, Rajesh Sheth, Kamal Arora, ...

Build a strong foundation in solution architecture and excel in your career with the Solutions Architect’s Handbook. Authored by seasoned AWS technology leaders Saurabh Shrivastav and Neelanjali Srivastav, this book goes beyond traditional certification guides, offering in-depth insights and advanced techniques to meet the specific needs and challenges of solutions architects today. This edition introduces exciting new features that keep you at the forefront of this evolving field. From large language models and generative AI to deep learning innovations, these cutting-edge advancements are shaping the future of technology. Key topics such as cloud-native architecture, data engineering architecture, cloud optimization, mainframe modernization, and building cost-efficient, secure architectures remain essential today. This book covers both emerging and foundational technologies, guiding you through solution architecture design with key principles and providing the knowledge you need to succeed as a Solutions Architect. It also sharpens your soft skills, providing career-accelerating techniques to stay ahead.By the end of this book, you will be able to harness cutting-edge technologies, apply practical insights from real-world scenarios, and enhance your solution architecture skills with the Solutions Architect's Handbook.


Spring 5 Design Patterns. Master efficient application development with patterns such as proxy, singleton, the template method, and more

Dinesh Rajput

Design patterns help speed up the development process by offering well tested and proven solutions to common problems. These patterns coupled with the Spring framework offer tremendous improvements in the development process.The book begins with an overview of Spring Framework 5.0 and design patterns. You will understand the Dependency Injection pattern, which is the main principle behind the decoupling process that Spring performs, thus making it easier to manage your code. You will learn how GoF patterns can be used in Application Design. You will then learn to use Proxy patterns in Aspect Oriented Programming and remoting. Moving on, you will understand the JDBC template patterns and their use in abstracting database access. Then, you will be introduced to MVC patterns to build Reactive web applications. Finally, you will move on to more advanced topics such as Reactive streams and Concurrency.At the end of this book, you will be well equipped to develop efficient enterprise applications using Spring 5 with common design patterns