Techniki programowania


TDD. Techniki programowania sterowanego testami

Dariusz Woźniak

Odnieś sukces dzięki TDD! Poznaj filozofię programowania sterowanego testami Dowiedz się, jak wdrożyć metodę TDD w praktyce Naucz się stosować właściwe narzędzia i techniki Metoda Test-Driven Development pozwala na pisanie lepszej jakości, bardziej elastycznego i łatwiejszego w utrzymaniu kodu, na którym można w pełni polegać. Większa wydajność pracy programistów, którzy o wiele lepiej rozumieją potrzeby biznesowe stawiane tworzonym przez nich aplikacjom, znaczne przyspieszenie powtarzalnych testów - to tylko niektóre zalety TDD. Nic dziwnego, że świat zachwycił się tą techniką, a jej znajomość należy do podstawowych wymagań, które muszą spełnić inżynierowie pragnący rozwijać swoją karierę w branży IT. Jeśli chcesz poznać metodę TDD i nauczyć się tworzyć zgodne z nią testy jednostkowe, trafiłeś na właściwą książkę! W prosty sposób przedstawi Ci ona cykl Red-Green-Refactor, zaprezentuje zalety poprawnie zaimplementowanej techniki TDD, zwróci uwagę na trudności związane z wdrażaniem tej techniki i podpowie, jak sobie z nimi poradzić. Nauczysz się z niej pisać testy jednostkowe zgodnie z dobrymi praktykami oraz sprawdzać zależności i tworzyć atrapy obiektów. Dowiesz się, jak stosować TDD w przypadku już istniejącego kodu, a także jak mierzyć pokrycie kodu testami. Poznasz również podstawowe informacje na temat ciągłej integracji i jej znaczenia dla techniki TDD. Podstawowe informacje o testach i metodzie TDD Tworzenie dobrych testów jednostkowych Praktyczne zastosowanie biblioteki NUnit Atrapy i ich klasyfikacja Zastosowanie TDD do istniejącego kodu Pokrycie kodu testami i ciągła integracja Najważniejsze biblioteki wspierające TDD Poznaj w praktyce najbardziej przebojową metodę tworzenia oprogramowania!


TDD w praktyce. Niezawodny kod w języku Python

Harry J.W. Percival

„Ta książka to znacznie więcej niż tylko wprowadzenie do programowania sterowanego testami w Pythonie. To jest pełny kurs przedstawiający najlepsze praktyki, od początku do końca na przykładzie nowoczesnego programowania aplikacji sieciowej w Pythonie.” — Kenneth Reitz, członek Python Software Foundation Twórz niezawodne aplikacje w języku Python! Każdy programista marzy o pracy z przejrzystym kodem, który został w całości pokryty testami. Niestety, rzeczywistość bywa często daleka od ideału. A może da się go jednak osiągnąć? Odpowiedzią na to pytanie jest TDD (ang. Test-Driven Development), czyli wytwarzanie oprogramowania sterowane testami. Jak zacząć stosować tę technikę? Na to i wiele innych pytań odpowiada ta książka. Zacznij w praktyce realizować koncepcje płynące z TDD w połączeniu z językiem Python. Na początku dowiedz się, jak skonfigurować Django za pomocą testu funkcjonalnego, oraz skorzystaj z modułu unittest. Zdobądź też bezcenną wiedzę na temat testowania widoków, szablonów i adresów URL oraz naucz się testować układy strony i style. Sprawdź, jak zapewnić ciągłą integrację z wykorzystaniem systemu Jenkins oraz najlepszych praktyk w tworzeniu testowalnego kodu. Książka ta jest doskonałą lekturą dla wszystkich programistów tworzących aplikacje internetowe w języku Python. Twój kod może być naprawdę łatwy w utrzymaniu! Poznaj sposób pracy wykorzystujący podejście TDD, między innymi cykl test jednostkowy i tworzenie kodu, a później refaktoryzacja. Używaj testów jednostkowych dla klas i funkcji oraz testów funkcjonalnych pozwalających na symulowanie działań podejmowanych przez użytkownika w przeglądarce internetowej. Dowiedz się kiedy i jak używać obiektów imitacji, a także poznaj wady i zalety testów odizolowanych i zintegrowanych. Przetestuj i automatyzuj wdrożenie za pomocą serwera prowizorycznego. Zastosuj testy względem przygotowanych przez firmy trzecie wtyczek, które integrujesz z witryną. Używaj środowiska ciągłej integracji w celu automatycznego wykonywania testów. Poznaj techniki TDD w połączeniu z Pythonem!


Template Metaprogramming with C++. Learn everything about C++ templates and unlock the power of template metaprogramming

Marius Bancila

Learn how the metaprogramming technique enables you to create data structures and functions that allow computation to happen at compile time. With this book, you'll realize how templates help you avoid writing duplicate code and are key to creating generic libraries, such as the standard library or Boost, that can be used in a multitude of programs.The introductory chapters of this book will give you insights into the fundamentals of templates and metaprogramming. You'll then move on to practice writing complex templates and exploring advanced concepts such as template recursion, template argument deduction, forwarding references, type traits, and conditional compilation. Along the way, you'll learn how to write variadic templates and how to provide requirements to the template arguments with C++20 constraints and concepts. Finally, you'll apply your knowledge of C++ metaprogramming templates to implement various metaprogramming patterns and techniques.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to write effective templates and implement metaprogramming in your everyday programming journey.


Terraform Cookbook. Provision, run, and scale cloud architecture with real-world examples using Terraform - Second Edition

Mikael Krief, Armon Dadgar

HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) has changed how we define and provision data center infrastructure with the launch of Terraform, a top-tier product for building Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Terraform Cookbook shows you how to leverage Terraform to manage complex infrastructure with ease.This new edition has been updated to include real-world examples for provisioning Azure, AWS and GCP infrastructure with Terraform. You'll delve into manual and automated testing with Terraform configurations, creating and managing a balanced, efficient, and reusable infrastructure with Terraform modules. You'll learn how to automate the deployment of Terraform configuration with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).Besides that, several new chapters have been added that describe the use of Terraform for Docker and Kubernetes, examine advanced topics on GitOps practices, and explain how to test Terraform configurations using different tools to check code and security compliance. The final chapter covers troubleshooting common Terraform issues and provides solutions for frequently encountered errors.By the end of this book, you'll have developed the skills needed to get the most value out of Terraform and to effectively manage your infrastructure.


Test-Driven Development in Go. A practical guide to writing idiomatic and efficient Go tests through real-world examples

Adelina Simion

Experienced developers understand the importance of designing a comprehensive testing strategy to ensure efficient shipping and maintaining services in production. This book shows you how to utilize test-driven development (TDD), a widely adopted industry practice, for testing your Go apps at different levels. You’ll also explore challenges faced in testing concurrent code, and learn how to leverage generics and write fuzz tests.The book begins by teaching you how to use TDD to tackle various problems, from simple mathematical functions to web apps. You’ll then learn how to structure and run your unit tests using Go’s standard testing library, and explore two popular testing frameworks, Testify and Ginkgo. You’ll also implement test suites using table-driven testing, a popular Go technique. As you advance, you’ll write and run behavior-driven development (BDD) tests using Ginkgo and Godog. Finally, you’ll explore the tricky aspects of implementing and testing TDD in production, such as refactoring your code and testing microservices architecture with contract testing implemented with Pact. All these techniques will be demonstrated using an example REST API, as well as smaller bespoke code examples.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to design and implement a comprehensive testing strategy for your Go applications and microservices architecture.


Test-Driven Development with C++. A simple guide to writing bug-free Agile code

Abdul Wahid Tanner

Modern, standard C++ is all that is needed to create a small and practical testing framework that will improve the design of any project. This allows you to think about how the code will be used, which is the first step in designing intuitive interfaces. TDD is a modern balanced software development approach that helps to create maintainable applications, provide modularity in design, and write minimal code that drastically reduces defects. With the help of this book, you'll be able to continue adding value when designs need to change by ensuring that the changes don't break existing tests.In this book, you will use test-driven development (TDD) to gain practical skills by writing a simple testing framework and then using it to drive the design of a logging library. The book will help you enhance your software development skills with test cases. You'll understand how to design and implement test cases. The chapters will also show you how to utilize the TDD approach to be more productive in software development than attempting to code in large unstructured steps.By the end of this book, you'll have gained knowledge of TDD and testing and also built a working logging library with unique features not found in other libraries.


Test-Driven Development with PHP 8. Build extensible, reliable, and maintainable enterprise-level applications using TDD and BDD with PHP

Rainier Sarabia, Ben Hansen

PHP web developers end up building complex enterprise projects without prior experience in test-driven and behavior-driven development which results in software that’s complex and difficult to maintain. This step-by-step guide helps you manage the complexities of large-scale web applications. It takes you through the processes of working on a project, starting from understanding business requirements and translating them into actual maintainable software, to automated deployments.You’ll learn how to break down business requirements into workable and actionable lists using Jira. Using those organized lists of business requirements, you’ll understand how to implement behavior-driven development (BDD) and test-driven development (TDD) to start writing maintainable PHP code. You’ll explore how to use the automated tests to help you stop introducing regressions to an application each time you release code by using continuous integration.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to start a PHP project, break down the requirements, build test scenarios and automated tests, and write more testable and maintainable PHP code. By learning these processes, you’ll be able to develop more maintainable, and reliable enterprise PHP applications.


Test-Driven JavaScript Development. Learn JavaScript test-driven development using popular frameworks and tools

Harmeet Singh, Hetal Prajapati, Ravi Kumar Gupta

Initially, all processing used to happen on the server-side and simple output was the response to web browsers. Nowadays, there are so many JavaScript frameworks and libraries created that help readers to create charts, animations, simulations, and so on. By the time a project finishes or reaches a stable state, so much JavaScript code has already been written that changing and maintaining it further is tedious. Here comes the importance of automated testing and more specifically, developing all that code in a test-driven environment. Test-driven development is a methodology that makes testing the central part of the design process – before writing code developers decide upon the conditions that code must meet to pass a test. The end goal is to help the readers understand the importance and process of using TDD as a part of development.This book starts with the details about test-driven development, its importance, need, and benefits. Later the book introduces popular tools and frameworks like YUI, Karma, QUnit, DalekJS, JsUnit and goes on to utilize Jasmine, Mocha, Karma for advanced concepts like feature detection, server-side testing, and patterns. We are going to understand, write, and run tests, and further debug our programs. The book concludes with best practices in JavaScript testing. By the end of the book, the readers will know why they should test, how to do it most efficiently, and will have a number of versatile tests (and methods for devising new tests) to get to work immediately.


Test-Driven Python Development. Develop high-quality and maintainable Python applications using the principles of test-driven development

Siddharta Govindaraj

This book starts with a look at the test-driven development process, and how it is different from the traditional way of writing code. All the concepts are presented in the context of a real application that is developed in a step-by-step manner over the course of the book. While exploring the common types of smelly code, we will go back into our example project and clean up the smells that we find.Additionally, we will use mocking to implement the parts of our example project that depend on other systems. Towards the end of the book, we'll take a look at the most common patterns and anti-patterns associated with test-driven development, including integration of test results into the development process.


Testuj oprogramowanie jak Google. Metody automatyzacji

Jason Arbon, Jeff Carollo, James A. Whittaker

Poznaj najlepszą na świecie metodę testowania! Oprogramowanie firmy Google to miliony linii kodu źródłowego, dziesiątki wersji językowych, różne systemy operacyjne, przeglądarki i preferencje użytkownika. Jak przy takich wymogach dostarczyć klientom produkt najwyższej jakości? Tu mogą pomóc tylko testy automatyczne. Dzięki nim codziennie bez trudu można uruchomić miliony testów! Google opanowało tę sztukę do mistrzostwa. Warto uczyć się od najlepszych! Dzięki tej książce dowiesz się, jak zorganizować proces testowania tak, żeby był elastyczny, skuteczny i spełniał Twoje oczekiwania. Poznasz rolę inżyniera do spraw testowania oprogramowania, kierownika zespołów inżynierskich oraz inżyniera testującego. Zobaczysz, na jakie problemy natykają się oni każdego dnia oraz jak sobie z nimi radzą. Ponadto nauczysz się oceniać ryzyko, dokumentować proces testowania czy raportować błędy. Książka ta jest obowiązkową lekturą dla wszystkich osób, które doskonalą swoje umiejętności programistyczne i chcą polepszyć jakość dostarczanego oprogramowania. Dzięki tej książce: poznasz najlepsze metody zapewniania jakości oprogramowania nauczysz się planować i przeprowadzać testy poprawnie ocenisz ryzyko udoskonalisz proces wytwarzania oprogramowania! Sprawdź, jak testują najlepsi!


TextMate How-To. Over 20 fast and furious timesaving recipes for using TextMate efficiently and effectively with this book and

Chris Mears, Christopher J Mears

Not all text editors are created equal. TextMate was created with versatility and power to the developer. Whether you want to organize your files in projects, utilize the efficiency of code completion, take advantage of the thousands of publicly available bundles, or gain insight using powerful regular expression searching, TextMate is an essential and easy-to-use tool you need in your development arsenal.TextMate How-To is a practical guide filled with conventional recipes on using one of the most popular text editors on the OS X platform. It is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn how to code more efficiently and effectively, no matter what programming or scripting language you use.This book will guide the reader through using TextMate for practical purposes. It will start with configuring the application, then cover navigation and editing of files, and finish with bundles and advanced features. Throughout the book, the reader will quickly master the key features of the application through easy to follow tasks.Using this book, the reader will learn the most common text editing and coding tasks including navigation through the document and searching of text. The reader will then learn about working with and navigating between files and projects as well as utilizing bundles to greatly speed up development. Finally, explore the ability to use shell commands and macros to increase productivity.With just a few hours, TextMate How-To will teach the reader everything necessary to hit the ground running with this powerful text editor.


The Android Game Developer's Handbook. Click here to enter text

Avisekhar Roy

Gaming in android is an already established market and growing each day. Previously games were made for specific platforms, but this is the time of cross platform gaming with social connectivity. It requires vision of polishing, design and must follow user behavior. This book would help developers to predict and create scopes of improvement according to user behavior.You will begin with the guidelines and rules of game development on the Android platform followed by a brief description about the current variants of Android devices available. Next you will walk through the various tools available to develop any Android games and learn how to choose the most appropriate tools for a specific purpose. You will then learn JAVA game coding standard and style upon the Android SDK. Later, you would focus on creation, maintenance of Game Loop using Android SDK, common mistakes in game development and the solutions to avoid them to improve performance. We will deep dive into Shaders and learn how to optimize memory and performance for an Android Game before moving on to another important topic, testing and debugging Android Games followed by an overview about Virtual Reality and how to integrate them into Android games. Want to program a different way? Inside you’ll also learn Android game Development using C++ and OpenGL. Finally you would walk through the required tools to polish and finalize the game and possible integration of any third party tools or SDKs in order to monetize your game when it’s one the market!


The C# Workshop. Kickstart your career as a software developer with C#

Jason Hales, Almantas Karpavicius, Mateus Viegas

C# is a powerful, versatile language that can unlock a variety of career paths. But, as with any programming language, learning C# can be a challenging process. With a wide range of different resources available, it’s difficult to know where to start.That's where The C# Workshop comes in. Written and reviewed by industry experts, it provides a fast-paced, supportive learning experience that will quickly get you writing C# code and building applications. Unlike other software development books that focus on dry, technical explanations of the underlying theory, this Workshop cuts through the noise and uses engaging examples to help you understand how each concept is applied in the real world.As you work through the book, you'll tackle realistic exercises that simulate the type of problems that software developers work on every day. These mini-projects include building a random-number guessing game, using the publisher-subscriber model to design a web file downloader, creating a to-do list using Razor Pages, generating images from the Fibonacci sequence using async/await tasks, and developing a temperature unit conversion app which you will then deploy to a production server.By the end of this book, you'll have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to advance your career and tackle your own ambitious projects with C#.


The Complete Coding Interview Guide in Java. An effective guide for aspiring Java developers to ace their programming interviews

Anghel Leonard

Java is one of the most sought-after programming languages in the job market, but cracking the coding interview in this challenging economy might not be easy. This comprehensive guide will help you to tackle various challenges faced in a coding job interview and avoid common interview mistakes, and will ultimately guide you toward landing your job as a Java developer.This book contains two crucial elements of coding interviews - a brief section that will take you through non-technical interview questions, while the more comprehensive part covers over 200 coding interview problems along with their hands-on solutions. This book will help you to develop skills in data structures and algorithms, which technical interviewers look for in a candidate, by solving various problems based on these topics covering a wide range of concepts such as arrays, strings, maps, linked lists, sorting, and searching. You'll find out how to approach a coding interview problem in a structured way that produces faster results. Toward the final chapters, you'll learn to solve tricky questions about concurrency, functional programming, and system scalability.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to solve Java coding problems commonly used in interviews, and will have developed the confidence to secure your Java-centric dream job.


The DevOps Career Handbook. The ultimate guide to pursuing a successful career in DevOps

John Knight, Nate Swenson

DevOps is a set of practices that make up a culture, and practicing DevOps methods can make developers more productive and easier to work with. The DevOps Career Handbook is filled with hundreds of tips and tricks from experts regarding every step of the interview process, helping you save time and money by steering clear of avoidable mistakes.You’ll learn about the various career paths available in the field of DevOps, before acquiring the essential skills needed to begin working as a DevOps professional. If you are already a DevOps engineer, this book will help you to gain advanced skills to become a DevOps specialist. After getting to grips with the basics, you'll discover tips and tricks for preparing your resume and online profiles and find out how to build long-lasting relationships with the recruiters. Finally, you'll read through interviews which will give you an insight into a career in DevOps from the viewpoint of individuals at different career levels.By the end of this DevOps book, you’ll gain a solid understanding of what DevOps is, the various DevOps career paths, and how to prepare for your interview.


The Ins and Outs of Azure VMware Solution. Deploy, configure, and manage an Azure VMware Solution environment

Dr. Kevin Jellow D.H.L (h.c)

Organizations over the world are migrating partially or fully to the cloud, but with the whole slew of providers, tools, and platforms available, knowing where to start can be quite challenging. If you know Microsoft Azure VMware Solution, you know it is the quickest way to migrate to the cloud without needing application modernization or rework. You can retain the same VMware tools to manage your environment while moving to Azure. But how does it work? The Ins and Outs of Azure VMware Solution has the answer.This high-level, comprehensive yet concise guide to Azure VMware Solution starts by taking you through the architecture and its applicable use cases. It will help you hit the ground running by getting straight to the important steps: planning, deploying, configuring, and managing your Azure VMware Solution instance. You’ll be able to extend your existing knowledge of Azure and VMware by covering advanced topics such as SRM and governance, setting up a hybrid connection to your on-premises datacenter, and scaling up using disk pools.By the end of the VMware book, you’ll have gone over everything you need to transition to the cloud with ease using Azure VMware Solution.


The Linux DevOps Handbook. Customize and scale your Linux distributions to accelerate your DevOps workflow

Damian Wojsław, Grzegorz Adamowicz

The Linux DevOps Handbook is a comprehensive resource that caters to both novice and experienced professionals, ensuring a strong foundation in Linux. This book will help you understand how Linux serves as a cornerstone of DevOps, offering the flexibility, stability, and scalability essential for modern software development and operations.You’ll begin by covering Linux distributions, intermediate Linux concepts, and shell scripting to get to grips with automating tasks and streamlining workflows. You’ll then progress to mastering essential day-to-day tools for DevOps tasks. As you learn networking in Linux, you’ll be equipped with connection establishment and troubleshooting skills. You’ll also learn how to use Git for collaboration and efficient code management.The book guides you through Docker concepts for optimizing your DevOps workflows and moves on to advanced DevOps practices, such as monitoring, tracing, and distributed logging. You’ll work with Terraform and GitHub to implement continuous integration (CI)/continuous deployment (CD) pipelines and employ Atlantis for automated software delivery. Additionally, you’ll identify common DevOps pitfalls and strategies to avoid them.By the end of this book, you’ll have built a solid foundation in Linux fundamentals, practical tools, and advanced practices, all contributing to your enhanced Linux skills and successful DevOps implementation.


The Ultimate Docker Container Book. Build, test, ship, and run containers with Docker and Kubernetes - Third Edition

Dr. Gabriel N. Schenker

The Ultimate Docker Container Book, 3rd edition enables you to leverage Docker containers for streamlined software development. You’ll uncover Docker fundamentals and how containers improve software supply chain efficiency and enhance security.You’ll start by learning practical skills such as setting up Docker environments, handling stateful components, running and testing code within containers, and managing Docker images. You’ll also explore how to adapt legacy applications for containerization and understand distributed application architecture. Next, you’ll delve into Docker's networking model, software-defined networks for secure applications, and Docker compose for managing multi-service applications along with tools for log analysis and metrics. You’ll further deepen your understanding of popular orchestrators like Kubernetes and Docker swarmkit, exploring their key concepts, and deployment strategies for resilient applications. In the final sections, you’ll gain insights into deploying containerized applications on major cloud platforms, including Azure, AWS, and GCE and discover techniques for production monitoring and troubleshooting.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to manage and scale containerized applications effectively.


Torque 3D Game Development Cookbook. Over 80 practical recipes and hidden gems for getting the most out of the Torque 3D game engine


Torque 3D is a popular game engine that supports you in every step along the way to making your game a reality. Even with all of the power and tools that Torque 3D provides, finishing a high quality 3D game requires time and knowledge.Torque 3D Game Development Cookbook is a practical guide that takes you through each of the major steps on the journey to creating your game, while learning a few tricks along the way.The recipes in this book start off with learning some of the finer points about TorqueScript. The book then moves on to each of Torque 3D's subsystems and ends with a variety of game play recipes.The various topics covered include activating level-specific game code and scheduling game events, dragging and dropping items between windows to work with an in-game inventory system, and covering the seams between objects with well placed decals. Some of the advanced topics include writing custom shaders and postFX, using zones to improve rendering performance, and enhancing your game's ambience through sound.Once you are done with Torque 3D Game Development Cookbook you'll be on your way to creating amazing 3D games and gain expert knowledge of Torque 3D.


Transitioning to Java. Kickstart your polyglot programming journey by getting a clear understanding of Java

Geertjan Wielenga, Ken Fogel, Geertjan Wielenga

This comprehensive guide will help non-Java developers already using different languages transition from their current language to all things Java. The chapters are designed in a way that re-enforces a developer’s existing knowledge of object-oriented methodologies as they apply to Java.This book has been divided into four sections, with each section touching upon different aspects that’ll enable your effective transition. The first section helps you get to grips with the Java development environment and the Maven build tool for modern Java applications. In the second section, you’ll learn about Java language fundamentals, along with exploring object-oriented programming (OOP) methodologies and functional programming and discovering how to implement software design patterns in Java. The third section shows you how to code in Java on different platforms and helps you get familiar with the challenges faced on these platforms. In the fourth section, you’ll find out how you can manage and package your Java code.By the end of this Java programming book, you’ll have learned the core concepts of Java that’ll help you successfully transition from a different language to Java.


Twilio Cookbook. The Twilio cookbook will enable all kinds of telephone usage, including SMS, on your websites. It's a totally practical guide with a hands-on approach to help you dig deep into the enormous potential of telephone facilities on the Web

Roger Stringer

Have you ever wanted to integrate phone features into a project you were working on? Maybe you wanted to send SMS messages to your customers about the latest sales? Maybe you want to set up a company directory with voice mail? Or maybe you want to add two factor authentication to your web sites to verify your users? Since Twilio was launched in 2007, developers have had a way to do these tasks. The power of Twilio's API is huge and lets you add any type of phone solution to your web site from 2-factor authentication for verifying your users, to setting up a company directory and a voice mail system. The possibilities are endless.Twilio Cookbook is your Swiss army knife for Twilio development, providing you with a number of clear step-by-step exercises. It helps you take advantage of the real power of the Twilio API, and gives you a good grounding in using it in your websites. This book looks at the Twilio API, and breaks down the mystery and confusion that surrounds adding telephone functionality to your websites. As you go through the recipes, you will learn how to take advantage of the Twilio API quickly and painlessly.You will learn how to build your own IVR system, company directory, and voicemail box, and also how to set up a 2-factor authentication system to verify users, track orders via SMS, send surveys using SMS, allow users to buy phone numbers, set up and delete sub-accounts, and check to see if a human is answering a phone call. We will also combine Twilio with other APIs to build a handy local search system such as a local business search, movie listings search, and web search. If you want to take advantage of using Twilio's API to add telephone functionality to your websites, then this book is for you.Twilio Cookbook' will leave you with a black belt in Twilio development and enable you to integrate the API into your websites.


TypeScript Blueprints. Practical Projects to Put TypeScript into Practice

Ivo Gabe de Wolff

TypeScript is the future of JavaScript. Having been designed for the development of large applications, it is now being widely incorporated in cutting-edge projects such as Angular 2. Adopting TypeScript results in more robust software - software that is more scalable and performant.It's scale and performance that lies at the heart of every project that features in this book. The lessons learned throughout this book will arm you with everything you need to build some truly amazing projects. You'll build a complete single page app with Angular 2, create a neat mobile app using NativeScript, and even build a Pac Man game with TypeScript. As if fun wasn't enough, you'll also find out how to migrate your legacy codebase from JavaScript to TypeScript.This book isn't just for developers who want to learn - it's for developers who want to develop. So dive in and get started on these TypeScript projects.


TypeScript Design Patterns. Click here to enter text

Vilic Vane

In programming, there are several problems that occur frequently. To solve these problems, there are various repeatable solutions that are known as design patterns. Design patterns are a great way to improve the efficiency of your programs and improve your productivity. This book is a collection of the most important patterns you need to improve your applications’ performance and your productivity. The journey starts by explaining the current challenges when designing and developing an application and how you can solve these challenges by applying the correct design pattern and best practices.Each pattern is accompanied with rich examples that demonstrate the power of patterns for a range of tasks, from building an application to code testing. We’ll introduce low-level programming concepts to help you write TypeScript code, as well as work with software architecture, best practices, and design aspects.


TypeScript: Modern JavaScript Development. Click here to enter text

Remo H. Jansen, Vilic Vane, Ivo Gabe de Wolff

TypeScript is an open source and cross-platform typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript that runs in any browser or any host. TypeScript adds optional static types, classes, and modules to JavaScript, to enable great tooling and better structuring of large JavaScript applications. Through this three-module learning path, you’ll learn the ins-and-outs of TypeScript for building more robust software.The first module gets you started with TypeScript and helps you understand the basics of TypeScript and automation tools. Get a detailed description of function, generics, callbacks, and promises, and discover the object-oriented features and memory management functionality of TypeScript.The next module starts by explaining the current challenges when designing and developing an application and how you can solve these challenges by applying the correct design pattern and best practices. You will be introduced to low-level programming concepts to help you write TypeScript code, as well as working with software architecture, best practices, and design aspects.The final module will help you build a complete single page app with Angular 2, create a neat mobile app using NativeScript, and even build a Pac Man game with TypeScript. As if the fun wasn't enough, you'll also find out how to migrate your legacy codebase from JavaScript to TypeScript.By the end of this Learning Path, you will be able to take your skills up a notch and develop full-fledged web applications using the latest features of the TypeScript.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:• Learning TypeScript by Remo H. Jansen• TypeScript Design Patterns by Vilic Vane• TypeScript Blueprints by Ivo Gabe de Wolff