Techniki programowania


DevOps Paradox. The truth about DevOps by the people on the front line

Viktor Farcic

DevOps promises to break down silos, uniting organizations to deliver high quality output in a cross-functional way. In reality it often results in confusion and new silos: pockets of DevOps practitioners fight the status quo, senior decision-makers demand DevOps paint jobs without committing to true change. Even a clear definition of what DevOps is remains elusive.In DevOps Paradox, top DevOps consultants, industry leaders, and founders reveal their own approaches to all aspects of DevOps implementation and operation. Surround yourself with expert DevOps advisors. Viktor Farcic draws on experts from across the industry to discuss how to introduce DevOps to chaotic organizations, align incentives between teams, and make use of the latest tools and techniques.With each expert offering their own opinions on what DevOps is and how to make it work, you will be able to form your own informed view of the importance and value of DevOps as we enter a new decade. If you want to see how real DevOps experts address the challenges and resolve the paradoxes, this book is for you.


DevOps Unleashed with Git and GitHub. Automate, collaborate, and innovate to enhance your DevOps workflow and development experience

Git and GitHub are absolutely crucial for DevOps, playing a multifaceted role in streamlining the software development lifecycle and enabling smoother collaboration between development and operations teams.DevOps Unleashed with Git and GitHub enables you to harness the power of Git and GitHub to streamline workflows, drive collaboration, and fuel innovation. Authored by an expert from GitHub, the book starts by guiding you through Git fundamentals and delving into DevOps and the developer experience. As you progress, you’ll understand how to leverage GitHub's collaboration and automation features, and even use GitHub Copilot for enhanced productivity. You'll also learn how to bridge the DevOps gap, maintain code quality, and implement robust security measures. Additionally, hands-on exercises will equip you to elevate your developer experience, foster teamwork, and drive innovation at the speed of DevOps.By the end of this DevOps book, you’ll have mastered the Git fundamentals, conquered collaboration challenges, and unleashed the power of GitHub as you transform your DevOps workflows.


Digital Java EE 7 Web Application Development. Develop Java enterprise applications to meet the emerging digital standards using Java EE 7

Peter Pilgrim

Digital Java EE 7 presents you with an opportunity to master writing great enterprise web software using the Java EE 7 platform with the modern approach to digital service standards. You will first learn about the lifecycle and phases of JavaServer Faces, become completely proficient with different validation models and schemes, and then find out exactly how to apply AJAX validations and requests. Next, you will touch base with JSF in order to understand how relevant CDI scopes work. Later, you’ll discover how to add finesse and pizzazz to your digital work in order to improve the design of your e-commerce application. Finally, you will deep dive into AngularJS development in order to keep pace with other popular choices, such as Backbone and Ember JS. By the end of this thorough guide, you’ll have polished your skills on the Digital Java EE 7 platform and be able to creat exiting web application.


Distributed Computing with Python. Harness the power of multiple computers using Python through this fast-paced informative guide

Rasheedh B, Francesco Pierfederici

CPU-intensive data processing tasks have become crucial considering the complexity of the various big data applications that are used today. Reducing the CPU utilization per process is very important to improve the overall speed of applications.This book will teach you how to perform parallel execution of computations by distributing them across multiple processors in a single machine, thus improving the overall performance of a big data processing task. We will cover synchronous and asynchronous models, shared memory and file systems, communication between various processes, synchronization, and more.


Django 4 for the Impatient. Learn the core concepts of Python web development with Django in one weekend

Greg Lim, Daniel Correa

Learning Django can be a tricky and time-consuming activity. There are hundreds of tutorials, loads of documentation, and many explanations that are hard to digest. However, this book enables you to use and learn Django in just a couple of days.In this book, you’ll go on a fun, hands-on, and pragmatic journey to learn Django full stack development. You'll start building your first Django app within minutes. You'll be provided with short explanations and a practical approach that cover some of the most important Django features, such as Django Apps’ structure, URLs, views, templates, models, CSS inclusion, image storage, authentication and authorization, Django admin panel, and many more. You'll also use Django to develop a movies review app and deploy it to the internet.By the end of this book, you'll be able to build and deploy your own Django web applications.


Django: Web Development with Python. Web Development with Python

Aidas Bendoraitis, Samuel Dauzon, Arun Ravindran

Data science is hot right now, and the need for multitalented developers is greater than ever before. A basic grounding in building apps with a framework as minimalistic, powerful, and easy-to-learn as Django will be a useful skill to launch your career as an entrepreneur or web developer. Django is a web framework that was designed to strike a balance between rapid web development and high performance. This course will take you on a journey to become an efficient web developer thoroughly understanding the key concepts of Django framework. This learning path is divided into three modules. The course begins with basic concepts of the Django framework. The first module, Django Essentials, is like a practical guide, filled with many real-world examples to build highly effective Django web application. After getting familiar with core concepts of Django, it's time to practice your learning from the first module with the help of over 90 recipes available in this module. In the second module, Web Development with Django Cookbook, you'll learn varying complexities to help you create multilingual, responsive, and scalable websites with Django. By the end of this module, you will have a good understanding of the new features added to Django 1.8 and be an expert at web development processes.The next step is to discover the latest best practices and idioms in this rapidly evolving Django framework. This is what you'll be learning in our third module, Django Design Patterns and Best Practices. This module will teach you common design patterns to develop better Django code. By the end of the module, you will be able to leverage the Django framework to develop a fully functional web application with minimal effort.


Domain-Driven Design. Zapanuj nad złożonym systemem informatycznym

Eric Evans

Zmień sposób myślenia o projektowaniu systemów informatycznych! Tworzenie skomplikowanych systemów informatycznych wymaga nowego podejścia. Dotychczas stosowane metody przestają się sprawdzać i generują mnóstwo problemów. Odpowiedzią na nie jest Domain-Driven Design, w skrócie DDD. W tym podejściu szczególny nacisk kładzie się na tworzenie obiektów dokładnie odzwierciedlających zachowanie ich odpowiedników istniejących w rzeczywistości. Dzięki temu projektowanie systemu można powierzyć ekspertom z danej branży, którzy niekoniecznie muszą być specjalistami w dziedzinie projektowania architektury systemów informatycznych. Ta książka jest niezwykłym przewodnikiem, który wprowadzi Cię w świat DDD. Sięgnij po nią i poznaj elementy składowe projektu sterowanego modelem oraz cykl życia obiektu dziedziny. W trakcie lektury kolejnych rozdziałów dowiesz się, jak odkrywać pojęcia niejawne, stosować wzorce analityczne oraz wiązać wzorce projektowe z modelem. Ponadto zobaczysz, w jaki sposób utrzymywać integralność modelu, a na sam koniec zaznajomisz się ze strukturami dużej skali oraz łączeniem strategii. Ta książka jest doskonałą lekturą dla wszystkich osób chcących zrozumieć Domain-Driven Design oraz zastosować to podejście w praktyce! Dzięki tej książce: zrozumiesz ideę Domain-Driven Design nauczysz się tworzyć modele zadbasz o integralność stworzonego modelu uporządkujesz system za pomocą struktur dużej skali rozpoznasz momenty przełomowe w trakcie modelowania oraz na nie zareagujesz wykorzystasz DDD w Twoim projekcie Sprawdź, jak projektować skomplikowane systemy informatyczne!


Drupal 7 Multilingual Sites. A hands-on, practical guide for configuring your Drupal 7 website to handle all languages for your site users with this book and

Kristen Pol

Drupal is one of the most powerful and popular PHP Content Management Systems at the moment. By making your site multilingual, you are opening the door to a whole new user base, in as many countries as you like. Use the localization and internationalization features of Drupal 7 to automatically detect where your site users are visiting from and select the content appropriate to them. The world is your oyster!Drupal 7 Multilingual Sites guides you through the wild world of localization and internationalization with practical and real-world exercises that you can apply to your own website. You will go from theory to practice and acquire the skills you need to make a user-friendly Drupal 7 site that supports multiple languages.You will follow focused chapter exercises to add multiple-language support for your user interface, content, and various parts of your site's configuration such as system variables, menus, and blocks.The latter half of the book fills in the details with step-by-step exercises for localizing the interface, the content, and the configuration. Drupal 7 Multilingual Sites will give you the knowledge and the skills necessary to configure your site to support your language needs.


Eclipse Plug-in Development: Beginner's Guide. Extend and customize Eclipse - Second Edition

Alex Blewitt

Eclipse is used by everyone from indie devs to NASA engineers. Its popularity is underpinned by its impressive plug-in ecosystem, which allows it to be extended to meet the needs of whoever is using it. This book shows you how to take full advantage of the Eclipse IDE by building your own useful plug-ins from start to finish.Taking you through the complete process of plug-in development, from packaging to automated testing and deployment, this book is a direct route to quicker, cleaner Java development. It may be for beginners, but we're confident that you'll develop new skills quickly. Pretty soon you'll feel like an expert, in complete control of your IDE.Don't let Eclipse define you - extend it with the plug-ins you need today for smarter, happier, and more effective development.


Effective Concurrency in Go. Develop, analyze, and troubleshoot high performance concurrent applications with ease

Burak Serdar

The Go language has been gaining momentum due to its treatment of concurrency as a core language feature, making concurrent programming more accessible than ever. However, concurrency is still an inherently difficult skill to master, since it requires the development of the right mindset to decompose problems into concurrent components correctly. This book will guide you in deepening your understanding of concurrency and show you how to make the most of its advantages.You’ll start by learning what guarantees are offered by the language when running concurrent programs. Through multiple examples, you will see how to use this information to develop concurrent algorithms that run without data races and complete successfully. You’ll also find out all you need to know about multiple common concurrency patterns, such as worker pools, asynchronous pipelines, fan-in/fan-out, scheduling periodic or future tasks, and error and panic handling in goroutines.The central theme of this book is to give you, the developer, an understanding of why concurrent programs behave the way they do, and how they can be used to build correct programs that work the same way in all platforms.By the time you finish the final chapter, you’ll be able to develop, analyze, and troubleshoot concurrent algorithms written in Go.


ElasticSearch Cookbook. As a user of ElasticSearch in your web applications you'll already know what a powerful technology it is, and with this book you can take it to new heights with a whole range of enhanced solutions from plugins to scripting

Alberto Paro

ElasticSearch is one of the most promising NoSQL technologies available and is built to provide a scalable search solution with built-in support for near real-time search and multi-tenancy.This practical guide is a complete reference for using ElasticSearch and covers 360 degrees of the ElasticSearch ecosystem. We will get started by showing you how to choose the correct transport layer, communicate with the server, and create custom internal actions for boosting tailored needs.Starting with the basics of the ElasticSearch architecture and how to efficiently index, search, and execute analytics on it, you will learn how to extend ElasticSearch by scripting and monitoring its behaviour.Step-by-step, this book will help you to improve your ability to manage data in indexing with more tailored mappings, along with searching and executing analytics with facets. The topics explored in the book also cover how to integrate ElasticSearch with Python and Java applications.This comprehensive guide will allow you to master storing, searching, and analyzing data with ElasticSearch.


Embedded Linux Development Using Yocto Project. Leverage the power of the Yocto Project to build efficient Linux-based products - Third Edition

Otavio Salvador, Daiane Angolini

The Yocto Project is the industry standard for developing dependable embedded Linux projects. It stands out from other frameworks by offering time-efficient development with enhanced reliability and robustness.With Embedded Linux Development Using Yocto Project, you’ll acquire an understanding of Yocto Project tools, helping you perform different Linux-based tasks. You’ll gain a deep understanding of Poky and BitBake, explore practical use cases for building a Linux subsystem project, employ Yocto Project tools available for embedded Linux, and uncover the secrets of SDK, recipe tool, and others. This new edition is aligned with the latest long-term support release of the aforementioned technologies and introduces two new chapters, covering optimal emulation in QEMU for faster product development and best practices.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to generate and run an image for real hardware boards. You’ll gain hands-on experience in building efficient Linux systems using the Yocto Project.


Embedded Systems Architecture. Design and write software for embedded devices to build safe and connected systems - Second Edition

Daniele Lacamera

Embedded Systems Architecture begins with a bird’s-eye view of embedded development and how it differs from the other systems that you may be familiar with. This book will help you get the hang of the internal working of various components in real-world systems.You’ll start by setting up a development environment and then move on to the core system architectural concepts, exploring system designs, boot-up mechanisms, and memory management. As you progress through the topics, you’ll explore the programming interface and device drivers to establish communication via TCP/IP and take measures to increase the security of IoT solutions. Finally, you’ll be introduced to multithreaded operating systems through the development of a scheduler and the use of hardware-assisted trusted execution mechanisms.With the help of this book, you will gain the confidence to work with embedded systems at an architectural level and become familiar with various aspects of embedded software development on microcontrollers—such as memory management, multithreading, and RTOS—an approach oriented to memory isolation.


Enterprise DevOps for Architects. Leverage AIOps and DevSecOps for secure digital transformation

Jeroen Mulder

Digital transformation is the new paradigm in enterprises, but the big question remains: is the enterprise ready for transformation using native technology embedded in Agile/DevOps? With this book, you'll see how to design, implement, and integrate DevOps in the enterprise architecture while keeping the Ops team on board and remaining resilient. The focus of the book is not to introduce the hundreds of different tools that are available for implementing DevOps, but instead to show you how to create a successful DevOps architecture.This book provides an architectural overview of DevOps, AIOps, and DevSecOps – the three domains that drive and accelerate digital transformation. Complete with step-by-step explanations of essential concepts, practical examples, and self-assessment questions, this DevOps book will help you to successfully integrate DevOps into enterprise architecture. You'll learn what AIOps is and what value it can bring to an enterprise. Lastly, you will learn how to integrate security principles such as zero-trust and industry security frameworks into DevOps with DevSecOps.By the end of this DevOps book, you'll be able to develop robust DevOps architectures, know which toolsets you can use for your DevOps implementation, and have a deeper understanding of next-level DevOps by implementing Site Reliability Engineering (SRE).


Entity Framework Core Cookbook. Transactions, stored procedures, query libraries, and more - Second Edition

Ricardo Peres

Entity Framework is a highly recommended Object Relation Mapping tool used to build complex systems. In order to survive in this growing market, the knowledge of a framework that helps provide easy access to databases, that is, Entity Framework has become a necessity. This book will provide .NET developers with this knowledge and guide them through working efficiently with data using Entity Framework Core. You will start off by learning how to efficiently use Entity Framework in practical situations. You will gain a deep understanding of mapping properties and find out how to handle validation in Entity Framework. The book will then explain how to work with transactions and stored procedures along with improving Entity Framework using query libraries. Moving on, you will learn to improve complex query scenarios and implement transaction and concurrency control. You will then be taught to improve and develop Entity Framework in complex business scenarios. With the concluding chapter on performance and scalability, this book will get you ready to use Entity Framework proficiently.


Expert C++. Become a proficient programmer by learning coding best practices with C++17 and C++20's latest features - Second Edition

Marcelo Guerra Hahn, Araks Tigranyan, John Asatryan, Vardan Grigoryan, ...

Are you an experienced C++ developer eager to take your skills to the next level? This updated edition of Expert C++ is tailored to propel you toward your goals.This book takes you on a journey of building C++ applications while exploring advanced techniques beyond object-oriented programming. Along the way, you'll get to grips with designing templates, including template metaprogramming, and delve into memory management and smart pointers. Once you have a solid grasp of these foundational concepts, you'll advance to more advanced topics such as data structures with STL containers and explore advanced data structures with C++. Additionally, the book covers essential aspects like functional programming, concurrency, and multithreading, and designing concurrent data structures. It also offers insights into designing world-ready applications, incorporating design patterns, and addressing networking and security concerns. Finally, it adds to your knowledge of debugging and testing and large-scale application design.With Expert C++ as your guide, you'll be empowered to push the boundaries of your C++ expertise and unlock new possibilities in software development.


Expert Python Programming. Write proffesional, efficient and maintainable code in Python - Second Edition

Michał Jaworski

Python is a dynamic programming language, used in a wide range of domains by programmers who find it simple, yet powerful. Even if you find writing Python code easy, writing code that is efficient and easy to maintain and reuse is a challenge.The focus of the book is to familiarize you with common conventions, best practices, useful tools and standards used by python professionals on a daily basis when working with code.You will begin with knowing new features in Python 3.5 and quick tricks for improving productivity. Next, you will learn advanced and useful python syntax elements brought to this new version. Using advanced object-oriented concepts and mechanisms available in python, you will learn different approaches to implement metaprogramming. You will learn to choose good names, write packages, and create standalone executables easily.You will also be using some powerful tools such as buildout and vitualenv to release and deploy the code on remote servers for production use. Moving on, you will learn to effectively create Python extensions with C, C++, cython, and pyrex. The important factors while writing code such as code management tools, writing clear documentation, and test-driven development are also covered. You will now dive deeper to make your code efficient with general rules of optimization, strategies for finding bottlenecks, and selected tools for application optimization.By the end of the book, you will be an expert in writing efficient and maintainable code.


Ext JS 4 Plugin and Extension Development. This book makes it fast and fun for ExtJS developers to get to grips with developing plugins and extensions. The step-by-step instructions, with plentiful examples and code, will give you the skills in no time

Abdullah Al Mohammad

Ext JS is a pure JavaScript application framework for building interactive web applications using techniques such as Ajax, DHTML, and DOM scripting.Ext JS 4 Plugin and Extension Development is a practical, step-by-step tutorial which guides you to learn and develop ExtJS plugins and extensions. There are a lot of examples with explanations and plenty of code provided to make it easier and quicker to pick up.Starting with the fundamentals, this book introduces some of the ExtJS library and community provided plugins and extensions and finishes with several hands-on, real world development examples. You will get a clear concept of ExtJS plugins and extensions and learn how to use them. You will also learn how to develop an ExtJS plugin and extension by going through several examples with code and screenshots.Ext JS 4 Plugin and Extension Development book will provide you with the knowledge to develop ExtJS plugins and extensions using real-life examples.


Extending Docker. Master the art of making Docker more extensible, composable, and modular by leveraging plugins and other supporting tools

Russ McKendrick

With Docker, it is possible to get a lot of apps running on the same old servers, making it very easy to package and ship programs. The ability to extend Docker using plugins and load third-party plugins is incredible, and organizations can massively benefit from it.In this book, you will read about what first and third party tools are available to extend the functionality of your existing Docker installation and how to approach your next Docker infrastructure deployment. We will show you how to work with Docker plugins, install it, and cover its lifecycle. We also cover network and volume plugins, and you will find out how to build your own plugin. You’ll discover how to integrate it with Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, Flocker, Rancher, Packer, and more with third-party plugins. Then, you’ll see how to use Schedulers such as Kubernetes and Amazon ECS. Finally, we’ll delve into security, troubleshooting, and best practices when extending Docker.By the end of this book, you will learn how to extend Docker and customize it based on your business requirements with the help of various tools and plugins.


Extending Jenkins. Get a complete walkthrough of the many interfaces available in Jenkins with the help of real-world examples to take you to the next level with Jenkins

Donald Simpson

Jenkins CI is the leading open source continuous integration server. It is written in Java and has a wealth of plugins to support the building and testing of virtually any project. Jenkins supports multiple Software Configuration Management tools such as Git, Subversion, and Mercurial.This book explores and explains the many extension points and customizations that Jenkins offers its users, and teaches you how to develop your own Jenkins extensions and plugins.First, you will learn how to adapt Jenkins and leverage its abilities to empower DevOps, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, and Agile projects. Next, you will find out how to reduce the cost of modern software development, increase the quality of deliveries, and thereby reduce the time to market. We will also teach you how to create your own custom plugins using Extension points.Finally, we will show you how to combine everything you learned over the course of the book into one real-world scenario.


Extending Puppet. Tools and Techniques for smarter infrastructure configuration - Second Edition

Alessandro Franceschi, Jaime Soriano Pastor

Puppet has changed the way we manage our systems, but Puppet itself is changing and evolving, and so are the ways we are using it. To tackle our IT infrastructure challenges and avoid common errors when designing our architectures, an up-to-date, practical, and focused view of the current and future Puppet evolution is what we need. With Puppet, you define the state of your IT infrastructure, and it automatically enforces the desired state.This book will be your guide to designing and deploying your Puppet architecture. It will help you utilize Puppet to manage your IT infrastructure. Get to grips with Hiera and learn how to install and configure it, before learning best practices for writing reusable and maintainable code. You will also be able to explore the latest features of Puppet 4, before executing, testing, and deploying Puppet across your systems. As you progress, Extending Puppet takes you through higher abstraction modules, along with tips for effective code workflow management.Finally, you will learn how to develop plugins for Puppet - as well as some useful techniques that can help you to avoid common errors and overcome everyday challenges.


Extending SaltStack. Build and write salt modules

Joseph Hall

Salt already ships with a very powerful set of tools, but that doesn't mean that they all suit your needs perfectly. By adding your own modules and enhancing existing ones, you can bring the functionality that you need to increase your productivity. Extending SaltStack follows a tutorial-based approach to explain different types of modules, from fundamentals to complete and full-functioning modules.Starting with the Loader system that drives Salt, this book will guide you through the most common types of modules. First you will learn how to write execution modules. Then you will extend the configuration using the grain, pillar, and SDB modules. Next up will be state modules and then the renderers that can be used with them. This will be followed with returner and output modules, which increase your options to manage return data. After that, there will be modules for external file servers, clouds, beacons, and finally external authentication and wheel modules to manage the master.With this guide in hand, you will be prepared to create, troubleshoot, and manage the most common types of Salt modules and take your infrastructure to new heights!


F# 4.0 dla zaawansowanych. Wydanie IV

Don Syme, Adam Granicz, Antonio Cisternino

Język F# jest nowoczesnym, lecz dojrzałym językiem programowania, który zyskuje coraz większą popularność. Ułatwia on korzystanie z kilku paradygmatów programowania: programowania funkcyjnego, obiektowego i imperatywnego. Został zaprojektowany do pisania prostego, solidnego i wydajnego kodu, lecz przydaje się do rozwiązywania złożonych problemów. Kod w F# jest zwięzły i efektywny. Sam F# jest projektem open source, jednak stanowi część platformy .NET. To wszystko czyni z niego język przyszłości! Trzymasz w ręku kompletny przewodnik po języku F#, w którym wyczerpująco przedstawiono informacje niezbędne do rozpoczęcia pracy w tej technologii. Zwięźle opisano tu paradygmaty obsługiwane przez F#, a następnie pokazano, w jaki sposób można posłużyć się tym językiem do rozwiązywania problemów z siecią, danymi, programowaniem równoległym i analizami. W ten sposób nauczysz się stosować wspomniane paradygmaty i używać kwerend, co pozwoli Ci osiągnąć wysoką produktywność w pisaniu programów dla wielu systemów i technologii. W tej książce znajdziesz: wyjaśnienie paradygmatów programowania funkcyjnego, obiektowego i imperatywnego kompletne informacje na temat najnowszej wersji języka F# instrukcje dotyczące projektowania bibliotek języka F# wskazówki dotyczące pisania hermetycznego i uporządkowanego kodu zagadnienia programowania reaktywnego, asynchronicznego i równoległego techniki rozwiązywania problemów programistycznych za pomocą F# Z językiem F# rozwiązywanie problemów stanie się przyjemnością! Don Syme — jest architektem języka F#. Brał udział w rozwijaniu typów generycznych w C# i technologii .NET Common Language Runtime. W 2015 roku został odznaczony Srebrnym Medalem Królewskiej Akademii Inżynierii. Adam Granicz — ma 10-letnie doświadczenie w pracy z językiem F#. Pracuje nad narzędziem WebSharper — podstawowym środowiskiem dla języka F#. Regularnie pisze artykuły i zabiera głos na konferencjach. Antonio Cisternino — jest profesorem Uniwersytetu w Pizie we Włoszech. Zajmuje się głównie metaprogramowaniem i budową architektury systemów. Od kilku lat korzysta z F# i bierze udział w rozwijaniu tego języka.


F# for Machine Learning Essentials. Get up and running with machine learning with F# in a fun and functional way

Sudipta Mukherjee

The F# functional programming language enables developers to write simple code to solve complex problems. With F#, developers create consistent and predictable programs that are easier to test and reuse, simpler to parallelize, and are less prone to bugs.If you want to learn how to use F# to build machine learning systems, then this is the book you want. Starting with an introduction to the several categories on machine learning, you will quickly learn to implement time-tested, supervised learning algorithms. You will gradually move on to solving problems on predicting housing pricing using Regression Analysis. You will then learn to use Accord.NET to implement SVM techniques and clustering. You will also learn to build a recommender system for your e-commerce site from scratch. Finally, you will dive into advanced topics such as implementing neural network algorithms while performing sentiment analysis on your data.