Techniki programowania


Cloud Native Software Security Handbook. Unleash the power of cloud native tools for robust security in modern applications

Mihir Shah

For cloud security engineers, it’s crucial to look beyond the limited managed services provided by cloud vendors and make use of the wide array of cloud native tools available to developers and security professionals, which enable the implementation of security solutions at scale. This book covers technologies that secure infrastructure, containers, and runtime environments using vendor-agnostic cloud native tools under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).The book begins with an introduction to the whats and whys of the cloud native environment, providing a primer on the platforms that you’ll explore throughout. You’ll then progress through the book, following the phases of application development. Starting with system design choices, security trade-offs, and secure application coding techniques that every developer should be mindful of, you’ll delve into more advanced topics such as system security architecture and threat modelling practices. The book concludes by explaining the legal and regulatory frameworks governing security practices in the cloud native space and highlights real-world repercussions that companies have faced as a result of immature security practices.By the end of this book, you'll be better equipped to create secure code and system designs.


CMake Best Practices. Discover proven techniques for creating and maintaining programming projects with CMake

Dominik Berner, Mustafa Kemal Gilor

CMake is a powerful tool used to perform a wide variety of tasks, so finding a good starting point for learning CMake is difficult. This book cuts to the core and covers the most common tasks that can be accomplished with CMake without taking an academic approach. While the CMake documentation is comprehensive, it is often hard to find good examples of how things fit together, especially since there are lots of dirty hacks and obsolete solutions available on the internet. This book focuses on helping you to tie things together and create clean and maintainable projects with CMake.You'll not only get to grips with the basics but also work through real-world examples of structuring large and complex maintainable projects and creating builds that run in any programming environment. You'll understand the steps to integrate and automate various tools for improving the overall software quality, such as testing frameworks, fuzzers, and automatic generation of documentation. And since writing code is only half of the work, the book also guides you in creating installers and packaging and distributing your software. All this is tailored to modern development workflows that make heavy use of CI/CD infrastructure.By the end of this CMake book, you'll be able to set up and maintain complex software projects using CMake in the best way possible.


CodeIgniter 2 Cookbook. As a PHP developer, you may have wondered how much difference the Codeigniter framework might make when creating web applications. Now you can find out with a host of customizable recipes ready to insert into your own work

Robert Foster

As a developer, there are going to be times when you'll need a quick and easy solution to a coding problem. CodeIgniter is a powerful open source PHP framework which allows you to build simple yet powerful full-feature web applications. CodeIgniter 2 Cookbook will give you quick access to practical recipes and useful code snippets which you can add directly into your CodeIgniter application to get the job done. It contains over 80 ready-to-use recipes that you can quickly refer to within your CodeIgniter application or project.This book is your complete guide to creating fully functioning PHP web applications, full of easy-to-follow recipes that will aid you in any aspect of developing with CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter 2 Cookbook takes you from the basics of CodeIgniter, through e-commerce features for your applications, and ends by helping you ensure that your environment is secure for your users and SEO friendly to draw in customers. Starting with installation and setup, CodeIgniter 2 Cookbook provides quick solutions to programming problems that you can directly include in your own projects. You will be moving through databases, EU Cookie Law, caching, and everything else in-between with useful, ready-to-go recipes. You will look at image manipulation using the Image Manipulation library, user management (building a simple CRUD interface), switching languages on the fly according to the user preference, caching content to reduce server load, and much more.


CoffeeScript Application Development. What JavaScript user wouldn't want to be able to dramatically reduce application development time? This book will teach you the clean, elegant CoffeeScript language and show you how to build stunning applications

Ian Young, Ian Greenleaf Young

JavaScript is becoming one of the key languages in web development. It is now more important than ever across a growing list of platforms. CoffeeScript puts the fun back into JavaScript programming with elegant syntax and powerful features.CoffeeScript Application Development will give you an in-depth look at the CoffeeScript language, all while building a working web application. Along the way, you'll see all the great features CoffeeScript has to offer, and learn how to use them to deal with real problems like sprawling codebases, incomplete data, and asynchronous web requests.Through the course of this book you will learn the CoffeeScript syntax and see it demonstrated with simple examples. As you go, you'll put your new skills into practice by building a web application, piece by piece. You'll start with standard language features such as loops, functions, and string manipulation. Then, we'll delve into advanced features like classes and inheritance. Learn advanced idioms to deal with common occurrences like external web requests, and hone your technique for development tasks like debugging and refactoring.CoffeeScript Application Development will teach you not only how to write CoffeeScript, but also how to build solid applications that run smoothly and are a pleasure to maintain.


Computer Architecture with Python and ARM. Learn how computers work, program your own, and explore assembly language on Raspberry Pi

Alan Clements

This comprehensive guide offers a unique and immersive learning experience by combining Python programming with ARM architecture.Starting with an introduction to computer architecture and the flow of data within a computer system, you’ll progress to building your own interpreter using Python. You’ll see how this foundation enables the simulation of computer operations and learn ways to enhance a simulator by adding new instructions and displaying improved results.As you advance, you’ll explore the TC1 Assembler and Simulator Program to gain insights into instruction analysis and explore practical examples of simulators. This will help you build essential skills in understanding complex computer instructions, strengthening your grasp of computer architecture. Moreover, you’ll be introduced to the Raspberry Pi operating system, preparing you to delve into the detailed language of the ARM computer. This includes exploring the ARM instruction set architecture, data-processing instructions, subroutines, and the stack.With clear explanations, practical examples, and coding exercises, this resource will enable you to design and construct your own computer simulator, simulate assembly language programs, and leverage the Raspberry Pi for ARM programming.


Computer Vision for the Web. Unleash the power of the Computer Vision algorithms in JavaScript to develop vision-enabled web content

Foat Akhmadeev

This book will give you an insight into controlling your applications with gestures and head motion and readying them for the web. Packed with real-world tasks, it begins with a walkthrough of the basic concepts of Computer Vision that the JavaScript world offers us, and you’ll implement various powerful algorithms in your own online application. Then, we move on to a comprehensive analysis of JavaScript functions and their applications. Furthermore, the book will show you how to implement filters and image segmentation, and use tracking.js and jsfeat libraries to convert your browser into Photoshop. Subjects such as object and custom detection, feature extraction, and object matching are covered to help you find an object in a photo. You will see how a complex object such as a face can be recognized by a browser as you move toward the end of the book. Finally, you will focus on algorithms to create a human interface. By the end of this book, you will be familiarized with the application of complex Computer Vision algorithms to develop your own applications, without spending much time learning sophisticated theory.


CouchDB and PHP Web Development Beginner's Guide

Tim Juravich

CouchDB is a NoSQL database which is making waves in the development world. It's the tool of choice for many PHP developers so they need to understand the robust features of CouchDB and the tools that are available to them.CouchDB and PHP Web Development Beginner's Guide will teach you the basics and fundamentals of using CouchDB within a project. You will learn how to build an application from beginning to end, learning the difference between the quick wayù to do things, and the right wayù by looking through a variety of code examples and real world scenarios. You will start with a walkthrough of setting up a sound development environment and then learn to create a variety of documents manually and programmatically. You will also learn how to manage their source control with Git and keep track of their progress. With each new concept, such as adding users and posts to your application, the author will take you through code step-by-step and explain how to use CouchDB's robust features. Finally, you will learn how to easily deploy your application and how to use simple replication to scale your application.


CryENGINE Game Programming with C++, C#, and Lua. For developers wanting to create 3D games, CryENGINE offers the intuitive route to success and this book is the complete guide to using it. Learn to use sophisticated tools and build super-real, super-addictive games

Ruan Pearce-Authers, Filip Lundgren, Ruan Pearce Authers

CryENGINE is a complete 3D game development solution that can run on multiple platforms. It is orientated around giving intuitive tools to the developer. A variety of interactive video games can be created using CryENGINE. CryENGINE is one of the most beginner-friendly engines out there to learn. If you are interested in diving into the various systems and understanding their workings in a way that is easily understood, then this book is for you.This book provides you with the knowledge to tame the powerful but hard-to-master CryENGINE. CryENGINE Game Programming with C++, C#, and Lua dives into the various systems and explains their workings in a way that can be easily understood by developers of all levels. It provides knowledge on the engine along with step-by-step exercises and detailed information on the backend implementation of the subsystems, giving you an excellent foundation to build upon when developing your own CryENGINE games.Written by developers with years of CryENGINE experience, this book breaks down the common confusion that encompasses the CryENGINE engine code, guiding you through a series of chapters aimed towards giving you the ability to create your own games in a rapid yet productive fashion. You will learn everything you need to know in order to create your own CryENGINE-powered games as well as detailed information on how to use the engine to your advantage. By teaching systems such as audio, particle effects, rendering, AI, networking, and more, we'll be exposing the most inner parts of CryENGINE that commonly confuse programmers. If you want to quickly gain the knowledge required to create your own CryENGINE game title, then this book is for you.


Czysta architektura. Struktura i design oprogramowania. Przewodnik dla profesjonalistów

Robert C. Martin

Pierwsze linie kodu powstawały pół wieku temu. Komputery, na które tworzono te programy, w bardzo niewielkim stopniu przypominały współczesne maszyny. Niezależnie od upływu lat, postępu technologii i powstawania wymyślnych narzędzi, języków programowania czy frameworków pewne zasady tworzenia kodu pozostają niezmienne. Są takie same jak w czasie, gdy Alan Turing pisał pierwszy kod maszynowy w 1946 roku. Respektowanie tych zasad to warunek, że uzyska się oprogramowanie o czystej architekturze, czyli poprawne strukturalnie, łatwe w utrzymaniu i rozwijaniu, a przede wszystkim działające zgodnie z oczekiwaniami. W tej książce w sposób jasny i bardzo interesujący przedstawiono uniwersalne zasady architektury oprogramowania wraz z szeregiem wskazówek dotyczących stosowania tych reguł w praktyce. Wyczerpująco zaprezentowano tu dostępne rozwiązania i wyjaśniono, dlaczego są one tak istotne dla sukcesu przedsięwzięcia. Publikacja jest wypełniona bardzo praktycznymi rozwiązaniami problemów, z którymi musi się mierzyć wielu programistów. Szczególnie cenne są uwagi dotyczące zapobiegania częstemu problemowi, jakim jest stopniowa utrata jakości kodu w miarę postępu projektu. Ta książka obowiązkowo powinna się znaleźć w podręcznej biblioteczce każdego architekta oprogramowania, analityka systemowego, projektanta i menedżera! Z książki dowiesz się: Do czego muszą dążyć architekci oprogramowania i w jaki sposób mogą osiągać te cele Jak brzmią najważniejsze zasady projektowania oprogramowania związane z adresowaniem funkcji, separacją komponentów i zarządzaniem danymi W jaki sposób paradygmaty oprogramowania wzmagają dyscyplinę pracy Co podczas tworzenia oprogramowania jest więcej, a co jest mniej ważne W jaki sposób implementować optymalne struktury dla sieci WWW, baz danych, konsoli i aplikacji osadzonych Czysta architektura - doskonały kod!


Czysty kod. Podręcznik dobrego programisty

Robert C. Martin

Poznaj najlepsze metody tworzenia doskonałego kodu Jak pisać dobry kod, a zły przekształcić w dobry? Jak formatować kod, aby osiągnąć maksymalną czytelność? Jak implementować pełną obsługę błędów bez zaśmiecania logiki kodu? O tym, ile problemów sprawia niedbale napisany kod, wie każdy programista. Nie wszyscy jednak wiedzą, jak napisać ten świetny, "czysty" kod i czym właściwie powinien się on charakteryzować. Co więcej - jak odróżnić dobry kod od złego? Odpowiedź na te pytania oraz sposoby tworzenia czystego, czytelnego kodu znajdziesz właśnie w tej książce. Podręcznik jest obowiązkową pozycją dla każdego, kto chce poznać techniki rzetelnego i efektywnego programowania. W książce Czysty kod. Podręcznik dobrego programisty szczegółowo omówione zostały zasady, wzorce i najlepsze praktyki pisania czystego kodu. Podręcznik zawiera także kilka analiz przypadków o coraz większej złożoności, z których każda jest doskonałym ćwiczeniem porządkowania zanieczyszczonego bądź nieudanego kodu. Z tego podręcznika dowiesz się, jak tworzyć dobre nazwy, obiekty i funkcje, a także jak tworzyć testy jednostkowe i korzystać z programowania sterowanego testami. Nauczysz się przekształcać kod zawierający problemy w taki, który jest solidny i efektywny. Nazwy klas i metod Funkcje i listy argumentów Rozdzielanie poleceń i zapytań Stosowanie wyjątków Komentarze Formatowanie Obiekty i struktury danych Obsługa błędów Testy jednostkowe Klasy i systemy Współbieżność Oczyszczanie kodu Niech stworzony przez Ciebie kod imponuje czystością!


D Web Development. Leverage the power of D and the vibe.d framework to develop web applications that are incredibly fast

Kai Nacke

D is a programming language with C-like syntax and static typing. The vibe.d framework builds on powerful D concepts like template meta-programming and compile-time function execution to provide an easy-to-use environment for web applications. The combination of a feature-rich web programming framework with a language compiling to native code solves two common issues in web development today: it accelerates your development and it results in fast, native web applications. Learning the vibe.d framework before you start your application will help you to choose the right features to reach your goal.This book guides you through all aspects of web development with D and the vibe.d framework.Covering the popular operating systems today, this guide starts with the setup of your development system. From the first Hello World-style application you will move on to building static web pages with templates. The concise treatment of web forms will give you all the details about form handling and web security. Using the abstractions of the web framework you will learn how to easily validate user input. Next, you will add database access to your application, providing persistent storage for your data. Building on this foundation, you will expose your component and integrate other components via REST. Learning about the internals of vibe.d you will be able to use low-level techniques such as raw TCP access. The vibe.d concepts can also be used for GUI clients, which is the next topic that you will learn. vibe.d is supported by an active community, which adds new functionality. This comprehensive guide concludes with an overview of the most useful vibe.d extensions and where to find them. It also shows you how to integrate these extensions in your application.The concepts are always illustrated with source code, giving you an insight into how to apply them in your application.


D3.js: Cutting-edge Data Visualization. Turn your raw data into real knowledge by creating and deploying complex data visualizations with D3.js

Aendrew Rininsland, Michael Heydt, Pablo NAVARRO CASTILLO

D3 has emerged as one of the leading platforms to develop beautiful, interactive visualizations over the web. We begin the course by setting up a strong foundation, then build on this foundation as we take you through the entire world of reimagining data using interactive, animated visualizations created in D3.js. In the first module, we cover the various features of D3.js to build a wide range of visualizations. We also focus on the entire process of representing data through visualizations. By the end of this module, you will be ready to use D3 to transform any data into a more engaging and sophisticated visualization.In the next module, you will learn to master the creation of graphical elements from data. Using practical examples provided, you will quickly get to grips with the features of D3.js and use this learning to create your own spectacular data visualizations with D3.js.Over the last leg of this course, you will get acquainted with how to integrate D3 with mapping libraries to provide reverse geocoding and interactive maps among many other advanced features of D3. This module culminates by showing you how to create enterprise-level dashboards to display real-time data.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Learning D3.js Data Visualization, Second Edition by Andrew H. Rininsland? D3.js By Example by Michael Heydt? Mastering D3.js by Pablo Navarro Castillo


Dart: Scalable Application Development. Provides a solid foundation of libraries and tools

David Mitchell, Sergey Akopkokhyants, Ivo Balbaert

Designed to create next generation apps, Google’s Dart offers a much more robust framework and also supersedes JavaScript in several aspects. Familiar yet innovative, compact yet scalable, it blows away the accumulated JavaScript legacy limitations. Dart was designed for great tool-ability and developer productivity, allowing you to create better application faster than before. Google chose it for their billion dollar advertising business and you have its power for your projects too.The first module will introduce you the Dart language starting from its conception to its current form, and where it headed is through engaging substantial practical projects. You will be taken through building typical applications and exploring the exciting new technologies of HTML5.The second module will show you how to add internalization support to your web applications and how i18n and i10n access can be embedded into your code to design applications that can be localized easily. You will be shown how to organize client-to-server communication and how different HTML5 features can be used in Dart. Finally, this module will show you how you can store data locally, break the storage limit, and prevent security issues in your web application.The third module is a pragmatic guide that will increase your expertise in writing all kinds of applications, including web apps, scripts, and server-side apps. It provides rich insights on how to extend your Dart programming skills. Altogether, this course provides you the power to create powerful applications with Dart, without worrying about your knowledge leading to you having to make compromises to the end product!This Learning Path has been curated from three Packt products:Dart By Example By Davy MitchellMastering Dart By Sergey AkopkokhyantsDart Cookbook By Ivo Balbaert


Data Wrangling with SQL. A hands-on guide to manipulating, wrangling, and engineering data using SQL

Raghav Kandarpa, Shivangi Saxena

The amount of data generated continues to grow rapidly, making it increasingly important for businesses to be able to wrangle this data and understand it quickly and efficiently. Although data wrangling can be challenging, with the right tools and techniques you can efficiently handle enormous amounts of unstructured data.The book starts by introducing you to the basics of SQL, focusing on the core principles and techniques of data wrangling. You’ll then explore advanced SQL concepts like aggregate functions, window functions, CTEs, and subqueries that are very popular in the business world. The next set of chapters will walk you through different functions within SQL query that cause delays in data transformation and help you figure out the difference between a good query and bad one. You’ll also learn how data wrangling and data science go hand in hand. The book is filled with datasets and practical examples to help you understand the concepts thoroughly, along with best practices to guide you at every stage of data wrangling.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with essential techniques and best practices for data wrangling, and will predominantly learn how to use clean and standardized data models to make informed decisions, helping businesses avoid costly mistakes.


DDD. Kompendium wiedzy

Vaughn Vernon

DDD w pigułce Modelowanie oprogramowania jest kojarzone z pojęciem programowania dziedzinowego, w skrócie zwanego DDD. Jest to dość nowatorskie podejście do tworzenia architektury oprogramowania, a jego największą zaletą jest wysoka pewność uzyskiwania bardzo dobrych rezultatów. Programiści często błyskawicznie dostrzegają zalety DDD i korzyści płynące ze stosowania odpowiednich narzędzi, stąd technika ta cieszy się coraz większym uznaniem. Dopiero jednak pełne zrozumienie zasad stosowania wzorców projektowych DDD przez wszystkich zaangażowanych w projekt pozwala na osiągnięcie imponujących wyników przy projektowaniu skomplikowanych systemów oprogramowania. Ten zwięzły i czytelnie napisany podręcznik jest przeznaczony dla programistów, ekspertów dziedzinowych, menedżerów, analityków biznesowych, architektów informacji i testerów. Koncentruje się na praktycznej wiedzy niezbędnej do uzyskania pożądanych rezultatów. Wyjaśniono, jak segregować modele dziedzin za pomocą wzorca kontekstu ograniczonego, jak rozwinąć język wszechobecny, a także w jaki sposób zintegrować wiele kontekstów ograniczonych poprzez wykorzystanie relacji zespołowych i mechanizmów technicznych. Co najważniejsze, dowiesz się, jak podejście DDD działa w rzeczywistości i co zrobić, aby jak najszybciej cieszyć się jego zaletami. W książce przedstawiono następujące zagadnienia: wprowadzenie do DDD i zalety tego podejścia do projektowania projektowanie strategiczne DDD integrowanie istniejących systemów w ramach tworzenia nowych aplikacji modelowanie taktyczne - agregaty i zdarzenia dziedziny narzędzia do zarządzania projektami i przyśpieszania prac Narzędzia DDD - ciesz się udanym wdrożeniem!


Deciphering Object-Oriented Programming with C++. A practical, in-depth guide to implementing object-oriented design principles to create robust code

Dorothy R. Kirk

Even though object-oriented software design enables more easily maintainable code, companies choose C++ as an OO language for its speed. Object-oriented programming in C++ is not automatic – it is crucial to understand OO concepts and how they map to both C++ language features and OOP techniques. Distinguishing your code by utilizing well-tested, creative solutions, which can be found in popular design patterns, is crucial in today’s marketplace. This book will help you to harness OOP in C++ to write better code.Starting with the essential C++ features, which serve as building blocks for the key chapters, this book focuses on explaining fundamental object-oriented concepts and shows you how to implement them in C++. With the help of practical code examples and diagrams, you’ll learn how and why things work. The book’s coverage furthers your C++ repertoire by including templates, exceptions, operator overloading, STL, and OO component testing. You’ll discover popular design patterns with in-depth examples and understand how to use them as effective programming solutions to solve recurring OOP problems.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to employ essential and advanced OOP concepts to create enduring and robust software.


Delphi Cookbook. Over 60 hands-on recipes to help you master the power of Delphi for cross-platform and mobile development on multiple platforms - Second Edition

Daniele Teti

Delphi is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that supports rapid application development for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Google Android, and Apple iOS. It helps you to concentrate on the real business and save yourself the pain of wandering amid GUI widget details, or having to tackle inter-platform incompatibilities. It also has a wide range of drag-and-drop controls, helping you code your business logic into your business model, and it compiles natively for desktop and mobile platforms.This book will teach you how to design and develop applications, deploy them on the cloud platform, and distribute them within an organization via Google Play and other similar platforms.You will begin with the basics of Delphi and get acquainted with JSON format strings, XSLT transformations, unicode encodings and various types of streams. We then move on to more advanced topics such as developing higher-order functions and using enumerators and RTTI. You will get an understanding of how Delphi RTL functions and how to use FireMonkey in a VCL application. We will then cover topics such as multithreading, using the parallel programming library and putting Delphi on a server. We will also take a look at the new feature of WebBroker Apache modules and then ride the mobile revolution with FireMonkey. By the end of the book, you will be able to develop and deploy cross-platform applications using Delphi .


Delphi High Performance. Master the art of concurrency, parallel programming, and memory management to build fast Delphi apps - Second Edition

Primož Gabrijelčič

Performance matters! Users hate to use programs that are not responsive to interactions or run too slow to be useful. While becoming a programmer is simple enough, you require dedication and hard work to achieve an advanced level of programming proficiency where you know how to write fast code.This book begins by helping you explore algorithms and algorithmic complexity and continues by describing tools that can help you find slow parts of your code. Subsequent chapters will provide you with practical ideas about optimizing code by doing less work or doing it in a smarter way. The book also teaches you how to use optimized data structures from the Spring4D library, along with exploring data structures that are not part of the standard Delphi runtime library.The second part of the book talks about parallel programming. You’ll learn about the problems that only occur in multithreaded code and explore various approaches to fixing them effectively. The concluding chapters provide instructions on writing parallel code in different ways – by using basic threading support or focusing on advanced concepts such as tasks and parallel patterns.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned to look at your programs from a totally different perspective and will be equipped to effortlessly make your code faster than it is now.


Demystifying Cryptography with OpenSSL 3.0. Discover the best techniques to enhance your network security with OpenSSL 3.0

Alexei Khlebnikov, Jarle Adolfsen

Security and networking are essential features of software today. The modern internet is full of worms, Trojan horses, men-in-the-middle, and other threats. This is why maintaining security is more important than ever.OpenSSL is one of the most widely used and essential open source projects on the internet for this purpose. If you are a software developer, system administrator, network security engineer, or DevOps specialist, you’ve probably stumbled upon this toolset in the past – but how do you make the most out of it? With the help of this book, you will learn the most important features of OpenSSL, and gain insight into its full potential.This book contains step-by-step explanations of essential cryptography and network security concepts, as well as practical examples illustrating the usage of those concepts. You’ll start by learning the basics, such as how to perform symmetric encryption and calculate message digests. Next, you will discover more about cryptography: MAC and HMAC, public and private keys, and digital signatures. As you progress, you will explore best practices for using X.509 certificates, public key infrastructure, and TLS connections.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to use the most popular features of OpenSSL, allowing you to implement cryptography and TLS in your applications and network infrastructure.


Developing Windows Store Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript. The Windows store is growing in popularity and with this step-by-step guide it's easy to join the bandwagon using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. From basic development techniques to publishing on the store, it's the complete primer

Rami Sarieddine

Windows 8 has already been launched and been installed on millions of devices while the store is getting populated with apps, and soon enough everyone will want a Windows Store app. So start now and learn how to develop apps for Windows 8 using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript and you will be killing two birds with one stone by getting introduced to important features in HTML5 and CSS3 at the same time. You will gain the advantage of utilizing your web development skills to transform your website into an app or the other way round.Developing Windows Store Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript is a practical, hands-on guide that covers the basic and important features of a Windows Store App along with code examples which will show you how to develop these features, all the while learning some of the new features in HTML5 and CSS3 which you can utilize in other areas of development.This book starts with the new features in HTML5 and CSS3 that are incorporated with Windows 8 development, and then moves on to creating a blank Windows Store app and add features to it as we move through the chapters till we package the app and make it ready for publishing. Finally, we will have a look at how similar it is to develop the same app with XAML.You will also learn how to add and use new controls dedicated for Windows 8 and then see how to fetch data for the app and bind it to the controls. We will also take a look at making the app adapt to change in screen sizes and rotation as well as how to make the app live with tiles and allow users to sign in using their email accounts. Also you will learn how to add an app bar, and lastly you learn how to finalize the app and publish it. If you want to leverage your web development skills and utilize it in developing for Windows 8, then you came to the right place. Developing Windows Store Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript is packed with examples and screenshots which will make it easy for you to implement all the things you learned throughout the book.


DevOps Adoption Strategies: Principles, Processes, Tools, and Trends. Embracing DevOps through effective culture, people, and processes

Martyn Coupland

DevOps is a set of best practices enabling operations and development teams to work together to produce higher-quality work and, among other things, quicker releases. This book helps you to understand the fundamentals needed to get started with DevOps, and prepares you to start deploying technical tools confidently.You will start by learning the key steps for implementing successful DevOps transformations. The book will help you to understand how aspects of culture, people, and process are all connected, and that without any one of these elements DevOps is unlikely to be successful. As you make progress, you will discover how to measure and quantify the success of DevOps in your organization, along with exploring the pros and cons of the main tooling involved in DevOps. In the concluding chapters, you will learn about the latest trends in DevOps and find out how the tooling changes when you work with these specialties.By the end of this DevOps book, you will have gained a clear understanding of the connection between culture, people, and processes within DevOps, and learned why all three are critically important.


DevOps for Networking. Bringing Network Automation into DevOps culture

Steven Armstrong

Frustrated that your company’s network changes are still a manual set of activities that slow developers down? It doesn’t need to be that way any longer, as this book will help your company and network teams embrace DevOps and continuous delivery approaches, enabling them to automate all network functions.This book aims to show readers network automation processes they could implement in their organizations. It willteach you the fundamentals of DevOps in networking and how to improve DevOps processes and workflows by providing automation in your network. You will be exposed to various networking strategies that are stopping your organization from scaling new projects quickly.You will see how SDN and APIs are influencing DevOps transformations, which will in turn help you improve the scalability and efficiency of your organizations networks operations. You will also find out how to leverage variousconfiguration management tools such as Ansible, to automate your network.The book will also look at containers and the impact they are having on networking as well as looking at howautomation impacts network security in a software-defined network.


DevOps for Web Development. Click here to enter text

Mitesh Soni

The DevOps culture is growing at a massive rate, as many organizations are adopting it. However, implementing it for web applications is one of the biggest challenges experienced by many developers and admins, which this book will help you overcome using various tools, such as Chef, Docker, and Jenkins. On the basis of the functionality of these tools, the book is divided into three parts. The first part shows you how to use Jenkins 2.0 for Continuous Integration of a sample JEE application. The second part explains the Chef configuration management tool, and provides an overview of Docker containers, resource provisioning in cloud environments using Chef, and Configuration Management in a cloud environment. The third part explores Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment in AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Docker, all using Jenkins 2.0.This book combines the skills of both web application deployment and system configuration as each chapter contains one or more practical hands-on projects. You will be exposed to real-world project scenarios that are progressively presented from easy to complex solutions. We will teach you concepts such as hosting web applications, configuring a runtime environment, monitoring and hosting on various cloud platforms, and managing them. This book will show you how to essentially host and manage web applications along with Continuous Integration, Cloud Computing, Configuration Management, Continuous Monitoring, Continuous Delivery, and Deployment.


DevOps Paradox. The truth about DevOps by the people on the front line

Viktor Farcic

DevOps promises to break down silos, uniting organizations to deliver high quality output in a cross-functional way. In reality it often results in confusion and new silos: pockets of DevOps practitioners fight the status quo, senior decision-makers demand DevOps paint jobs without committing to true change. Even a clear definition of what DevOps is remains elusive.In DevOps Paradox, top DevOps consultants, industry leaders, and founders reveal their own approaches to all aspects of DevOps implementation and operation. Surround yourself with expert DevOps advisors. Viktor Farcic draws on experts from across the industry to discuss how to introduce DevOps to chaotic organizations, align incentives between teams, and make use of the latest tools and techniques.With each expert offering their own opinions on what DevOps is and how to make it work, you will be able to form your own informed view of the importance and value of DevOps as we enter a new decade. If you want to see how real DevOps experts address the challenges and resolve the paradoxes, this book is for you.