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Techniki programowania
Gone are the days of having to provision hardware, deploy, and manage an entire environment just to write code for the next big idea, project, or custom web application. A Platform-as-a-Service cloud aims to fulfill this need, allowing developers to work more efficiently as well as allowing DevOps teams to spend less time fulfilling requests for these environments. Join us as we move into the future with OpenShift.Implementing OpenShift will walk the reader through how to easily develop and deploy upon an open source OpenShift Platform-as-a-Service. We will then discuss the architecture of the platform so that users have some insight into the inner workings of the environment. We will then take a step away from the user aspect and cover DevOps topics so that we can perform the deployment of our very own open source Platform-as-a-Service using the upstream OpenShift Origin code base.Developers are no longer in need of provisioning full-scale development environments by provisioning servers, installing and configuring software, and maintaining infrastructure just to write software. This book will show you how developers can move out of this archaic mindset and into the future utilizing OpenShift Platform-as-a-Service technologies, breaking away from the marketing jargon and into the technology that allows developers to get work done. This book also delves into the realm of DevOps, allowing you to run your own environment to support your development teams more efficiently.This book will show you how the OpenShift Platform-as-a-Service can redefine the way web application developers work by providing the building blocks upon which they are able to create their next big idea. From there, the reader will progress through the OpenShift architecture and on to a brisk automated deployment using DevOps technologies.You will learn everything you need to know in order to use OpenShift to develop and deploy applications in the cloud as well as how to deploy your very own OpenShift Origin-based Platform-as-a-Service cloud.
When it comes to using the core and managed services available on AWS for making decisions about architectural environments for an enterprise, there are as many challenges as there are advantages. This Industrial IoT book follows the journey of data from the shop floor to the boardroom, identifying goals and aiding in strong architectural decision-making.You’ll begin from the ground up, analyzing environment needs and understanding what is required from the captured data, applying industry standards and conventions throughout the process. This will help you realize why digital integration is crucial and how to approach an Industrial IoT project from a holistic perspective. As you advance, you’ll delve into the operational technology realm and consider integration patterns with common industrial protocols for data gathering and analysis with direct connectivity to data through sensors or systems. The book will equip you with the essentials for designing industrial IoT architectures while also covering intelligence at the edge and creating a greater awareness of the role of machine learning and artificial intelligence in overcoming architectural challenges.By the end of this book, you’ll be ready to apply IoT directly to the industry while adapting the concepts covered to implement AWS IoT technologies.
Instant 960 Grid System. Learn to create websites for mobile devices using the 960 Grid System!
Grid systems were an integral part of World War II, helping graphic designers to achieve coherency in devising a flexible system. This book exploits the vast potential of grid systems to create organized and properly aligned websites for mobile platforms.Instant 960 Grid System is a practical, hands-on guide explaining how to build a website using 960.gs targeting mobile devices, from tablets to smartphones.This book shows you how to build quick and organized websites, clearing out the confusion that surrounds column allocation. It will take you through a number of clear and practical exercises that will help you to take advantage of the 960 Grid Systems.You will also learn how to build your own portfolio, starting with the layout in Photoshop to the final product available in HTML. If you want to understand and familiarize yourself with how to use the 960 Grid System and at the same time want to prepare your website quickly to run on smartphones and tablets, then this book is for you. Not only will it cover the creation of a quickly-produced neat and concise website for different platforms, but it will also teach you how to make it responsive.
Handlebars is one of the leading JavaScript templating engines and is quickly gaining widespread adoption by developers, as well as with frameworks like Ember.js and Meteor.Instant Handlebars.js is a complete guide to the Handlebars library filled with internal concepts and practical examples that will help illustrate what's going on and take you from a complete beginner to a Handlebars expert.Instant Handlebars.js begins with the very basics, requiring no previous knowledge about templating engines. Throughout the course of this book, you get a thorough tour of all the features available in Handlebars.js and you will learn how to organize your websites for both development and production.In this book, we will cover how to create templates with both placeholders and helpers. We will then go into organizing your projects for rapid -development using Require.js and how to optimize and compile your projects for production. To finish off, you will learn how to annotate your code and leave debug points so that you can easily maintain and troubleshoot your code in the future.Handlebars is a small library;, it is meant to fill a specific need and it does this well. Instant Handlebars.js takes a very methodical approach to cover every aspect of this amazing library with practical examples provided every step of the way.
Game development has traditionally only been accessible to those with experience in computer science and access to the best or most expensive development tools. However, with the advent of technologies such as HTML5 and the ability to self-publish, web-based games such as those on Facebook and smartphones are becoming more attractive to develop than ever before. Through the use of open technologies such as HTML5, anyone with even a basic understanding of games development can begin to develop video games in their spare time and publish them to the Web or as an application for mobile devices.Instant HTML5 2D Platformer is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear, step-by-step, task-based exercises, which are used to discuss game development and put into practice development techniques through the use of HTML5 and JavaScript. This book looks at the creation of a 2D platform-based game using the HTML5 canvas element.Instant HTML5 2D Platformer introduces you to HTML5 canvas through a number of exercises, which show what the canvas is capable of. The book contains a number of clear, practical, hands-on tasks that incrementally build on the concepts of game creation and result in a 2D HTML5 platform-based game.By undertaking the tasks within this book, you will learn how to develop your own 2D HTML5 game framework that you can use in the creation of your own video games, not just the game developed within this book. Alongside this framework you will learn how to develop and understand 2D animation, game logic, and how to handle user input devices.
We don't just surf the Web from our desktops any more – we take it with us, everywhere we go. Modern devices contain sophisticated hardware and software to determine the user's location. Apps such as Foursquare and Google Maps use this to create new kinds of functionality. Now, you can do this too with the HTML5 Geolocation API.Instant HTML5 Geolocation How-to is a simple guide to adding location information to your web applications. The practical, easy-to-follow recipes are designed to help you learn the ins and outs of the API. You'll learn how to use it, how it works, and how to save and display geographic information on the web.Beginning with a solid grounding in how the Geolocation API works and when to use it, you will learn how to determine, store, display, and track the user's location via a series of clear recipes.You will learn the different ways location is determined on different devices, including desktops and laptops that don't have GPS units. You'll also learn how to selectively use these different behaviours, based on the speed, accuracy, and battery life requirements of your application. You'll also get some hints about using MySQL databases to store sets of location data.Instant HTML5 Geolocation How-to will teach you everything you need to know about retrieving the location information your application needs, across multiple devices and platforms.
jQuery plugins helps you to extend jQuery's prototype object. jQuery plugins are used to achieve a specific task with a collection of elements, they are modular and reusable across several projects.Instant jQuery Boilerplate for Plugins is a hands on guide to writing your own plugins. The recipes in this book will guide you through the steps of plug-in development.Each recipe is a short tutorial within itself that will help you explore different options available within jQuery by providing a clear explanation on what jQuery Boilerplate has to offer. By the end of the book, you will have learned how to write a plugin and will be ready to start writing plugins of your own.
Instant jQuery Selectors. Learn how to master the art of effectively using jQuery's selectors
jQuery's selectors is one of the most important concepts of the jQuery library. Usually, the first thing you do is to select one or more elements of a page in order to manipulate them. Therefore, to efficiently learn the usage of jQuery's selectors is one of the first steps to successfully build your website.Instant jQuery Selectors is a practical guide that will teach you how to use jQuery's selectors efficiently in order to easily select theelements of your pages to operate upon with jQuery's methods. You will go through the most common problems that you could face while developing your project and will learn how to solve them with the help of focused examples that Instant jQuery Selectors has to offer.Instant jQuery Selectors, starting from how to set up jQuery and how to choose the right version for your project, explains to you all the selectors available using a multitude of simple and practical recipes that will help you start using selectors in the right way. Reading the presented recipes you'll learn about the numerous selectors and filters of jQuery – almost 100 of them! You will see how to reuse collections, the methods to filter collections, and how to take advantage of the lesser known parameter of jQuery's constructor: context. Also, you'll discover the methods to traverse the DOM and the techniques to improve the performance of your website by just tweaking selectors.Instant jQuery Selectors is the resource to learn everything you need to know about jQuery's selectors.