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Techniki programowania
Ionic 2 Cookbook. The rich flavors of Ionic at your disposal - Second Edition
Developing real-time apps is the need of the hour, and apps that deal with humongous amounts of user data and real-time information that needs to be updated frequently are in high demand. Currently, one of the most popular frameworks for this task is Ionic Framework, which is undergoing a major makeover.This book will get you started with Ionic and help you create Angular 2 components that interact with templates. From there, you’ll work with Ionic components and find out how to share data efficiently between them. You’ll discover how to make the best use of the REST API to handle back-end services and then move on to animating the application to make it look pretty. You’ll learn to add in a local push notification in order to test the app. You’ll work with Cordova to support native functionalities on both iOS and Android. From there, you’ll get to grips with using the default themes for each platform as well as customizing your own. Finally, you’ll see how best to deploy your app to different platforms.This book will solve all your Ionic-related issues through dedicated recipes that will help you get the best out of Ionic.
Ionic Framework By Example. Click here to enter text
Change doesn’t have to be challenging. Sometimes it can be simple – sometimes it just makes sense. With Ionic, mobile development has never been so simple, so elegant and obvious. By helping developers to harness AngularJS and HTML5 for mobile development, it’s the perfect framework for anyone obsessed with performance, and anyone that understands just how important a great user experience really is. This book shows you how to get started with Ionic framework immediately. But it doesn’t just give you instructions and then expect you to follow them. Instead it demonstrates what Ionic is capable of through three practical projects you can follow and build yourself. From a basic to-do list app, a London tourist app, to a complete social media app, all three projects have been designed to help you learn Ionic at its very best. From setting up your project to developing on both the server side and front end, and best practices for testing and debugging your projects, you’ll quickly become a better mobile developer, delivering high performance mobile apps that look awesome. Ionic Framework by Example is for people who don’t want to learn now, build later – it’s for people who want to learn and build at the same time – so they can meet today’s mobile development challenges head on and deliver better products than anyone else.
Rahat Khanna, Sani Yusuf, Hoc Phan
Hybrid Apps are a promising choice in mobile app development to achieve cost-effectiveness and rapid development. Ionic has evolved as the most popular choice for Hybrid Mobile App development as it tends to match the native experience and provides robust components/tools to build apps. The Ionic Complete Developers course takes you on an end–to-end journey, empowering you to build real-time, scalable, and interactive mobile applications with the Ionic framework. Starting with an introduction to the Ionic framework to get you up and running, you will gradually move on to setting up the environment, and work through the multiple options and features available in Ionic to build amazing hybrid mobile apps. You will learn how to use Cordova plugins to include native functionality in your hybrid apps.You will work through three complete projects and build a basic to-do list app, a London tourist app, and a complete social media app. All three projects have been designed to help you learn Ionic at its very best. From setting up your project to developing on both the server side and front end, and best practices for testing and debugging your projects, you'll quickly be able to deliver high-performance mobile apps that look awesome.You will then hone your skills with recipes for cross-platform development. Integrating Ionic with Cordova will bring you native device features, and you will learn about the best modules from its ecosystem. Creating components and customizing the theme will allow you to extend Ionic. You'll see how to build your app to deploy to all platforms to make you a confident start-to-finish mobile developer.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: [*] Getting Started with Ionic – by Rahat Khanna [*] Ionic by Example – by Sani Yusuf [*] Ionic Cookbook – by Hoc Phan
iOS 10 Programming for Beginners. Explore the latest iOS 10 and Swift 3 features
You want to build iOS applications for iPhone and iPad—but where do you start? Forget sifting through tutorials and blog posts, this is a direct route into iOS development, taking you through the basics and showing you how to put the principles into practice. With every update, iOS has become more and more developer-friendly, so take advantage of it and begin building applications that might just take the App Store by storm!Whether you’re an experienced programmer or a complete novice, this book guides you through every facet of iOS development. From Xcode and Swift—the building blocks of modern Apple development—and Playgrounds for beginners, one of the most popular features of the iOS development experience, you’ll quickly gain a solid foundation to begin venturing deeper into your development journey. For the experienced programmer, jump right in and learn the latest iOS 10 features.You’ll also learn the core elements of iOS design, from tables to tab bars, as well as more advanced topics such as gestures and animations that can give your app the edge. Find out how to manage databases, as well as integrating standard elements such as photos, GPS into your app. With further guidance on beta testing with TestFlight, you’ll quickly learn everything you need to get your project on the App Store!
Building on the phenomenal success of its predecessor iOS 5 includes over 200 new user features as well as an updated SDK containing over 1,500 new APIs. iOS 5 looks set to reinforce the iPhone's dominance in the smartphone market. iOS 5 Essentials will help you learn how to build simple, yet powerful iOS 5 applications incorporating iCloud Storage, Twitter, Core Image and Newsstand integration. You will start by learning about what's new in iOS 5. You'll look at the iCloud Storage APIs, Automatic Reference Counting, Twitter and AirPlay integration, how to use the various Core Image filters using the Cocoa framework, and the new features of the iOS 5 SDK. After this, you'll jump straight in and create applications using Xcode and Interface Builder using the new storyboard layout. We then finish up by learning how to make your applications run smoothly using the Xcode instruments.
Designing and selling games on the iOS platform has become a phenomenon ever since the introduction of the App Store. With mobile gaming taking the World by storm, users are indulging in all different types of games. iPhone Game Blueprints is a hands on guide to both inspire and help developers, graphic designers, and game enthusiasts to create their own games for iOS devices.Taking a selection of iPhone game styles we will learn how to set the foundation and essential functionality for each game. Including thorough explanations of popular games such as puzzles, arcades, and adventures, as well as useful theoretical and technical concepts. iPhone Game Blueprints is your complete guide to creating great iPhone games, from a simple gesture game to a classic shoot 'em up.iPhone Game Blueprints guides you through the universe of mobile games, starting with the overall information about game ideas, ergonomic aspects, and much more. Then it switches to a description of each particular game type, presenting ready-to-use ideas and applications.This book will take you through a selection of iPhone game styles and show how to create the foundation and essential functionality for a game of that genre.The examples in this book are only the beginning.Including a deluge of practical tips, focusing on the best approach to game design, not forgetting to mention the pitfalls. iPhone Game Blueprints will give you the blueprints of several mobile game's essentials cores. Whether you're just getting started with gaming, or want to try a whole different genre of game, these blueprints are everything you need.
Jak stać się lepszym programistą. Przewodnik
Podręcznik prawdziwego programisty! Zawód programisty jak żaden inny wymaga ciągłego rozwoju, nauki i doskonalenia. Każdy dzień to nowe wyzwania, techniki programistyczne oraz kolejne linie wysokiej jakości kodu. Zastanawiasz się, co jeszcze możesz zrobić, aby stać się lepszym programistą? Chcesz zaimponować ciekawymi koncepcjami oraz wprowadzić znaczące ulepszenia w codziennej pracy? Trafiłeś na książkę, która sprawi, że Twój kod nabierze nowego blasku! Na kolejnych stronach tej książki przeczytasz o tym, jak powinien być sformatowany kod źródłowy, jakie stosować nazewnictwo oraz jak usuwanie zbędnego kodu wpływa na jego jakość. Nauczysz się odnajdywać błędy w kodzie i pisać dobre testy. Dowiesz się także, jak w pełni korzystać z możliwości systemu kontroli wersji. Książka ta jest obowiązkową lekturą dla każdego programisty ceniącego sobie ciągły rozwój, dążenie do doskonałości oraz tworzenie świetnego kodu! Techniki z poziomu kodu, dotyczące pisania wierszy kodu, testów, debugowania i radzenia sobie ze złożonością. Praktyki, podejścia i postawy: zachowaj prostotę, współpracuj z innymi, wykorzystuj gotowe rozwiązania i twórz elastyczny kod. Strategie skutecznego uczenia się, etycznego postępowania, szukania wyzwań i unikania stagnacji. Praktyczne metody kończenia zadań: używanie właściwych narzędzi, ustalanie, jak ma wyglądać gotowe rozwiązanie, i szukanie pomocy ze strony współpracowników. Nawyki dobrej współpracy z innymi i traktowania programowania jak zajęcia społecznego. Obowiązkowa lektura każdego programisty!
Yogesh Prajapati, Vishal Ranapariya
This book will provide a useful hands-on guide to Hibernate to accomplish the development of a real-time Hibernate application.We will start with the basics of Hibernate, which include setting up Hibernate – the pre-requisites and multiple ways of configuring Hibernate using Java. We will then dive deep into the fundamentals of Hibernate such as SessionFactory, session, criteria, working with objects and criteria. This will help a developer have a better understanding of how Hibernate works and what needs to be done to run a Hibernate application. Moving on, we will learn how to work with annotations, associations and collections. In the final chapters, we will see explore querying, advanced Hibernate concepts and integration with other frameworks.