Techniki programowania

Ionic 2 Cookbook. The rich flavors of Ionic at your disposal - Second Edition

Hoc Phan

Ionic Framework By Example. Click here to enter text

Sani Yusuf

Ionic: Hybrid Mobile App Development. Create cutting-edge, hybrid mobile applications using the Ionic framework

Rahat Khanna, Sani Yusuf, Hoc Phan

iOS 10 Programming for Beginners. Explore the latest iOS 10 and Swift 3 features

Craig Clayton

iOS 5 Essentials

iPhone Game Blueprints. If you're looking for inspiration for your first or next iPhone game, look no further. This brilliant hands-on guide contains 7 practical projects that cover everything from animation to augmented reality. Game on!

Igor Uduslivii

Jak stać się lepszym programistą. Przewodnik

Pete Goodliffe

Java Hibernate Cookbook. Over 50 recipes to help you build dynamic and powerful real-time Java Hibernate applications

Yogesh Prajapati, Vishal Ranapariya