Techniki programowania

Java. Techniki zaawansowane. Wydanie X

Cay S. Horstmann

JavaScript : Moving to ES2015. Keep abreast of the practical uses of modern JavaScript

Ved Antani, Simon Timms, Narayan Prusty

JavaScript and JSON Essentials. If you fancy a less verbose data format than CSV or XML, then JSON could be for you. This tutorial will teach you about using JSON with JavaScript for effective local storage or Internet transfers

Sai S Sriparasa

JavaScript Concurrency. Build better software with concurrent JavaScript programming, and unlock a more efficient and forward thinking approach to web development

Adam Boduch

JavaScript for .NET Developers. Developing for the modern web

JavaScript from Frontend to Backend. Learn full stack JavaScript development using the MEVN stack with quick and easy steps

Eric Sarrion

JavaScript: Functional Programming for JavaScript Developers. Functional Programming for JavaScript Developers

Ved Antani, Simon Timms, Dan Mantyla

Javascript: Object Oriented Programming. Build sophisticated web applications by mastering the art of Object-Oriented Javascript

Kumar Chetan Sharma, Stoyan Stefanov, Ved Antani, Gaston C. Hillar