Techniki programowania


Web Developer's Reference Guide. A one-stop guide to the essentials of web development including popular frameworks such as jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS, and Node.js

Amos Q. Haviv, Thoriq Firdaus, Joshua Johanan, Talha Khan, ...

This comprehensive reference guide takes you through each topic in web development and highlights the most popular and important elements of each area. Starting with HTML, you will learn key elements and attributes and how they relate to each other. Next, you will explore CSS pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, followed by CSS properties and functions. This will introduce you to many powerful and new selectors. You will then move on to JavaScript. This section will not just introduce functions, but will provide you with an entire reference for the language and paradigms. You will discover more about three of the most popular frameworks today—Bootstrap, which builds on CSS, jQuery which builds on JavaScript, and AngularJS, which also builds on JavaScript. Finally, you will take a walk-through Node.js, which is a server-side framework that allows you to write programs in JavaScript.


Web Development on Netlify. Proven strategies for building, deploying, and hosting modern web applications

Ekene Eze

Written by a former member of Netlify’s Developer Experience team, Web Development on Netlify is the ultimate companion for anyone looking to build, deploy, optimize, and scale frontend web applications on the platform. From setting up your account, and configuring settings and options, to deploying and optimizing web applications, this book offers comprehensive guidance through Netlify’s extensive capabilities, supported by step-by-step instructions and real-world examples.Focused on best practices and scalability, this invaluable resource is for both beginners and experienced developers, covering essential aspects such as performance optimization, A/B testing, webhooks, continuous deployment, and scaling considerations. Whether you want to get started with Netlify or expand your knowledge of the platform, this book has everything you need to take your web applications to the next level. Ekene’s clear and concise style makes it easy to understand even for readers with little to no Netlify experience.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the expertise to revolutionize your workflow and take your web projects to new heights with Netlify, adhering to industry best practices every step of the way.


Web Development with Blazor. A practical guide to start building interactive UIs with C# 11 and .NET 7 - Second Edition

Jimmy Engström, Jeff Fritz

Blazor is an essential tool if you want to build interactive web apps without JavaScript, but it has a learning curve. Updated with the latest code in .NET 7 and C# 11 and written by someone who adopted Blazor early, this book will help you overcome the challenges associated with being a beginner with Blazor and teach you the best coding practices.You’ll start by learning how to leverage the power of Blazor and exploring the full capabilities of both Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly. Then you'll move on to the practical part, centered around a sample project – a blog engine. You'll apply all your newfound knowledge about creating Blazor projects, the inner workings of Razor syntax, validating forms, and creating your own components.This new edition also looks at source generators, dives deeper into Blazor WebAssembly with ahead-of-time, and includes a dedicated new chapter demonstrating how to move components of an existing JavaScript (Angular, React) or MVC-based website to Blazor or combine the two. You’ll also see how to use Blazor (Hybrid) together with .NET MAUI to create cross-platform desktop and mobile applications.When you reach the end of this book, you'll have the confidence you need to create and deploy production-ready Blazor applications, and you'll have a big-picture view of the Blazor landscape.


Web Development with Django. A definitive guide to building modern Python web applications using Django 4 - Second Edition

Ben Shaw, Saurabh Badhwar, Chris Guest, Bharath Chandra K S

Do you want to develop reliable and secure applications that stand out from the crowd without spending hours on boilerplate code? You’ve made the right choice trusting the Django framework, and this book will tell you why. Often referred to as a “batteries included” web development framework, Django comes with all the core features needed to build a standalone application. Web Development with Django will take you through all the essential concepts and help you explore its power to build real-world applications using Python.Throughout the book, you’ll get the grips with the major features of Django by building a website called Bookr – a repository for book reviews. This end-to-end case study is split into a series of bitesize projects presented as exercises and activities, allowing you to challenge yourself in an enjoyable and attainable way. As you advance, you'll acquire various practical skills, including how to serve static files to add CSS, JavaScript, and images to your application, how to implement forms to accept user input, and how to manage sessions to ensure a reliable user experience. You’ll cover everyday tasks that are part of the development cycle of a real-world web application.By the end of this Django book, you'll have the skills and confidence to creatively develop and deploy your own projects.


Web Development with Django Cookbook. Over 90 practical recipes to help you create scalable websites using the Django 1.8 framework - Second Edition

Aidas Bendoraitis

Django is a web framework that was designed to strike a balance between rapid web development and high performance. It has the capacity to handle applications with high levels of user traffic and interaction, and can integrate with massive databases on the backend, constantly collecting and processing data in real time.Through this book, you'll discover that collecting data from different sources and providing it to others in different formats isn't as difficult as you thought. It follows a task-based approach to guide you through all the web development processes using the Django framework. We’ll start by setting up the virtual environment for a Django project and configuring it. Then you’ll learn to write reusable pieces of code for your models and find out how to manage database schema changes using South migrations. After that, we’ll take you through working with forms and views to enter and list data. With practical examples on using templates and JavaScript together, you will discover how to create the best user experience. In the final chapters, you'll be introduced to some programming and debugging tricks and finally, you will be shown how to test and deploy the project to a remote dedicated server.By the end of this book, you will have a good understanding of the new features added to Django 1.8 and be an expert at web development processes.


Web Development with Julia and Genie. A hands-on guide to high-performance server-side web development with the Julia programming language

Ivo Balbaert, Adrian Salceanu, Logan Kilpatrick

Julia’s high-performance and scalability characteristics and its extensive number of packages for visualizing data make it an excellent fit for developing web apps, web services, and web dashboards. The two parts of this book provide complete coverage to build your skills in web development.First, you'll refresh your knowledge of the main concepts in Julia that will further be used in web development. Then, you’ll use Julia’s standard web packages and examine how the building blocks of the web such as TCP-IP, web sockets, HTTP protocol, and so on are implemented in Julia’s standard library. Each topic is discussed and developed into code that you can apply in new projects, from static websites to dashboards. You’ll also understand how to choose the right Julia framework for a project. The second part of the book talks about the Genie framework. You’ll learn how to build a traditional to do app following the MVC design pattern. Next, you’ll add a REST API to this project, including testing and documentation. Later, you’ll explore the various ways of deploying an app in production, including authentication functionality. Finally, you’ll work on an interactive data dashboard, making various chart types and filters.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build interactive web solutions on a large scale with a Julia-based web framework.


Web Services Testing with soapUI. Starting with an overview of SOA and web services testing, this guide take you through a number of hands-on exercises and projects to get you familiar with soapUI. A sure way to raise the quality of your web services

Charitha Kankanamge

Quality is a key to success of service-oriented projects. Utilization of proper tools is important to the outcome of web service testing methodology. Being the leading open source web services testing tool, soapUI helps to build robust and flexible automated tests in a productive manner.Web Services Testing with soapUI guides you on adopting best web service testing mechanisms with the industry leading open source testing tool, soapUI. You will learn to use soapUI effectively in testing service-oriented solutions focusing on testing functional as well as non-functional characteristics of web services. SoapUI is capable of testing JDBC data sources, web applications, RESTful services and web services exposed over transports such as JMS. The book discusses all these features and much more, in detail, through practical and clear examples.This book is focused on learning soapUI in order to test web services in an effective manner. It starts with a general introduction to service-oriented architecture (SOA) followed by testing aspects of service-oriented solutions. This book aims to give readers a comprehensive overview of usage of soapUI in SOA and web services testing projects. Starting with an overview of SOA and web services testing, you will quickly get your hands dirty with a sample project which makes use of open source web service engine, Apache Axis2. All demonstrations and hands-on exercises are based on this sample project. The tests in a soapUI project are organized into TestSuites, TestCases and TestSteps. You will also learn how soapUI can be used for both functional and non-functional testing. The book then teaches how by using groovy scripting and integrating with Junit and maven, soapUI can easily be used in automated web services testing. By the end, you'llhave learned to test functional and non-functional aspects of web services and automate by integrating into continuous build systems using soapUI.


Windows Azure Platforma Cloud Computing dla programistów

Praca zbiorowa

Chmura obliczeniowa (Cloud Computing) jest kolejnym milowym krokiem w rozwoju informatyki. Ujmując rzecz najogólniej, można powiedzieć, że w odróżnieniu od dostarczania oprogramowania cloud computing jest metodą dostarczania, opartych na oprogramowaniu, serwisów i usług. Możliwości, jakie zapewnia, obejmują zarówno rozwiązania dla użytkowników indywidualnych, jak i przedsiębiorstw. Najlepiej znaną definicję Chmury opracowali analitycy Gartnera: „Cloud computing to styl obliczeń, w którym dynamicznie skalowalne (zwykle zwirtualizowane) zasoby są dostarczane jako usługa za pośrednictwem Internetu. Użytkownik nie musi mieć wiedzy na temat tego, w jaki sposób ta usługa jest realizowana, nie musi też zajmować się aspektami technicznymi niezbędnymi do jej działania”. Cloud computing bazuje na koncepcji tworzenia rozproszonych systemów obliczeniowych, zlokalizowanych w różnych centrach danych na całym świecie i dostępnych za pomocą interfejsów sieciowych. Ze strony Microsoft takim rozwiązaniem dla rynku jest Windows Azure. Książka „Windows Azure Platforma Cloud Computing dla programistów” to pierwsza w Polsce tak obszerna pozycja opisująca zagadnienia Cloud Computing dla programistów. Ambicją autorów było stworzenie kompendium wiedzy dla programistów .NET,  PHP i Javy, którzy w łatwy sposób mogą tworzyć skalowalne rozwiązania w oparciu o Windows Azure.