Programming techniques

Stwórz Grę Aplikacje Mobilne ES6+ JavaScript React Native - Hooks

Svelte with Test-Driven Development. Advance your skills and write effective automated tests with Vitest, Playwright, and Cucumber.js

Daniel Irvine

SvelteKit Up and Running. Leverage the power of a next-generation web framework to build high-performance web apps with ease

Dylan Hildenbrand

Swift 2 By Example. Click here to enter text

Giordano Scalzo

Swift 3 New Features. Get up to date with what`s new in Swift 3

Keith Elliott

Swift Data Structure and Algorithms. Implement Swift structures and algorithms natively

Erik Azar, Mario Eguiluz Alebicto

Swift: Developing iOS Applications. Developing iOS Applications

Jon Hoffman, Andrew J Wagner, Giordano Scalzo

Swift Essentials. Discover how to build iOS and watchOS applications in Swift 2 using Xcode - Second Edition

Systems Engineering Demystified. Apply modern, model-based systems engineering techniques to build complex systems - Second Edition

Jon Holt, Tim Weilkiens

Systemy reaktywne. Wzorce projektowe i ich stosowanie

Roland Kuhn Dr., Brian Hanafee, Jamie Allen

Szacowanie oprogramowania Kulisy czarnej magii. Dla praktyków

Steve McConnell

Sztuka kodowania. Sekrety wielkich programistów

Peter Seibel

Tablice informatyczne. Wzorce projektowe

Magdalena Gunia

TDD. Programowanie w Javie sterowane testami

Viktor Farcic, Alex Garcia

TDD. Techniki programowania sterowanego testami

Dariusz Woźniak

TDD w praktyce. Niezawodny kod w języku Python

Harry J.W. Percival