Techniki programowania

Mastering JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming. Advanced patterns, faster techniques, higher quality code

Andrea Chiarelli

Mastering JavaScript Single Page Application Development. An in-depth guide to building scalable and maintainable single-page applications in JavaScript

Philip Klauzinski, John Moore, Alex Dankoff

Mastering Linux Shell Scripting. Master the complexities of Bash shell scripting and unlock the power of shell for your enterprise

Andrew Mallett

Mastering MeteorJS Application Development. MeteorJS makes full-stack JavaScript Application Development simple – Learn how to build better modern web apps with MeteorJS, and become an expert in the innovative JavaScript framework

Jebin BV

Mastering Node.js. Expert techniques for building fast servers and scalable, real-time network applications with minimal effort

Sandro Pasquali

Mastering OpenLayers 3. Create powerful applications with the most robust open source web mapping library using this advanced guide

Gábor Farkas

Mastering PhoneGap Mobile Application Development. Take your PhoneGap experience to the next level and create engaging real-world applications

Kerri Shotts, Kerri Shotts

Mastering PHP Design Patterns. Click here to enter text

Junade Ali

Mastering PostCSS for Web Design. Explore the power of PostCSS to write highly performing, modular, and modern CSS code for your web pages

Alex Libby

Mastering Prometheus. Gain expert tips to monitoring your infrastructure, applications, and services

William Hegedus

Mastering Puppet. Master Puppet for configuration management of your systems in an enterprise deployment - Second Edition

Thomas Uphill

Mastering Python. Master the art of writing beautiful and powerful Python by using all of the features that Python 3.5 offers

Igor Milovanovic, Rick van Hattem

Mastering Python Networking. Utilize Python packages and frameworks for network automation, monitoring, cloud, and management - Fourth Edition

Eric Chou

Mastering RabbitMQ. Master the art of developing message-based applications with RabbitMQ

Yusuf Aytas, Emrah Ayanoglu, Dotan Nahum

Mastering React Test-Driven Development. Build simple and maintainable web apps with React, Redux, and GraphQL - Second Edition

Daniel Irvine, Justin Searls

Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming. Design, build, and simulate complex robots using the Robot Operating System

Lentin Joseph

Mastering RStudio - Develop, Communicate, and Collaborate with R. Harness the power of RStudio to create web applications, R packages, markdown reports and pretty data visualizations

Homer White, Julian Hillebrand, Maximilian H. Nierhoff

Mastering SaltStack. Use Salt to the fullest - Second Edition

Joseph Hall

Mastering ServiceStack. Utilize ServiceStack as the rock solid foundation of your distributed system

Andreas Niedermair

Mastering SoapUI. Experience SOA Test and Test Automation from an expert view

Pranai Nandan, Surendra Mohan

Mastering Sublime Text. When it comes to cross-platform text and source code editing, Sublime Text has few rivals. This book will teach you all its great features and help you develop and publish plugins. A brilliantly inclusive guide

Dan Peleg

Mastering Swift 3. Build incredible apps for iOS and OS X

Jon Hoffman