Techniki programowania

Mapbox Cookbook. Over 35 recipes to design and implement uniquely styled maps using the Mapbox platform

Bill Kastanakis, Vasileios Kastanakis

Master Apache JMeter - From Load Testing to DevOps. Master performance testing with JMeter

Antonio Gomes Rodrigues, Bruno Demion (Milamber), Philippe Mouawad

Mastering Akka. A hands-on guide to build application using the Akka framework

Christian Baxter

Mastering AndEngine Game Development. Move beyond basic games and explore the limits of AndEngine

Maya Posch

Mastering Android Application Development. Learn how to do more with the Android SDK with this advanced Android Application guide which shows you how to make even better Android apps that users will love

Antonio Pachon

Mastering Android Wear Application Development. Master the Android Wear SDK and APIs to build cutting edge wearable apps

Simone Casagranda, Siddique Hameed, Javeed Chida

Mastering Backbone.js. Design and build scalable web applications using Backbone.js

Abiee Echamea, Abiee Echamea

Mastering Blazor WebAssembly. A step-by-step guide to developing advanced single-page applications with Blazor WebAssembly

Ahmad Mozaffar

Mastering C# and .NET Framework. .NET Under the hood

Marino Posadas

Mastering C# Concurrency. Create robust and scalable applications along with responsive UI using concurrency and the multi-threading infrastructure in .NET and C#

Evgenii Agafonov, Andrey Koryavchenko

Mastering Chef Provisioning. Render your entire infrastructure as code with Chef

Earl Waud

Mastering Clojure. Understand the philosophy of the Clojure language and dive into its inner workings to unlock its advanced features, methodologies, and constructs

Akhil Wali

Mastering Concurrency Programming with Java 8. Master the principles and techniques of multithreaded programming with the Java 8 Concurrency API

Javier Fernández González

Mastering Cross-Platform Development with Xamarin. Master the skills required to steer cross-platform applications from drawing board to app store(s) using Xamarin

Can Bilgin, Miljenko Cvjetko, Paulo Ortins, Robert Hellestrae, ...

Mastering Django: Core. The Complete Guide to Django 1.8 LTS

Nigel George

Mastering Embedded Linux Programming. Harness the power of Linux to create versatile and robust embedded solutions

Chris Simmonds

Mastering F#. Click here to enter text

Alfonso García-Caro Núnez, Suhaib Fahad

Mastering Flask. Gain expertise in Flask to create dynamic and powerful web applications

Jack Stouffer

Mastering GitHub Actions. Advance your automation skills with the latest techniques for software integration and deployment

Eric Chapman

Mastering Hibernate. Learn how to correctly utilize the most popular Object-Relational Mapping tool for your Enterprise application

Ramin Rad, Koushik Srinivas Kothagal

Mastering HTML5 Forms. Create dynamic and responsive web forms with this in - depth, hands-on guide

Gaurav Gupta

Mastering iOS Game Development. Mastering iOS Game Development

Miguel DeQuadros

Mastering JavaScript. Explore and master modern JavaScript techniques in order to build large-scale web applications

Ved Antani

Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming. Write clean, robust, and maintainable web and server code using functional JavaScript and TypeScript - Third Edition

Federico Kereki