Techniki programowania

Node.js Design Patterns. Master a series of patterns and techniques to create modular, scalable, and efficient applications

Mario Casciaro

Node.js Design Patterns. Master best practices to build modular and scalable server-side web applications - Second Edition

Luciano Mammino, Mario Casciaro

Nowoczesna inżynieria oprogramowania. Stosowanie skutecznych technik szybszego rozwoju oprogramowania wyższej jakości

David Farley

Nowoczesne aplikacje internetowe. MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js

Jeff Dickey

NumPy Beginner's Guide. An action packed guide using real world examples of the easy to use, high performance, free open source NumPy mathematical library. - Second Edition

Ivan Idris

NumPy Essentials. Click here to enter text

Jaidev Deshpande, Leo (Liang-Huan) Chin, Tanmay Dutta, Shane Holloway

Object-Oriented Programming with Swift 2. Click here to enter text

Gaston C. Hillar