Techniki programowania

Observability with Grafana. Monitor, control, and visualize your Kubernetes and cloud platforms using the LGTM stack

Rob Chapman, Peter Holmes

Od matematyki do programowania uogólnionego

Daniel E. Rose, Alexander A. Stepanov

Od monolitu do mikrousług. Ewolucyjne wzorce przekształcania systemów monolitycznych

Sam Newman

OData Programming Cookbook for .NET Developers. 70 fast-track, example-driven recipes with clear instructions and details for OData programming with .NET Framework with this book and

Steven Cheng, Juntao Cheng

Offline First Web Development. Design and build robust offline-first apps for exceptional user experience even when an internet connection is absent

Daniel Sauble

Opa Application Development. A rapid and secure web development framework to develop web applications quickly and easily in Opa

Li Wenbo

Open Source Projects - Beyond Code. A blueprint for scalable and sustainable open source projects

John Mertic

OpenCL Programming by Example. A comprehensive guide on OpenCL programming with examples with this book and

Koushik Bhattacharyya, Ravishekhar Banger