Techniki programowania

The Ultimate Docker Container Book. Build, test, ship, and run containers with Docker and Kubernetes - Third Edition

Dr. Gabriel N. Schenker

Torque 3D Game Development Cookbook. Over 80 practical recipes and hidden gems for getting the most out of the Torque 3D game engine


Transitioning to Java. Kickstart your polyglot programming journey by getting a clear understanding of Java

Geertjan Wielenga, Ken Fogel, Geertjan Wielenga

Twilio Cookbook. The Twilio cookbook will enable all kinds of telephone usage, including SMS, on your websites. It's a totally practical guide with a hands-on approach to help you dig deep into the enormous potential of telephone facilities on the Web

Roger Stringer

TypeScript Blueprints. Practical Projects to Put TypeScript into Practice

Ivo Gabe de Wolff

TypeScript Design Patterns. Click here to enter text

Vilic Vane

TypeScript: Modern JavaScript Development. Click here to enter text

Remo H. Jansen, Vilic Vane, Ivo Gabe de Wolff

TypeScript: Skuteczne programowanie, wyd. II. 83 sposoby ulepszania kodu TypeScript

Dan Vanderkam