Analiza danych

Data Science Algorithms in a Week. Top 7 algorithms for scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning - Second Edition

David Natingga

Data Science for Marketing Analytics. A practical guide to forming a killer marketing strategy through data analysis with Python - Second Edition

Mirza Rahim Baig, Gururajan Govindan, Vishwesh Ravi Shrimali

Data Science for Marketing Analytics. Achieve your marketing goals with the data analytics power of Python

Tommy Blanchard, Debasish Behera, Pranshu Bhatnagar

Data Science Fundamentals Pocket Primer. An Essential Guide to Data Science Concepts and Techniques

Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato

Data science od podstaw. Analiza danych w Pythonie

Joel Grus

Data science od podstaw. Analiza danych w Pythonie. Wydanie II

Joel Grus

Data Science with SQL Server Quick Start Guide. Integrate SQL Server with data science

Dejan Sarka

Data science, wyzwania i rozwiązania. Jak zostać ekspertem analizy danych

Daniel Vaughan