Machine learning


Głębokie uczenie z TensorFlow. Od regresji liniowej po uczenie przez wzmacnianie

Bharath Ramsundar, Reza Bosagh Zadeh

Uczenie maszynowe jest coraz powszechniejsze. Niemal każdego dnia stykamy się z tego rodzaju oprogramowaniem, a możliwości tworzonych systemów stale rosną. Zdobycie praktycznych umiejętności w zakresie budowy i treningu sieci neuronowych staje się dla profesjonalnych programistów koniecznością. Spośród wielu narzędzi służących do tworzenia systemów uczenia maszynowego warto zwrócić uwagę na TensorFlow - nową biblioteką udostępnioną przez Google, przeznaczoną do projektowania i wdrażania zaawansowanych architektur uczenia głębokiego. Bez wątpienia jest to narzędzie, które pozwala na wykonywanie zadań znacznie wykraczających poza standardowy zakres uczenia maszynowego. Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla praktyków, przede wszystkim programistów, architektów i naukowców, którzy chcą się nauczyć projektowania systemów uczących. Podstawowe pojęcia dotyczące uczenia maszynowego wyjaśniono tu poprzez praktyczne przykłady. Przedstawiono możliwości TensorFlow jako systemu do przeprowadzania obliczeń na tensorach. Omówiono zastosowania tej biblioteki w wielu bardzo różnych dziedzinach: do budowy systemów służących do rozpoznawania obrazów, rozumienia tekstu napisanego ręcznie przez człowieka czy przewidywania właściwości potencjalnych leków. Dzięki tej książce można bez trudu zrozumieć matematyczne podstawy systemów uczenia maszynowego, a następnie wykorzystać je podczas tworzenia profesjonalnych sieci neuronowych. W tej książce między innymi: podstawy uczenia maszynowego i rozpoczęcie pracy z TensorFlow budowa prototypów i modeli z optymalizacją hiperparametrów przetwarzanie obrazów w splotowych sieciach neuronowych obsługa zbiorów danych języka naturalnego trenowanie sieci za pomocą procesorów graficznych i procesorów tensorowych TensorFlow: trenuj sieć profesjonalnie!


Go Machine Learning Projects. Eight projects demonstrating end-to-end machine learning and predictive analytics applications in Go

Xuanyi Chew

Go is the perfect language for machine learning; it helps to clearly describe complex algorithms, and also helps developers to understand how to run efficient optimized code. This book will teach you how to implement machine learning in Go to make programs that are easy to deploy and code that is not only easy to understand and debug, but also to have its performance measured.The book begins by guiding you through setting up your machine learning environment with Go libraries and capabilities. You will then plunge into regression analysis of a real-life house pricing dataset and build a classification model in Go to classify emails as spam or ham. Using Gonum, Gorgonia, and STL, you will explore time series analysis along with decomposition and clean up your personal Twitter timeline by clustering tweets. In addition to this, you will learn how to recognize handwriting using neural networks and convolutional neural networks. Lastly, you'll learn how to choose the most appropriate machine learning algorithms to use for your projects with the help of a facial detection project.By the end of this book, you will have developed a solid machine learning mindset, a strong hold on the powerful Go toolkit, and a sound understanding of the practical implementations of machine learning algorithms in real-world projects.


Google Cloud AI Services Quick Start Guide. Build intelligent applications with Google Cloud AI services

Arvind Ravulavaru

Cognitive services are the new way of adding intelligence to applications and services. Now we can use Artificial Intelligence as a service that can be consumed by any application or other service, to add smartness and make the end result more practical and useful.Google Cloud AI enables you to consume Artificial Intelligence within your applications, from a REST API.  Text, video and speech analysis are among the powerful machine learning features that can be used. This book is the easiest way to get started with the Google Cloud AI services suite and open up the world of smarter applications.This book will help you build a Smart Exchange, a forum application that will let you upload videos, images and perform text to speech conversions and translation services. You will use the power of Google Cloud AI Services to make our simple forum application smart by validating the images, videos, and text provided by users to Google Cloud AI Services and make sure the content which is uploaded follows the forum standards, without a human curator involvement.You will learn how to work with the Vision API, Video Intelligence API, Speech Recognition API, Cloud Language Process, and Cloud Translation API services to make your application smarter.By the end of this book, you will have a strong understanding of working with Google Cloud AI Services, and be well on the way to building smarter applications.


Graph Machine Learning. Take graph data to the next level by applying machine learning techniques and algorithms

Claudio Stamile, Aldo Marzullo, Enrico Deusebio

Graph Machine Learning will introduce you to a set of tools used for processing network data and leveraging the power of the relation between entities that can be used for predictive, modeling, and analytics tasks. The first chapters will introduce you to graph theory and graph machine learning, as well as the scope of their potential use. You’ll then learn all you need to know about the main machine learning models for graph representation learning: their purpose, how they work, and how they can be implemented in a wide range of supervised and unsupervised learning applications. You'll build a complete machine learning pipeline, including data processing, model training, and prediction in order to exploit the full potential of graph data. After covering the basics, you’ll be taken through real-world scenarios such as extracting data from social networks, text analytics, and natural language processing (NLP) using graphs and financial transaction systems on graphs. You’ll also learn how to build and scale out data-driven applications for graph analytics to store, query, and process network information, and explore the latest trends on graphs. By the end of this machine learning book, you will have learned essential concepts of graph theory and all the algorithms and techniques used to build successful machine learning applications.


Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Beginners. An introduction to AI concepts, algorithms, and their implementation

Patrick D. Smith

Virtual Assistants, such as Alexa and Siri, process our requests, Google's cars have started to read addresses, and Amazon's prices and Netflix's recommended videos are decided by AI. Artificial Intelligence is one of the most exciting technologies and is becoming increasingly significant in the modern world.Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Beginners will teach you what Artificial Intelligence is and how to design and build intelligent applications. This book will teach you to harness packages such as TensorFlow in order to create powerful AI systems. You will begin with reviewing the recent changes in AI and learning how artificial neural networks (ANNs) have enabled more intelligent AI. You'll explore feedforward, recurrent, convolutional, and generative neural networks (FFNNs, RNNs, CNNs, and GNNs), as well as reinforcement learning methods. In the concluding chapters, you'll learn how to implement these methods for a variety of tasks, such as generating text for chatbots, and playing board and video games.By the end of this book, you will be able to understand exactly what you need to consider when optimizing ANNs and how to deploy and maintain AI applications.


Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Search. Building intelligent applications and perform enterprise searches

Devangini Patel

With the emergence of big data and modern technologies, AI has acquired a lot of relevance in many domains. The increase in demand for automation has generated many applications for AI in fields such as robotics, predictive analytics, finance, and more.In this book, you will understand what artificial intelligence is. It explains in detail basic search methods: Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS), and A* Search, which can be used to make intelligent decisions when the initial state, end state, and possible actions are known. Random solutions or greedy solutions can be found for such problems. But these are not optimal in either space or time and efficient approaches in time and space will be explored. We will also understand how to formulate a problem, which involves looking at it and identifying its initial state, goal state, and the actions that are possible in each state. We also need to understand the data structures involved while implementing these search algorithms as they form the basis of search exploration. Finally, we will look into what a heuristic is as this decides the quality of one sub-solution over another and helps you decide which step to take.


Hands-On Artificial Intelligence with Java for Beginners. Build intelligent apps using machine learning and deep learning with Deeplearning4j

Nisheeth Joshi

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly in demand as well as relevant in the modern world, where everything is driven by technology and data. AI can be used for automating systems or processes to carry out complex tasks and functions in order to achieve optimal performance and productivity.Hands-On Artificial Intelligence with Java for Beginners begins by introducing you to AI concepts and algorithms. You will learn about various Java-based libraries and frameworks that can be used in implementing AI to build smart applications. In addition to this, the book teaches you how to implement easy to complex AI tasks, such as genetic programming, heuristic searches, reinforcement learning, neural networks, and segmentation, all with a practical approach.By the end of this book, you will not only have a solid grasp of AI concepts, but you'll also be able to build your own smart applications for multiple domains.


Hands-On Automated Machine Learning. A beginner's guide to building automated machine learning systems using AutoML and Python

Sibanjan Das, Umit Mert Cakmak

AutoML is designed to automate parts of Machine Learning. Readily available AutoML tools are making data science practitioners’ work easy and are received well in the advanced analytics community. Automated Machine Learning covers the necessary foundation needed to create automated machine learning modules and helps you get up to speed with them in the most practical way possible. In this book, you’ll learn how to automate different tasks in the machine learning pipeline such as data preprocessing, feature selection, model training, model optimization, and much more. In addition to this, it demonstrates how you can use the available automation libraries, such as auto-sklearn and MLBox, and create and extend your own custom AutoML components for Machine Learning. By the end of this book, you will have a clearer understanding of the different aspects of automated Machine Learning, and you’ll be able to incorporate automation tasks using practical datasets. You can leverage your learning from this book to implement Machine Learning in your projects and get a step closer to winning various machine learning competitions.


Hands-On Computer Vision with Julia. Build complex applications with advanced Julia packages for image processing, neural networks, and Artificial Intelligence

Dmitrijs Cudihins

Hands-On Computer Vision with Julia is a thorough guide for developers who want to get started with building computer vision applications using Julia. Julia is well suited to image processing because it’s easy to use and lets you write easy-to-compile and efficient machine code..This book begins by introducing you to Julia's image processing libraries such as Images.jl and ImageCore.jl. You’ll get to grips with analyzing and transforming images using JuliaImages; some of the techniques discussed include enhancing and adjusting images. As you make your way through the chapters, you’ll learn how to classify images, cluster them, and apply neural networks to solve computer vision problems. In the concluding chapters, you will explore OpenCV applications to perform real-time computer vision analysis, for example, face detection and object tracking. You will also understand Julia's interaction with Tesseract to perform optical character recognition and build an application that brings together all the techniques we introduced previously to consolidate the concepts learned.By end of the book, you will have understood how to utilize various Julia packages and a few open source libraries such as Tesseract and OpenCV to solve computer vision problems with ease.


Hands-On Convolutional Neural Networks with TensorFlow. Solve computer vision problems with modeling in TensorFlow and Python

Iffat Zafar, Giounona Tzanidou, Richard Burton, Nimesh Patel, ...

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are one of the most popular architectures used in computer vision apps. This book is an introduction to CNNs through solving real-world problems in deep learning while teaching you their implementation in popular Python library - TensorFlow. By the end of the book, you will be training CNNs in no time!We start with an overview of popular machine learning and deep learning models, and then get you set up with a TensorFlow development environment. This environment is the basis for implementing and training deep learning models in later chapters. Then, you will use Convolutional Neural Networks to work on problems such as image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation.After that, you will use transfer learning to see how these models can solve other deep learning problems. You will also get a taste of implementing generative models such as autoencoders and generative adversarial networks.Later on, you will see useful tips on machine learning best practices and troubleshooting. Finally, you will learn how to apply your models on large datasets of millions of images.


Hands-On Data Science with Anaconda. Utilize the right mix of tools to create high-performance data science applications

Yuxing Yan, James Yan

Anaconda is an open source platform that brings together the best tools for data science professionals with more than 100 popular packages supporting Python, Scala, and R languages. Hands-On Data Science with Anaconda gets you started with Anaconda and demonstrates how you can use it to perform data science operations in the real world.The book begins with setting up the environment for Anaconda platform in order to make it accessible for tools and frameworks such as Jupyter, pandas, matplotlib, Python, R, Julia, and more. You’ll walk through package manager Conda, through which you can automatically manage all packages including cross-language dependencies, and work across Linux, macOS, and Windows. You’ll explore all the essentials of data science and linear algebra to perform data science tasks using packages such as SciPy, contrastive, scikit-learn, Rattle, and Rmixmod. Once you’re accustomed to all this, you’ll start with operations in data science such as cleaning, sorting, and data classification. You’ll move on to learning how to perform tasks such as clustering, regression, prediction, and building machine learning models and optimizing them. In addition to this, you’ll learn how to visualize data using the packages available for Julia, Python, and R.


Hands-On Data Science with R. Techniques to perform data manipulation and mining to build smart analytical models using R

Vitor Bianchi Lanzetta, Nataraj Dasgupta, Ricardo Anjoleto Farias

R is the most widely used programming language, and when used in association with data science, this powerful combination will solve the complexities involved with unstructured datasets in the real world. This book covers the entire data science ecosystem for aspiring data scientists, right from zero to a level where you are confident enough to get hands-on with real-world data science problems.The book starts with an introduction to data science and introduces readers to popular R libraries for executing data science routine tasks. This book covers all the important processes in data science such as data gathering, cleaning data, and then uncovering patterns from it. You will explore algorithms such as machine learning algorithms, predictive analytical models, and finally deep learning algorithms. You will learn to run the most powerful visualization packages available in R so as to ensure that you can easily derive insights from your data.Towards the end, you will also learn how to integrate R with Spark and Hadoop and perform large-scale data analytics without much complexity.


Hands-On Deep Learning Algorithms with Python. Master deep learning algorithms with extensive math by implementing them using TensorFlow

Sudharsan Ravichandiran

Deep learning is one of the most popular domains in the AI space that allows you to develop multi-layered models of varying complexities. This book introduces you to popular deep learning algorithms—from basic to advanced—and shows you how to implement them from scratch using TensorFlow. Throughout the book, you will gain insights into each algorithm, the mathematical principles involved, and how to implement it in the best possible manner. The book starts by explaining how you can build your own neural networks, followed by introducing you to TensorFlow, the powerful Python-based library for machine learning and deep learning. Moving on, you will get up to speed with gradient descent variants, such as NAG, AMSGrad, AdaDelta, Adam, and Nadam. The book will then provide you with insights into recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and LSTM and how to generate song lyrics with RNN. Next, you will master the math necessary to work with convolutional and capsule networks, widely used for image recognition tasks. You will also learn how machines understand the semantics of words and documents using CBOW, skip-gram, and PV-DM. Finally, you will explore GANs, including InfoGAN and LSGAN, and autoencoders, such as contractive autoencoders and VAE. By the end of this book, you will be equipped with all the skills you need to implement deep learning in your own projects.


Hands-On Deep Learning Architectures with Python. Create deep neural networks to solve computational problems using TensorFlow and Keras

Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, Saransh Mehta

Deep learning architectures are composed of multilevel nonlinear operations that represent high-level abstractions; this allows you to learn useful feature representations from the data. This book will help you learn and implement deep learning architectures to resolve various deep learning research problems.Hands-On Deep Learning Architectures with Python explains the essential learning algorithms used for deep and shallow architectures. Packed with practical implementations and ideas to help you build efficient artificial intelligence systems (AI), this book will help you learn how neural networks play a major role in building deep architectures. You will understand various deep learning architectures (such as AlexNet, VGG Net, GoogleNet) with easy-to-follow code and diagrams. In addition to this, the book will also guide you in building and training various deep architectures such as the Boltzmann mechanism, autoencoders, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), natural language processing (NLP), GAN, and more—all with practical implementations.By the end of this book, you will be able to construct deep models using popular frameworks and datasets with the required design patterns for each architecture. You will be ready to explore the potential of deep architectures in today's world.


Hands-On Deep Learning for Images with TensorFlow. Build intelligent computer vision applications using TensorFlow and Keras

Will Ballard

TensorFlow is Google’s popular offering for machine learning and deep learning, quickly becoming a favorite tool for performing fast, efficient, and accurate deep learning tasks.Hands-On Deep Learning for Images with TensorFlow shows you the practical implementations of real-world projects, teaching you how to leverage TensorFlow’s capabilities to perform efficient image processing using the power of deep learning. With the help of this book, you will get to grips with the different paradigms of performing deep learning such as deep neural nets and convolutional neural networks, followed by understanding how they can be implemented using TensorFlow.By the end of this book, you will have mastered all the concepts of deep learning and their implementation with TensorFlow and Keras.


Hands-On Deep Learning for IoT. Train neural network models to develop intelligent IoT applications

Dr. Mohammad Abdur Razzaque, Md. Rezaul Karim

Artificial Intelligence is growing quickly, which is driven by advancements in neural networks(NN) and deep learning (DL). With an increase in investments in smart cities, smart healthcare, and industrial Internet of Things (IoT), commercialization of IoT will soon be at peak in which massive amounts of data generated by IoT devices need to be processed at scale. Hands-On Deep Learning for IoT will provide deeper insights into IoT data, which will start by introducing how DL fits into the context of making IoT applications smarter. It then covers how to build deep architectures using TensorFlow, Keras, and Chainer for IoT. You’ll learn how to train convolutional neural networks(CNN) to develop applications for image-based road faults detection and smart garbage separation, followed by implementing voice-initiated smart light control and home access mechanisms powered by recurrent neural networks(RNN). You’ll master IoT applications for indoor localization, predictive maintenance, and locating equipment in a large hospital using autoencoders, DeepFi, and LSTM networks. Furthermore, you’ll learn IoT application development for healthcare with IoT security enhanced. By the end of this book, you will have sufficient knowledge need to use deep learning efficiently to power your IoT-based applications for smarter decision making.


Hands-On Deep Learning with Go. A practical guide to building and implementing neural network models using Go

Gareth Seneque, Darrell Chua

Go is an open source programming language designed by Google for handling large-scale projects efficiently. The Go ecosystem comprises some really powerful deep learning tools such as DQN and CUDA. With this book, you'll be able to use these tools to train and deploy scalable deep learning models from scratch. This deep learning book begins by introducing you to a variety of tools and libraries available in Go. It then takes you through building neural networks, including activation functions and the learning algorithms that make neural networks tick. In addition to this, you'll learn how to build advanced architectures such as autoencoders, restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and more. You'll also understand how you can scale model deployments on the AWS cloud infrastructure for training and inference. By the end of this book, you'll have mastered the art of building, training, and deploying deep learning models in Go to solve real-world problems.


Hands-On Deep Learning with R. A practical guide to designing, building, and improving neural network models using R

Michael Pawlus, Rodger Devine

Deep learning enables efficient and accurate learning from a massive amount of data. This book will help you overcome a number of challenges using various deep learning algorithms and architectures with R programming.This book starts with a brief overview of machine learning and deep learning and how to build your first neural network. You’ll understand the architecture of various deep learning algorithms and their applicable fields, learn how to build deep learning models, optimize hyperparameters, and evaluate model performance. Various deep learning applications in image processing, natural language processing (NLP), recommendation systems, and predictive analytics will also be covered. Later chapters will show you how to tackle recognition problems such as image recognition and signal detection, programmatically summarize documents, conduct topic modeling, and forecast stock market prices. Toward the end of the book, you will learn the common applications of GANs and how to build a face generation model using them. Finally, you’ll get to grips with using reinforcement learning and deep reinforcement learning to solve various real-world problems.By the end of this deep learning book, you will be able to build and deploy your own deep learning applications using appropriate frameworks and algorithms.


Hands-On Deep Learning with TensorFlow. Uncover what is underneath your data!

Dan Van Boxel

Dan Van Boxel’s Deep Learning with TensorFlow is based on Dan’s best-selling TensorFlow video course. With deep learning going mainstream, making sense of data and getting accurate results using deep networks is possible. Dan Van Boxel will be your guide to exploring the possibilities with deep learning; he will enable you to understand data like never before. With the efficiency and simplicity of TensorFlow, you will be able to process your data and gain insights that will change how you look at data.With Dan’s guidance, you will dig deeper into the hidden layers of abstraction using raw data. Dan then shows you various complex algorithms for deep learning and various examples that use these deep neural networks. You will also learn how to train your machine to craft new features to make sense of deeper layers of data. In this book, Dan shares his knowledge across topics such as logistic regression, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, training deep networks, and high level interfaces. With the help of novel practical examples, you will become an ace at advanced multilayer networks, image recognition, and beyond.


Hands-On Ensemble Learning with Python. Build highly optimized ensemble machine learning models using scikit-learn and Keras

George Kyriakides, Konstantinos G. Margaritis

Ensembling is a technique of combining two or more similar or dissimilar machine learning algorithms to create a model that delivers superior predictive power. This book will demonstrate how you can use a variety of weak algorithms to make a strong predictive model.With its hands-on approach, you'll not only get up to speed with the basic theory but also the application of different ensemble learning techniques. Using examples and real-world datasets, you'll be able to produce better machine learning models to solve supervised learning problems such as classification and regression. In addition to this, you'll go on to leverage ensemble learning techniques such as clustering to produce unsupervised machine learning models. As you progress, the chapters will cover different machine learning algorithms that are widely used in the practical world to make predictions and classifications. You'll even get to grips with the use of Python libraries such as scikit-learn and Keras for implementing different ensemble models.By the end of this book, you will be well-versed in ensemble learning, and have the skills you need to understand which ensemble method is required for which problem, and successfully implement them in real-world scenarios.


Hands-On Ensemble Learning with R. A beginner's guide to combining the power of machine learning algorithms using ensemble techniques

Prabhanjan Narayanachar Tattar

Ensemble techniques are used for combining two or more similar or dissimilar machine learning algorithms to create a stronger model. Such a model delivers superior prediction power and can give your datasets a boost in accuracy.Hands-On Ensemble Learning with R begins with the important statistical resampling methods. You will then walk through the central trilogy of ensemble techniques – bagging, random forest, and boosting – then you'll learn how they can be used to provide greater accuracy on large datasets using popular R packages. You will learn how to combine model predictions using different machine learning algorithms to build ensemble models. In addition to this, you will explore how to improve the performance of your ensemble models.By the end of this book, you will have learned how machine learning algorithms can be combined to reduce common problems and build simple efficient ensemble models with the help of real-world examples.


Hands-On GUI Programming with C++ and Qt5. Build stunning cross-platform applications and widgets with the most powerful GUI framework

Lee Zhi Eng

Qt 5, the latest version of Qt, enables you to develop applications with complex user interfaces for multiple targets. It provides you with faster and smarter ways to create modern UIs and applications for multiple platforms. This book will teach you to design and build graphical user interfaces that are functional, appealing, and user-friendly.In the initial part of the book, you will learn what Qt 5 is and what you can do with it. You will explore the Qt Designer, discover the different types of widgets generally used in Qt 5, and then connect your application to the database to perform dynamic operations. Next, you will be introduced to Qt 5 chart which allows you to easily render different types of graphs and charts and incorporate List View Widgets in your application. You will also work with various Qt modules, like QtLocation, QtWebEngine, and the networking module through the course of the book. Finally, we will focus on cross-platform development with QT 5 that enables you to code once and run it everywhere, including mobile platforms. By the end of this book, you will have successfully learned about high-end GUI applications and will be capable of building many more powerful, cross-platform applications.


Hands-On Image Processing with Python. Expert techniques for advanced image analysis and effective interpretation of image data

Sandipan Dey

Image processing plays an important role in our daily lives with various applications such as in social media (face detection), medical imaging (X-ray, CT-scan), security (fingerprint recognition) to robotics & space. This book will touch the core of image processing, from concepts to code using Python.The book will start from the classical image processing techniques and explore the evolution of image processing algorithms up to the recent advances in image processing or computer vision with deep learning. We will learn how to use image processing libraries such as PIL, scikit-mage, and scipy ndimage in Python. This book will enable us to write code snippets in Python 3 and quickly implement complex image processing algorithms such as image enhancement, filtering, segmentation, object detection, and classification. We will be able to use machine learning models using the scikit-learn library and later explore deep CNN, such as VGG-19 with Keras, and we will also use an end-to-end deep learning model called YOLO for object detection. We will also cover a few advanced problems, such as image inpainting, gradient blending, variational denoising, seam carving, quilting, and morphing.By the end of this book, we will have learned to implement various algorithms for efficient image processing.


Hands-On Intelligent Agents with OpenAI Gym. Your guide to developing AI agents using deep reinforcement learning

Palanisamy P

Many real-world problems can be broken down into tasks that require a series of decisions to be made or actions to be taken. The ability to solve such tasks without a machine being programmed requires a machine to be artificially intelligent and capable of learning to adapt. This book is an easy-to-follow guide to implementing learning algorithms for machine software agents in order to solve discrete or continuous sequential decision making and control tasks.Hands-On Intelligent Agents with OpenAI Gym takes you through the process of building intelligent agent algorithms using deep reinforcement learning starting from the implementation of the building blocks for configuring, training, logging, visualizing, testing, and monitoring the agent. You will walk through the process of building intelligent agents from scratch to perform a variety of tasks. In the closing chapters, the book provides an overview of the latest learning environments and learning algorithms, along with pointers to more resources that will help you take your deep reinforcement learning skills to the next level.