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Python Deep Learning. Exploring deep learning techniques and neural network architectures with PyTorch, Keras, and TensorFlow - Second Edition

Ivan Vasilev, Daniel Slater, Gianmario Spacagna, Peter Roelants, ...

With the surge in artificial intelligence in applications catering to both business and consumer needs, deep learning is more important than ever for meeting current and future market demands. With this book, you’ll explore deep learning, and learn how to put machine learning to use in your projects.This second edition of Python Deep Learning will get you up to speed with deep learning, deep neural networks, and how to train them with high-performance algorithms and popular Python frameworks. You’ll uncover different neural network architectures, such as convolutional networks, recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, and capsule networks. You’ll also learn how to solve problems in the fields of computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), and speech recognition. You'll study generative model approaches such as variational autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate images. As you delve into newly evolved areas of reinforcement learning, you’ll gain an understanding of state-of-the-art algorithms that are the main components behind popular games Go, Atari, and Dota.By the end of the book, you will be well-versed with the theory of deep learning along with its real-world applications.


Python Deep Learning. Next generation techniques to revolutionize computer vision, AI, speech and data analysis

Valentino Zocca, Gianmario Spacagna, Daniel Slater, Peter Roelants

With an increasing interest in AI around the world, deep learning has attracted a great deal of public attention. Every day, deep learning algorithms are used broadly across different industries.The book will give you all the practical information available on the subject, including the best practices, using real-world use cases. You will learn to recognize and extract information to increase predictive accuracy and optimize results.Starting with a quick recap of important machine learning concepts, the book will delve straight into deep learning principles using Sci-kit learn. Moving ahead, you will learn to use the latest open source libraries such as Theano, Keras, Google's TensorFlow, and H20. Use this guide to uncover the difficulties of pattern recognition, scaling data with greater accuracy and discussing deep learning algorithms and techniques.Whether you want to dive deeper into Deep Learning, or want to investigate how to get more out of this powerful technology, you’ll find everything inside.


Python Deep Learning Projects. 9 projects demystifying neural network and deep learning models for building intelligent systems

Matthew Lamons, Rahul Kumar, Abhishek Nagaraja

Deep learning has been gradually revolutionizing every field of artificial intelligence, making application development easier.Python Deep Learning Projects imparts all the knowledge needed to implement complex deep learning projects in the field of computational linguistics and computer vision. Each of these projects is unique, helping you progressively master the subject. You’ll learn how to implement a text classifier system using a recurrent neural network (RNN) model and optimize it to understand the shortcomings you might experience while implementing a simple deep learning system.Similarly, you’ll discover how to develop various projects, including word vector representation, open domain question answering, and building chatbots using seq-to-seq models and language modeling. In addition to this, you’ll cover advanced concepts, such as regularization, gradient clipping, gradient normalization, and bidirectional RNNs, through a series of engaging projects.By the end of this book, you will have gained knowledge to develop your own deep learning systems in a straightforward way and in an efficient way


Python: Deeper Insights into Machine Learning. Deeper Insights into Machine Learning

David Julian, Sebastian Raschka, John Hearty

Machine learning and predictive analytics are becoming one of the key strategies for unlocking growth in a challenging contemporary marketplace. It is one of the fastest growing trends in modern computing, and everyone wants to get into the field of machine learning. In order to obtain sufficient recognition in this field, one must be able to understand and design a machine learning system that serves the needs of a project. The idea is to prepare a learning path that will help you to tackle the real-world complexities of modern machine learning with innovative and cutting-edge techniques. Also, it will give you a solid foundation in the machine learning design process, and enable you to build customized machine learning models to solve unique problems.The course begins with getting your Python fundamentals nailed down. It focuses on answering the right questions that cove a wide range of powerful Python libraries, including scikit-learn Theano and Keras.After getting familiar with Python core concepts, it’s time to dive into the field of data science. You will further gain a solid foundation on the machine learning design and also learn to customize models for solving problems.At a later stage, you will get a grip on more advanced techniques and acquire a broad set of powerful skills in the area of feature selection and feature engineering.


Python dla DevOps. Naucz się bezlitośnie skutecznej automatyzacji

Noah Gift, Kennedy Behrman, Alfredo Deza, Grig Gheorghiu

Ostatnia dekada zmieniła oblicze IT. Kluczowego znaczenia nabrały big data, a chmura i automatyzacja rozpowszechniły się wszędzie tam, gdzie mowa o efektywności. Inżynierowie muszą wykorzystywać zalety systemów linuksowych w codziennej praktyce, aby zapewnić należyty poziom automatyzacji swoich zadań. Do tych celów świetnie nadaje się Python. Język ten zdobywa coraz większe uznanie z uwagi na jego wszechstronność, jak również wydajność, przenaszalność i bezpieczeństwo kodu. Warto więc wykorzystywać Pythona do administrowania systemami Linux wraz z takimi narzędziami DevOps jak Docker, Kubernetes i Terraform. Dzięki tej książce dowiesz się, jak sobie z tym poradzić. Znalazło się w niej krótkie wprowadzenie do Pythona oraz do automatyzacji przetwarzania tekstu i obsługi systemu plików, a także do pisania własnych narzędzi wiersza poleceń. Zaprezentowano również przydatne narzędzia linuksowe, systemy zarządzania pakietami oraz systemy budowania, monitorowania i automatycznego testowania kodu. Zagadnienia te szczególnie zainteresują specjalistów DevOps. Ponadto zawarto tu podstawowe informacje o chmurze obliczeniowej, usługach IaC i systemach Kubernetes. Omówiono zasady uczenia maszynowego i inżynierii danych z perspektywy DevOps. Przedstawiono także kompletny przewodnik po procesach budowania, wdrażania oraz operacyjnego wykorzystywania modelu uczenia maszynowego z użyciem systemów Flask, sklearn, Docker i Kubernetes. W tej książce: wprowadzenie do Pythona automatyczne przetwarzanie tekstu oraz automatyzacja operacji na plikach automatyzacja za pomocą sprawdzonych narzędzi linuksowych chmura, infrastruktura jako kod, Kubernetes i tryb bezserwerowy uczenie maszynowe i inżynieria danych z perspektywy DevOps tworzenie i operacjonalizacja projektu uczenia maszynowego Python: tutaj ważna jest prawdziwa nowoczesność oprogramowania!


Python Feature Engineering Cookbook. Over 70 recipes for creating, engineering, and transforming features to build machine learning models

Soledad Galli

Feature engineering is invaluable for developing and enriching your machine learning models. In this cookbook, you will work with the best tools to streamline your feature engineering pipelines and techniques and simplify and improve the quality of your code.Using Python libraries such as pandas, scikit-learn, Featuretools, and Feature-engine, you’ll learn how to work with both continuous and discrete datasets and be able to transform features from unstructured datasets. You will develop the skills necessary to select the best features as well as the most suitable extraction techniques. This book will cover Python recipes that will help you automate feature engineering to simplify complex processes. You’ll also get to grips with different feature engineering strategies, such as the box-cox transform, power transform, and log transform across machine learning, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing (NLP) domains.By the end of this book, you’ll have discovered tips and practical solutions to all of your feature engineering problems.


Python for TensorFlow Pocket Primer. A Quick Guide to Python Libraries for TensorFlow Developers

Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato

As part of the best-selling *Pocket Primer* series, this book prepares programmers for machine learning and deep learning with TensorFlow. It begins with a quick introduction to Python, followed by chapters on NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and scikit-learn. The final chapters provide TensorFlow 1.x code samples, including detailed examples for TensorFlow Dataset, crucial for TensorFlow 2.The journey starts with Python basics and progresses through essential data manipulation and visualization libraries. You'll explore machine learning fundamentals with scikit-learn before diving into TensorFlow, learning to construct data pipelines with TensorFlow Dataset APIs like map(), filter(), and batch().Understanding these concepts is vital for modern AI applications. This book transitions readers from basic programming to advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques, blending theory with practical skills. Companion files with source code enhance learning, making this an essential resource for mastering Python, machine learning, and TensorFlow.


Python Machine Learning Blueprints. Put your machine learning concepts to the test by developing real-world smart projects - Second Edition

Alexander Combs, Michael Roman

Machine learning is transforming the way we understand and interact with the world around us. This book is the perfect guide for you to put your knowledge and skills into practice and use the Python ecosystem to cover key domains in machine learning. This second edition covers a range of libraries from the Python ecosystem, including TensorFlow and Keras, to help you implement real-world machine learning projects.The book begins by giving you an overview of machine learning with Python. With the help of complex datasets and optimized techniques, you’ll go on to understand how to apply advanced concepts and popular machine learning algorithms to real-world projects. Next, you’ll cover projects from domains such as predictive analytics to analyze the stock market and recommendation systems for GitHub repositories. In addition to this, you’ll also work on projects from the NLP domain to create a custom news feed using frameworks such as scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Keras. Following this, you’ll learn how to build an advanced chatbot, and scale things up using PySpark. In the concluding chapters, you can look forward to exciting insights into deep learning and you'll even create an application using computer vision and neural networks.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to analyze data seamlessly and make a powerful impact through your projects.