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Beginning Swift. Master the fundamentals of programming in Swift 4

Rob Kerr, Kare Morstol

Take your first foray into programming for Apple devices with Swift.Swift is fundamentally different from Objective-C, as it is a protocol-oriented language. While you can still write normal object-oriented code in Swift, it requires a new way of thinking to take advantage of its powerful features and a solid understanding of the basics to become productive.

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Big data, nauka o danych i AI bez tajemnic. Podejmuj lepsze decyzje i rozwijaj swój biznes!

David Stephenson

Koncepcja big data zmieniła zasady gry w biznesie. Wiele osób z kadry zarządczej nie rozumie specyfiki tego rodzaju danych: ogromnych, szybko narastających, często niepasujących do tradycyjnej struktury. Są one zasadniczo różne od konwencjonalnych danych, zarówno pod względem wielkości, jak i złożoności. Rzucają nowe wyzwania, stwarzają nowe możliwości, zacierają tradycyjne granice konkurencji i zmuszają do zmiany paradygmatów pozyskiwania wartości z danych. Big data i data science wraz z uczeniem maszynowym radykalnie zmieniają ekosystem biznesu. Aby przetrwać tę rewolucję, trzeba dostosować się do nowych warunków. Ta książka jest przystępnym wprowadzeniem do koncepcji big data i data science. Pozwoli na uzyskanie wiedzy niezbędnej do oceny, czy korzyści z tych technologii są warte kosztów i wysiłku związanych z wdrożeniem w firmie. Poszczególne techniki zostały dokładnie i przejrzyście opisane. Przedstawiono zasady tworzenia odpowiednich strategii. Wyjaśniono, jakich zasobów i jakich ludzi potrzeba do przeprowadzenia transformacji w kierunku zbierania, analizy i wykorzystywania danych, a także omówiono związane z tym ryzyko. Ważnym elementem książki są praktyczne wskazówki i podpowiedzi. W tej książce: podstawy big data, data science i sztucznej inteligencji praktyczne zastosowanie big data w technikach analitycznych przegląd podstawowych rodzajów analityki i dobór technologii przygotowanie firmy do wdrożenia projektów big data i data science wymagania prawne i ochrona danych a korzystanie z narzędzi big data Big data: łatwiejsze, niż myślisz, skuteczniejsze, niż marzysz!

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Eлектронна книга

Building Computer Vision Projects with OpenCV 4 and C++. Implement complex computer vision algorithms and explore deep learning and face detection

David Millán Escrivá, Prateek Joshi, Vinícius G. Mendonça, Roy Shilkrot

OpenCV is one of the best open source libraries available and can help you focus on constructing complete projects on image processing, motion detection, and image segmentation.This Learning Path is your guide to understanding OpenCV concepts and algorithms through real-world examples and activities. Through various projects, you'll also discover how to use complex computer vision and machine learning algorithms and face detection to extract the maximum amount of information from images and videos. In later chapters, you'll learn to enhance your videos and images with optical flow analysis and background subtraction. Sections in the Learning Path will help you get to grips with text segmentation and recognition, in addition to guiding you through the basics of the new and improved deep learning modules. By the end of this Learning Path, you will have mastered commonly used computer vision techniques to build OpenCV projects from scratch. This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt books:•Mastering OpenCV 4 - Third Edition by Roy Shilkrot and David Millán Escrivá•Learn OpenCV 4 By Building Projects - Second Edition by David Millán Escrivá, Vinícius G. Mendonça, and Prateek Joshi

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Building Data Science Solutions with Anaconda. A comprehensive starter guide to building robust and complete models

Dan Meador, Kevin Goldsmith

You might already know that there's a wealth of data science and machine learning resources available on the market, but what you might not know is how much is left out by most of these AI resources. This book not only covers everything you need to know about algorithm families but also ensures that you become an expert in everything, from the critical aspects of avoiding bias in data to model interpretability, which have now become must-have skills.In this book, you'll learn how using Anaconda as the easy button, can give you a complete view of the capabilities of tools such as conda, which includes how to specify new channels to pull in any package you want as well as discovering new open source tools at your disposal. You’ll also get a clear picture of how to evaluate which model to train and identify when they have become unusable due to drift. Finally, you’ll learn about the powerful yet simple techniques that you can use to explain how your model works.By the end of this book, you’ll feel confident using conda and Anaconda Navigator to manage dependencies and gain a thorough understanding of the end-to-end data science workflow.

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Building Machine Learning Systems with Python. Explore machine learning and deep learning techniques for building intelligent systems using scikit-learn and TensorFlow - Third Edition

Luis Pedro Coelho, Willi Richert, Matthieu Brucher

Machine learning enables systems to make predictions based on historical data. Python is one of the most popular languages used to develop machine learning applications, thanks to its extensive library support. This updated third edition of Building Machine Learning Systems with Python helps you get up to speed with the latest trends in artificial intelligence (AI).With this guide’s hands-on approach, you’ll learn to build state-of-the-art machine learning models from scratch. Complete with ready-to-implement code and real-world examples, the book starts by introducing the Python ecosystem for machine learning. You’ll then learn best practices for preparing data for analysis and later gain insights into implementing supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques such as classification, regression and clustering. As you progress, you’ll understand how to use Python’s scikit-learn and TensorFlow libraries to build production-ready and end-to-end machine learning system models, and then fine-tune them for high performance.By the end of this book, you’ll have the skills you need to confidently train and deploy enterprise-grade machine learning models in Python.

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Building Smart Drones with ESP8266 and Arduino. Build exciting drones by leveraging the capabilities of Arduino and ESP8266

Syed Omar Faruk Towaha

With the use of drones, DIY projects have taken off. Programmers are rapidly moving from traditional application programming to developing exciting multi-utility projects.This book will teach you to build industry-level drones with Arduino and ESP8266 and their modified versions of hardware.With this book, you will explore techniques for leveraging the tiny WiFi chip to enhance your drone and control it over a mobile phone. This book will start with teaching you how to solve problems while building your own WiFi controlled Arduino based drone. You will also learn how to build a Quadcopter and a mission critical drone. Moving on you will learn how to build a prototype drone that will be given a mission to complete which it will do it itself. You will also learn to build various exciting projects such as gliding and racing drones. By the end of this book you will learn how to maintain and troubleshoot your drone.By the end of this book, you will have learned to build drones using ESP8266 and Arduino and leverage their functionalities to the fullest.

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Cacti Beginner's Guide. Leverage Cacti to design a robust network operations center - Second Edition

Thomas Urban

Cacti is a performance measurement tool that provides easy methods and functions for gathering and graphing system data. You can use Cacti to develop a robust event management system that can alert on just about anything you would like it to. But to do that, you need to gain a solid understanding of the basics of Cacti, its plugin architecture, and automation concepts.Cacti Beginner's Guide will introduce you to the wide variety of features of Cacti and will guide you on how to use them for maximum effectiveness. Advanced topics such as the plugin architecture and Cacti automation using the command-line interface will help you build a professional performance measurement system. Designed as a beginner's guide, the book starts off with the basics of installing and using Cacti, and also covers the advanced topics that will show you how to customize and extend the core Cacti functionalities. The book offers essential tutorials for creating advanced graphs and using plugins to create enterprise-class reports to show your customers and colleagues. From data templates to input methods and plugin installation to creating your own customized plugins, this book provides you with a rich selection of step-by-step instructions to reach your goals. It covers all you need to know to implement professional performance measurement techniques with Cacti and ways to fully customize Cacti to fit your needs. You will also learn how to migrate Cacti to new servers. Lastly you will also be introduced to the latest feature of building a scalable remote poller environment. By the end of the book, you will be able to implement and extend Cacti to monitor, display, and report the performance of your network exactly the way you want.