Budowa sieci

Ethernet. Biblia administratora

Charles E. Spurgeon, Joann Zimmerman

Getting Started with Microsoft System Center Operations Manager. Using SCOM 2016 TP 5

Kevin Greene, Kevin Greene

Head First. Python. Легкий для сприйняття довідник

Пол Беррі

Head First. Програмування на JavaScript. Head First. Програмування на JavaScript

Ерік Фрімен

Implementing CI/CD Using Azure Pipelines. Manage and automate the secure flexible deployment of applications using real-world use cases

Piti Champeethong, Roberto Mardeni

Installing and Configuring Windows 10: 70-698 Exam Guide. Learn to deploy, configure, and monitor Windows 10 effectively to prepare for the 70-698 exam

Bekim Dauti

Internet of Things Projects with ESP32. Build exciting and powerful IoT projects using the all-new Espressif ESP32

Agus Kurniawan

IoT Projects with Bluetooth Low Energy. Harness the power of connected things

Madhur Bhargava