Serwery internetowe

W naszej bibliotece cyfrowej znajdziesz książki, które przybliżają podstawowe zagadnienia związane z instalowaniem, konfigurowaniem i zarządzaniem serwerami. Oprócz tego dokładnie przybliżają one takie technologie jak Chmura Azure, OpenDaylight, Docker, czy Samba. Dzięki tym podręcznikom serwery internetowe nie będą miały przed Tobą tajemnic.


The Complete VMware vSphere Guide. Design a virtualized data center with VMware vSphere 6.7

Mike Brown, Hersey Cartwright, Martin Gavanda, Andrea Mauro, ...

vSphere 6.7 is the latest release of VMware's industry-leading virtual cloud platform. By understanding how to manage, secure, and scale apps with vSphere 6.7, you can easily run even the most demanding of workloads. This Learning Path begins with an overview of the features of the vSphere 6.7 suite. You'll learn how to plan and design a virtual infrastructure. You'll also gain insights into best practices to efficiently configure, manage, and secure apps. Next, you'll pick up on how to enhance your infrastructure with high-performance storage access, such as remote direct memory access (RDMA) and Persistent memory. The book will even guide you in securing your network with security features, such as encrypted vMotion and VM-level encryption. Finally, by learning how to apply Proactive High Availability and Predictive Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), you'll be able to achieve enhanced computing, storage, network, and management capabilities for your virtual data center.By the end of this Learning Path, you'll be able to build your own VMware vSphere lab that can run high workloads.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:VMware vSphere 6.7 Data Center Design Cookbook - Third Edition by Mike Brown and Hersey CartwrightMastering VMware vSphere 6.7 - Second Edition by Martin Gavanda, Andrea Mauro, Karel Novak, and Paolo Valsecchi


The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit. Continuous Deployment to Kubernetes: Continuously deploying applications with Jenkins to a Kubernetes cluster

Viktor Farcic

Building on The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes, Viktor Farcic brings his latest exploration of the Docker technology as he records his journey to continuously deploying applications with Jenkins into a Kubernetes cluster.The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit: Continuously Deploying Applications with Jenkins to a Kubernetes Cluster is the latest book in Viktor Farcic’s series that helps you build a full DevOps Toolkit. This book guides readers through the process of building, testing, and deploying applications through fully automated pipelines.Within this book, Viktor will cover a wide-range of emerging topics, including an exploration of continuous delivery and deployment in Kubernetes using Jenkins. It also shows readers how to perform continuous integration inside these clusters, and discusses the distribution of Kubernetes applications, as well as installing and setting up Jenkins.Work with Viktor and dive into the creation of self-adaptive and self-healing systems within Docker.


The DevOps 2.5 Toolkit. Monitoring, Logging, and Auto-Scaling Kubernetes: Making Resilient, Self-Adaptive, And Autonomous Kubernetes Clusters

Viktor Farcic

Building on The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes, and The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit: Continuous Deployment to Kubernetes, Viktor Farcic brings his latest exploration of the Docker technology as he records his journey to monitoring, logging, and autoscaling Kubernetes.The DevOps 2.5 Toolkit: Monitoring, Logging, and Auto-Scaling Kubernetes: Making Resilient, Self-Adaptive, And Autonomous Kubernetes Clusters is the latest book in Viktor Farcic’s series that helps you build a full DevOps Toolkit. This book helps readers develop the necessary skillsets needed to be able to operate Kubernetes clusters, with a focus on metrics gathering and alerting with the goal of making clusters and applications inside them autonomous through self-healing and self-adaptation.Work with Viktor and dive into the creation of self-adaptive and self-healing systems within Kubernetes.


The Kubernetes Bible. The definitive guide to deploying and managing Kubernetes across major cloud platforms

Nassim Kebbani, Piotr Tylenda, Russ McKendrick

With its broad adoption across various industries, Kubernetes is helping engineers with the orchestration and automation of container deployments on a large scale, making it the leading container orchestration system and the most popular choice for running containerized applications.This Kubernetes book starts with an introduction to Kubernetes and containerization, covering the setup of your local development environment and the roles of the most important Kubernetes components. Along with covering the core concepts necessary to make the most of your infrastructure, this book will also help you get acquainted with the fundamentals of Kubernetes. As you advance, you'll learn how to manage Kubernetes clusters on cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and develop and deploy real-world applications in Kubernetes using practical examples. Additionally, you'll get to grips with managing microservices along with best practices.By the end of this book, you'll be equipped with battle-tested knowledge of advanced Kubernetes topics, such as scheduling of Pods and managing incoming traffic to the cluster, and be ready to work with Kubernetes on cloud platforms.


The Kubernetes Workshop. Learn how to build and run highly scalable workloads on Kubernetes

Zachary Arnold, Sahil Dua, Wei Huang, Faisal Masood, ...

Thanks to its extensive support for managing hundreds of containers that run cloud-native applications, Kubernetes is the most popular open source container orchestration platform that makes cluster management easy. This workshop adopts a practical approach to get you acquainted with the Kubernetes environment and its applications.Starting with an introduction to the fundamentals of Kubernetes, you’ll install and set up your Kubernetes environment. You’ll understand how to write YAML files and deploy your first simple web application container using Pod. You’ll then assign human-friendly names to Pods, explore various Kubernetes entities and functions, and discover when to use them. As you work through the chapters, this Kubernetes book will show you how you can make full-scale use of Kubernetes by applying a variety of techniques for designing components and deploying clusters. You’ll also get to grips with security policies for limiting access to certain functions inside the cluster. Toward the end of the book, you’ll get a rundown of Kubernetes advanced features for building your own controller and upgrading to a Kubernetes cluster without downtime.By the end of this workshop, you’ll be able to manage containers and run cloud-based applications efficiently using Kubernetes.


Tomcat. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny. Wydanie II

Jason Brittain, Ian Darwin

Poznaj możliwości serwera Tomcat! Jak dostroić Tomcat w celu pomiaru i poprawy wydajności? Jak wdrażać aplikacje WWW z serwletami i stronami JSP? Jak diagnozować problemy z serwerem? Tomcat jest kontenerem serwletów Java i serwerem WWW stworzonym przez organizację Apache Software Foundation. Może pełnić rolę serwera produkcyjnego o dużej wydajności, sprawdza się również jako darmowy kontener serwletów i stron JSP z udostępnionym kodem źródłowym. Tomcat może być zastosowany niezależnie lub w połączeniu z innymi serwerami WWW (np. httpd Apache). Doskonale radzi sobie w każdego rodzaju środowisku, zapewniając fundament wymagany do praktycznego wykorzystania w Internecie umiejętności z zakresu technologii Java. W książce "Tomcat. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny" znajdziesz szczegółowe wyjaśnienia, jak korzystać z tego serwera. Czytając ją, poznasz wszelkie procedury instalacyjne oraz możliwości konfigurowania obszarów, ról, użytkowników i zasobów JNDI. Nauczysz się, jak uaktywniać i wyłączać funkcję automatycznego przeładowywania serwletów, a także wdrażać aplikacje WWW. Niezbędne informacje dotyczące serwera Tomcat znajdą tu nie tylko programiści, ale także administratorzy, webmasterzy i wszyscy, którzy chcą się dowiedzieć czegoś o tym kontenerze serwletów. Instalowanie i konfigurowanie Tomcata Zarządzanie obszarami, rolami i użytkownikami Uruchamianie i zatrzymywanie serwera Kontrolowanie i utrwalanie sesji Optymalizowanie wydajności serwera Integracja z serwerem WWW Apache Wdrażanie rozpakowanego katalogu aplikacji WWW Praca z plikami WAR Zabezpieczenia serwera Tomcat Przewodnik dla wszystkich, którzy chcą ułatwić sobie pracę z serwerem Tomcat.


Troubleshooting Docker. Develop, test, automate, and deploy production-ready Docker containers

Vaibhav Kohli, Rajdeep Dua, John Wooten

You?re pro Docker? You?ve read all about orchestration with Docker in books? Now learn how to troubleshoot Docker in practice. Gain all the tools to safely see Docker in action with this 2017 book.