
In unserer digitalen Bibliothek finden Sie Bücher, die die Grundlagen der Installation, Konfiguration und Verwaltung von Servern behandeln. Darüber hinaus approximieren sie Technologien wie Azure Cloud, OpenDaylight, Docker oder Samba genau. Dank dieser Handbücher haben Webserver keine Geheimnisse vor Ihnen.


Beginning DevOps with Docker. Automate the deployment of your environment with the power of the Docker toolchain

Joseph Muli

Making sure that your application runs across different systems as intended is quickly becoming a standard development requirement. With Docker, you can ensure that what you build will behave the way you expect it to, regardless of where it's deployed. By guiding you through Docker from start to finish (from installation, to the Docker Registry, all the way through to working with Docker Swarms), we’ll equip you with the skills you need to migrate your workflow to Docker with complete confidence.


Building Big Data Pipelines with Apache Beam. Use a single programming model for both batch and stream data processing

Jan Lukavský

Apache Beam is an open source unified programming model for implementing and executing data processing pipelines, including Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL), batch, and stream processing.This book will help you to confidently build data processing pipelines with Apache Beam. You’ll start with an overview of Apache Beam and understand how to use it to implement basic pipelines. You’ll also learn how to test and run the pipelines efficiently. As you progress, you’ll explore how to structure your code for reusability and also use various Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). Later chapters will show you how to use schemas and query your data using (streaming) SQL. Finally, you’ll understand advanced Apache Beam concepts, such as implementing your own I/O connectors.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a deep understanding of the Apache Beam model and be able to apply it to solve problems.


Chmura Azure. Praktyczne wprowadzenie dla administratora. Implementacja, monitorowanie i zarządzanie ważnymi usługami i komponentami IaaS/PaaS

Mustafa Toroman

Decyzja o przeniesieniu zasobów informatycznych do chmury jest podejmowana najczęściej wtedy, gdy niezawodność i bezpieczeństwo systemu są dla firmy sprawą kluczową. Jeśli chodzi o rozwiązania oparte na chmurze obliczeniowej, warto zainteresować się Azure. Azure udostępnia takie usługi, by umożliwić rozbudowę i monitorowanie aplikacji, baz danych czy innych usług oraz zarządzanie nimi w sposób globalny. Pozwala na ciągłe dostarczanie znakomitych, innowacyjnych rozwiązań. Umożliwia wirtualizację rozmaitych systemów, takich jak Windows, Linux, dystrybucje serwerowe, strony WWW, aplikacje ASP .NET, systemy CMS, bazy danych czy rozproszone klastry obliczeniowe. Oto praktyczne wprowadzenie do Azure. Wyjaśniono tu wiele pojęć potrzebnych w pracy administratora, takich jak sieci wirtualne oraz koncepcja IaaS. Omówiono zasady pracy z Azure oraz pokazano, jak można przygotować platformę do wdrożenia własnego systemu. Od strony praktycznej przedstawiono tworzenie zaawansowanych usług w platformie Azure. Sporo miejsca poświęcono najważniejszym kwestiom bezpieczeństwa i administracji, zaprezentowano też szereg dobrych praktyk, a także sporo technik ułatwiających rozwiązywanie najczęstszych problemów. Książka jest napisana w zwięzły i przystępny sposób. Dzięki niej szybko i skutecznie zaczniesz administrować zasobami w chmurze Azure. W tej książce między innymi: podstawowe pojęcia, koncepcje i modele związane z chmurą obliczeniową tworzenie i konfiguracja wirtualnej maszyny Azure praca z bazami danych, usługi IaaS i PaaS usługi hybrydowe, implementacja i zarządzanie tożsamość i bezpieczeństwo zasobów w chmurze Azure Chmura Azure: przenieś swój system na wyższy poziom!


Cloud Native with Kubernetes. Deploy, configure, and run modern cloud native applications on Kubernetes

Alexander Raul

Kubernetes is a modern cloud native container orchestration tool and one of the most popular open source projects worldwide. In addition to the technology being powerful and highly flexible, Kubernetes engineers are in high demand across the industry.This book is a comprehensive guide to deploying, securing, and operating modern cloud native applications on Kubernetes. From the fundamentals to Kubernetes best practices, the book covers essential aspects of configuring applications. You’ll even explore real-world techniques for running clusters in production, tips for setting up observability for cluster resources, and valuable troubleshooting techniques. Finally, you’ll learn how to extend and customize Kubernetes, as well as gaining tips for deploying service meshes, serverless tooling, and more on your cluster.By the end of this Kubernetes book, you’ll be equipped with the tools you need to confidently run and extend modern applications on Kubernetes.


Containerization with LXC. Build, manage, and configure Linux containers

Konstantin Ivanov

In recent years, containers have gained wide adoption by businesses running a variety of application loads. This became possible largely due to the advent of kernel namespaces and better resource management with control groups (cgroups). Linux containers (LXC) are a direct implementation of those kernel features that provide operating system level virtualization without the overhead of a hypervisor layer. This book starts by introducing the foundational concepts behind the implementation of LXC, then moves into the practical aspects of installing and configuring LXC containers. Moving on, you will explore container networking, security, and backups. You will also learn how to deploy LXC with technologies like Open Stack and Vagrant. By the end of the book, you will have a solid grasp of how LXC is implemented and how to run production applications in a highly available and scalable way.


Getting Started with Kubernetes. Extend your containerization strategy by orchestrating and managing large-scale container deployments - Third Edition

Jonathan Baier, Jesse White

Kubernetes has continued to grow and achieve broad adoption across various industries, helping you to orchestrate and automate container deployments on a massive scale.Based on the recent release of Kubernetes 1.12, Getting Started with Kubernetes gives you a complete understanding of how to install a Kubernetes cluster. The book focuses on core Kubernetes constructs, such as pods, services, replica sets, replication controllers, and labels. You will understand cluster-level networking in Kubernetes, and learn to set up external access to applications running in the cluster. As you make your way through the book, you'll understand how to manage deployments and perform updates with minimal downtime. In addition to this, you will explore operational aspects of Kubernetes , such as monitoring and logging, later moving on to advanced concepts such as container security and cluster federation. You'll get to grips with integrating your build pipeline and deployments within a Kubernetes cluster, and be able to understand and interact with open source projects. In the concluding chapters, you'll orchestrate updates behind the scenes, avoid downtime on your cluster, and deal with underlying cloud provider instability within your cluster.By the end of this book, you'll have a complete understanding of the Kubernetes platform and will start deploying applications on it.


Getting Started with Kubernetes. Orchestrate and manage large-scale Docker deployments - Second Edition

Jonathan Baier

Kubernetes has continued to grow and achieve broad adoption across various industries, helping you to orchestrate and automate container deployments on a massive scale.This book will give you a complete understanding of Kubernetes and how to get a cluster up and running. You will develop an understanding of the installation and configuration process. The book will then focus on the core Kubernetes constructs such as pods, services, replica sets, replication controllers, and labels. You will also understand how cluster level networking is done in Kubernetes. The book will also show you how to manage deployments and perform updates with minimal downtime. Additionally, you will learn about operational aspects of Kubernetes such as monitoring and logging. Advanced concepts such as container security and cluster federation will also be covered. Finally, you will learn about the wider Kubernetes ecosystem with OCP, CoreOS, and Tectonic and explore the third-party extensions and tools that can be used with Kubernetes.By the end of the book, you will have a complete understanding of the Kubernetes platform and will start deploying applications on it.