
Książki online z kategorii elektronika wprowadzą Cię w takie zagadnienia, jak sztuczna inteligencja, schematy elektroniczne, lutowanie czy drony. Znajdziesz tutaj także poradniki pełne praktycznej wiedzy, które pomogą Ci projektować roboty, programować mikrokontrolery oraz wejść w świat Arduino. Jeśli pasjonujesz się takimi tematami, publikacje te bardzo pomogą Ci rozwinąć swoje hobby.

Python Programming for Arduino. Develop practical Internet of Things prototypes and applications with Arduino and Python

Pratik Desai, Pratik Desai

Python Programming with Raspberry Pi. Build small yet powerful robots and automation systems with Raspberry Pi Zero

Sai Yamanoor, Srihari Yamanoor

Raspberry Pi 3 Home Automation Projects. Bringing your home to life using Raspberry Pi 3, Arduino, and ESP8266

Shantanu Bhadoria, Ruben Oliva Ramos

Raspberry Pi 3 Projects for Java Programmers. Get the most out of your Raspberry Pi 3 with Java

John Sirach, Rajdeep Chandra, Pradeeka Seneviratne

Raspberry Pi Mechatronics Projects HOTSHOT. Enter the world of mechatronic systems with the Raspberry Pi to design and build 12 amazing projects

Narasimha S Yamanoor, Srihari Yamanoor, Sai Yamanoor

Raspberry Pi. Najlepsze projekty

Andrew Robinson, Mike Cook

Raspberry Pi. Przewodnik użytkownika. Wydanie III

Eben Upton, Gareth Halfacree

Raspberry Pi. Receptury

Simon Monk

Raspberry Pi. Receptury. Wydanie III

Simon Monk

Raspberry Pi Robotics Essentials. Harness the power of Raspberry Pi with Six Degrees of Freedom (6DoF) to create an amazing walking robot

Richard Grimmett

Raspberry Pi Sensors. Integrate sensors into your Raspberry Pi projects and let your powerful microcomputer interact with the physical world

Rushi Gajjar, Gajjar R Pareshkumar

Raspberry Pi Zero Cookbook. Delve into the practical world of the Raspberry Pi Zero

Edward Snajder

Raspberry Pi Zero W Wireless Projects. Go mobile with the world's most popular microprocessor

Vasilis Tzivaras

Remote Usability Testing. Actionable insights in user behavior across geographies and time zones

Inge De Bleecker, Rebecca Okoroji

Robot Operating System Cookbook. Over 70 recipes to help you master advanced ROS concepts

Kumar Bipin

Robotic Process Automation with Blue Prism Quick Start Guide. Create software robots and automate business processes

Lim Mei Ying

Roboty JavaScript od podstaw. Projekty NodeBots dla platformy Johnny-Five z wykorzystaniem płytek Raspberry Pi, Arduino oraz BeagleBone

Rick Waldron, Andrew Fisher, Lyza Danger Gardner

Robotyka w domu przy użyciu Raspberry Pi Pico. Budowanie autonomicznych robotów przy użyciu elastycznego kontrolera Raspberry Pi Pico i języka Python

Danny Staple

Robotyka w LEGO Technic. Projektowanie i budowa własnych robotów

Mark Rollins

ROS 2 from Scratch. Get started with ROS 2 and create robotics applications with Python and C++

Edouard Renard

ROS Robotics Projects. Build and control robots powered by the Robot Operating System, machine learning, and virtual reality - Second Edition

Ramkumar Gandhinathan

ROS Robotics Projects. Make your robots see, sense, and interact with cool and engaging projects with Robotic Operating System

Lentin Joseph

SAS for Finance. Forecasting and data analysis techniques with real-world examples to build powerful financial models

Harish Gulati

Skuteczne programowanie Lego Mindstorms

James J. Trobaugh, Mannie Lowe