

OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python Cookbook. Leverage the power of OpenCV 3 and Python to build computer vision applications

Aleksei Spizhevoi, Aleksandr Rybnikov

OpenCV 3 is a native cross-platform library for computer vision, machine learning, and image processing. OpenCV's convenient high-level APIs hide very powerful internals designed for computational efficiency that can take advantage of multicore and GPU processing. This book will help you tackle increasingly challenging computer vision problems by providing a number of recipes that you can use to improve your applications.In this book, you will learn how to process an image by manipulating pixels and analyze an image using histograms. Then, we'll show you how to apply image filters to enhance image content and exploit the image geometry in order to relay different views of a pictured scene. We’ll explore techniques to achieve camera calibration and perform a multiple-view analysis.Later, you’ll work on reconstructing a 3D scene from images, converting low-level pixel information to high-level concepts for applications such as object detection and recognition. You’ll also discover how to process video from files or cameras and how to detect and track moving objects. Finally, you'll get acquainted with recent approaches in deep learning and neural networks.By the end of the book, you’ll be able to apply your skills in OpenCV to create computer vision applications in various domains.


OpenCV 3.x with Python By Example. Make the most of OpenCV and Python to build applications for object recognition and augmented reality - Second Edition

Gabriel Garrido Calvo, Prateek Joshi

Computer vision is found everywhere in modern technology. OpenCV for Python enables us to run computer vision algorithms in real time. With the advent of powerful machines, we have more processing power to work with. Using this technology, we can seamlessly integrate our computer vision applications into the cloud. Focusing on OpenCV 3.x and Python 3.6, this book will walk you through all the building blocks needed to build amazing computer vision applications with ease.We start off by manipulating images using simple filtering and geometric transformations. We then discuss affine and projective transformations and see how we can use them to apply cool advanced manipulations to your photos like resizing them while keeping the content intact or smoothly removing undesired elements. We will then cover techniques of object tracking, body part recognition, and object recognition using advanced techniques of machine learning such as artificial neural network. 3D reconstruction and augmented reality techniques are also included. The book covers popular OpenCV libraries with the help of examples.This book is a practical tutorial that covers various examples at different levels, teaching you about the different functions of OpenCV and their actual implementation. By the end of this book, you will have acquired the skills to use OpenCV and Python to develop real-world computer vision applications.


OpenCV 4 with Python Blueprints. Build creative computer vision projects with the latest version of OpenCV 4 and Python 3 - Second Edition

Dr. Menua Gevorgyan, Arsen Mamikonyan, Michael Beyeler

OpenCV is a native cross-platform C++ library for computer vision, machine learning, and image processing. It is increasingly being adopted in Python for development. This book will get you hands-on with a wide range of intermediate to advanced projects using the latest version of the framework and language, OpenCV 4 and Python 3.8, instead of only covering the core concepts of OpenCV in theoretical lessons. This updated second edition will guide you through working on independent hands-on projects that focus on essential OpenCV concepts such as image processing, object detection, image manipulation, object tracking, and 3D scene reconstruction, in addition to statistical learning and neural networks.You’ll begin with concepts such as image filters, Kinect depth sensor, and feature matching. As you advance, you’ll not only get hands-on with reconstructing and visualizing a scene in 3D but also learn to track visually salient objects. The book will help you further build on your skills by demonstrating how to recognize traffic signs and emotions on faces. Later, you’ll understand how to align images, and detect and track objects using neural networks.By the end of this OpenCV Python book, you’ll have gained hands-on experience and become proficient at developing advanced computer vision apps according to specific business needs.


Pandas Cookbook. Recipes for Scientific Computing, Time Series Analysis and Data Visualization using Python

Theodore Petrou

This book will provide you with unique, idiomatic, and fun recipes for both fundamental and advanced data manipulation tasks with pandas 0.20. Some recipes focus on achieving a deeper understanding of basic principles, or comparing and contrasting two similar operations. Other recipes will dive deep into a particular dataset, uncovering new and unexpected insights along the way.The pandas library is massive, and it's common for frequent users to be unaware of many of its more impressive features. The official pandas documentation, while thorough, does not contain many useful examples of how to piece together multiple commands like one would do during an actual analysis. This book guides you, as if you were looking over the shoulder of an expert, through practical situations that you are highly likely to encounter.Many advanced recipes combine several different features across the pandas 0.20 library to generate results.


Phoenix Web Development. Create rich web applications using functional programming techniques with Phoenix and Elixir

Brandon Richey

Phoenix is a modern web development framework that is used to build API’s and web applications. It is built on Elixir and runs on Erlang VM which makes it much faster than other options. With Elixir and Phoenix, you build your application the right way, ready to scale and ready for the increasing demands of real-time web applications.This book covers the basics of the Phoenix web framework, showing you how to build a community voting application, and is divided into three parts. In the first part, you will be introduced to Phoenix and Elixir and understand the core terminologies that are used to describe them. You will also learn to build controller pages, store and retrieve data, add users to your app pages and protect your database. In the second section you will be able to reinforce your knowledge of architecting real time applications in phoenix and not only debug these applications but also diagnose issues in them. In the third and final section you will have the complete understanding of deploying and running the phoenix application and should be comfortable to make your first application releaseBy the end of this book, you'll have a strong grasp of all of the core fundamentals of the Phoenix framework, and will have built a full production-ready web application from scratch.


Podstawy programowania w języku Python w przykładach z rozwiązaniami

Anna Łupińska-Dubicka, Andrzej Chmielewski

Skrypt jest przeznaczony przede wszystkim dla studentów kierunku Matematyka stosowana do przedmiotu "Podstawy programowania" oraz jako narzędzie wspomagające przygotowanie do realizacji zadań praktycznych w ramach wielu innych przedmiotów, takich jak Programowanie obiektowe, Algorytmy i struktury danych oraz Sztuczna inteligencja. Zakres tematyczny obejmuje podstawowe zagadnienia programowania w języku Python, w tym typy zmiennych, instrukcje warunkowe, instrukcje wejścia-wyjścia, struktury danych i funkcje.


Practical Data Analysis Using Jupyter Notebook. Learn how to speak the language of data by extracting useful and actionable insights using Python

Marc Wintjen, Andrew Vlahutin

Data literacy is the ability to read, analyze, work with, and argue using data. Data analysis is the process of cleaning and modeling your data to discover useful information. This book combines these two concepts by sharing proven techniques and hands-on examples so that you can learn how to communicate effectively using data.After introducing you to the basics of data analysis using Jupyter Notebook and Python, the book will take you through the fundamentals of data. Packed with practical examples, this guide will teach you how to clean, wrangle, analyze, and visualize data to gain useful insights, and you'll discover how to answer questions using data with easy-to-follow steps.Later chapters teach you about storytelling with data using charts, such as histograms and scatter plots. As you advance, you'll understand how to work with unstructured data using natural language processing (NLP) techniques to perform sentiment analysis. All the knowledge you gain will help you discover key patterns and trends in data using real-world examples. In addition to this, you will learn how to handle data of varying complexity to perform efficient data analysis using modern Python libraries.By the end of this book, you'll have gained the practical skills you need to analyze data with confidence.


Practical Data Science with Python. Learn tools and techniques from hands-on examples to extract insights from data

Nathan George

Practical Data Science with Python teaches you core data science concepts, with real-world and realistic examples, and strengthens your grip on the basic as well as advanced principles of data preparation and storage, statistics, probability theory, machine learning, and Python programming, helping you build a solid foundation to gain proficiency in data science.The book starts with an overview of basic Python skills and then introduces foundational data science techniques, followed by a thorough explanation of the Python code needed to execute the techniques. You'll understand the code by working through the examples. The code has been broken down into small chunks (a few lines or a function at a time) to enable thorough discussion.As you progress, you will learn how to perform data analysis while exploring the functionalities of key data science Python packages, including pandas, SciPy, and scikit-learn. Finally, the book covers ethics and privacy concerns in data science and suggests resources for improving data science skills, as well as ways to stay up to date on new data science developments.By the end of the book, you should be able to comfortably use Python for basic data science projects and should have the skills to execute the data science process on any data source.


Practical Discrete Mathematics. Discover math principles that fuel algorithms for computer science and machine learning with Python

Ryan T. White, Archana Tikayat Ray

Discrete mathematics deals with studying countable, distinct elements, and its principles are widely used in building algorithms for computer science and data science. The knowledge of discrete math concepts will help you understand the algorithms, binary, and general mathematics that sit at the core of data-driven tasks.Practical Discrete Mathematics is a comprehensive introduction for those who are new to the mathematics of countable objects. This book will help you get up to speed with using discrete math principles to take your computer science skills to a more advanced level.As you learn the language of discrete mathematics, you’ll also cover methods crucial to studying and describing computer science and machine learning objects and algorithms. The chapters that follow will guide you through how memory and CPUs work. In addition to this, you’ll understand how to analyze data for useful patterns, before finally exploring how to apply math concepts in network routing, web searching, and data science.By the end of this book, you’ll have a deeper understanding of discrete math and its applications in computer science, and be ready to work on real-world algorithm development and machine learning.


Practical Machine Learning on Databricks. Seamlessly transition ML models and MLOps on Databricks

Debu Sinha

Unleash the potential of databricks for end-to-end machine learning with this comprehensive guide, tailored for experienced data scientists and developers transitioning from DIY or other cloud platforms. Building on a strong foundation in Python, Practical Machine Learning on Databricks serves as your roadmap from development to production, covering all intermediary steps using the databricks platform. You’ll start with an overview of machine learning applications, databricks platform features, and MLflow. Next, you’ll dive into data preparation, model selection, and training essentials and discover the power of databricks feature store for precomputing feature tables. You’ll also learn to kickstart your projects using databricks AutoML and automate retraining and deployment through databricks workflows. By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered MLflow for experiment tracking, collaboration, and advanced use cases like model interpretability and governance. The book is enriched with hands-on example code at every step. While primarily focused on generally available features, the book equips you to easily adapt to future innovations in machine learning, databricks, and MLflow.


Practical Python Programming for IoT. Build advanced IoT projects using a Raspberry Pi 4, MQTT, RESTful APIs, WebSockets, and Python 3

Gary Smart

The age of connected devices is here, be it fitness bands or smart homes. It's now more important than ever to understand how hardware components interact with the internet to collect and analyze user data. The Internet of Things (IoT), combined with the popular open source language Python, can be used to build powerful and intelligent IoT systems with intuitive interfaces.This book consists of three parts, with the first focusing on the Internet component of IoT. You'll get to grips with end-to-end IoT app development to control an LED over the internet, before learning how to build RESTful APIs, WebSocket APIs, and MQTT services in Python. The second part delves into the fundamentals behind electronics and GPIO interfacing. As you progress to the last part, you'll focus on the Things aspect of IoT, where you will learn how to connect and control a range of electronic sensors and actuators using Python. You'll also explore a variety of topics, such as motor control, ultrasonic sensors, and temperature measurement. Finally, you'll get up to speed with advanced IoT programming techniques in Python, integrate with IoT visualization and automation platforms, and build a comprehensive IoT project.By the end of this book, you'll be well-versed with IoT development and have the knowledge you need to build sophisticated IoT systems using Python.


Practical Time Series Analysis. Master Time Series Data Processing, Visualization, and Modeling using Python

Avishek Pal, PKS Prakash

Time Series Analysis allows us to analyze data which is generated over a period of time and has sequential interdependencies between the observations. This book describes special mathematical tricks and techniques which are geared towards exploring the internal structures of time series data and generating powerful descriptive and predictive insights. Also, the book is full of real-life examples of time series and their analyses using cutting-edge solutions developed in Python. The book starts with descriptive analysis to create insightful visualizations of internal structures such as trend, seasonality, and autocorrelation. Next, the statistical methods of dealing with autocorrelation and non-stationary time series are described. This is followed by exponential smoothing to produce meaningful insights from noisy time series data. At this point, we shift focus towards predictive analysis and introduce autoregressive models such as ARMA and ARIMA for time series forecasting. Later, powerful deep learning methods are presented, to develop accurate forecasting models for complex time series, and under the availability of little domain knowledge. All the topics are illustrated with real-life problem scenarios and their solutions by best-practice implementations in Python.The book concludes with the Appendix, with a brief discussion of programming and solving data science problems using Python.


Praktyczna algebra liniowa dla analityków danych. Od podstawowych koncepcji do użytecznych aplikacji w Pythonie

Mike Cohen

Pozornie nie dzieje się nic złego, jeśli inżynier lub analityk danych nie rozumie algebry liniowej. Może korzystać z już istniejących narzędzi i nie przejmować się szczegółami ich implementacji. Warto jednak dokładnie poznać algorytmy używane w nauce o danych i dostosować do swoich potrzeb istniejące metody obliczeniowe, tutaj więc nowoczesna algebra liniowa okazuje się nieodzowna. Jeśli chcesz ją poznać w nowoczesnej, praktycznej formie, najlepiej posłużyć się kodem i zastosowaniem algebry liniowej w analizie danych czy symulacjach numerycznych. To książka przeznaczona dla osób, które pracują ze zbiorami danych. Jest praktycznym przewodnikiem po koncepcjach algebry liniowej, pomyślanym tak, by ułatwić ich zrozumienie i zastosowanie w użytecznych obliczeniach. Poszczególne zagadnienia przedstawiono za pomocą kodu Pythona, wraz z przykładami ich wykorzystania w nauce o danych, uczeniu maszynowym, uczeniu głębokim, symulacjach i przetwarzaniu danych biomedycznych. Dzięki podręcznikowi nauczysz się arytmetyki macierzowej, poznasz istotne rozkłady macierzy, w tym LU i QR, a także rozkład według wartości osobliwych, zapoznasz się też z takimi zagadnieniami jak model najmniejszych kwadratów i analiza głównych składowych.


Praktyczne uczenie nienadzorowane przy użyciu języka Python

Ankur A. Patel

Wielu ekspertów branżowych uważa uczenie nienadzorowane za kolejną granicę w dziedzinie sztucznej inteligencji, która może stanowić klucz do pełnej sztucznej inteligencji. Ponieważ większość danych na świecie jest nieoznakowana, nie można do nich zastosować konwencjonalnego uczenia nadzorowanego. Z kolei uczenie nienadzorowane może być stosowane wobec nieoznakowanych zbiorów danych w celu odkrycia istotnych wzorców ukrytych głęboko w tych danych, które dla człowieka mogą być niemal niemożliwe do odkrycia. Autor Ankur Patel pokazuje, jak stosować uczenie nienadzorowane przy wykorzystaniu dwóch prostych platform dla języka Python: Scikit-learn oraz TensorFlow (wraz z Keras). Dzięki dołączonemu kodowi i praktycznym przykładom analitycy danych będą mogli identyfikować trudne do znalezienia wzorce w danych i odkrywać dogłębne zależności biznesowe, wykrywać anomalie, przeprowadzać automatyczną selekcję zmiennych i generować syntetyczne zbiory danych. Wystarczy znajomość programowania i nieco doświadczenia w uczeniu maszynowym, aby zająć się: Porównywaniem mocnych i słabych stron różnych podejść do uczenia maszynowego: uczenia nadzorowanego, nienadzorowanego i wzmacnianego. Przygotowywaniem i zarządzaniem projektami uczenia maszynowego. Budowaniem systemu wykrywania anomalii w celu wychwycenia oszustwa dotyczącego kard kredytowych. Rozdzielaniem użytkowników na wydzielone i jednorodne grupy. Przeprowadzaniem uczenia pół-nadzorowanego. Opracowywaniem systemów polecania filmów z użyciem ograniczonych automatów Boltzmanna. Generowaniem syntetycznych obrazów przy użyciu generujących sieci antagonistycznych. Badacze, inżynierowie i studenci docenią tę książkę pełną praktycznych technik uczenia nienadzorowanego, napisaną prostym językiem z nieskomplikowanymi przykładami w języku Python, które można szybko i skutecznie implementować. Sarah Nagy Główny analityk danych w firmie Edison Ankur A. Patel jest wiceprezesem ds. informatyki analitycznej w firmie 7Park Data, wspieranej przez firmę inwestycyjną Vista Equity Partners. W firmie 7Park Data, Ankur i jego zespół analizy danych wykorzystują dane alternatywne do opracowywania produktów związanych z danymi dla funduszy hedgingowych i korporacji oraz rozwijają usługi uczenia maszynowego dla klientów firmowych.
