

Nauka robotyki z językiem Python

Lentin Joseph

Roboty wkraczają do różnych dziedzin naszego życia, więc robotyka nabiera coraz większego znaczenia. Nauka o robotach, ich budowaniu i programowaniu jest dość złożoną, ale fascynującą dziedziną. Jej opanowanie wymaga wysiłku, jednak aby zaprojektować łatwy do wykorzystania interfejs, wystarczy posłużyć się kilkoma programami narzędziowymi oraz językiem Python. W ten sposób można zaprojektować zachowania robota, określić, w jaki sposób będzie zmierzał do celu, reagował na sygnały otaczającego świata, czy sprawić, by oczekiwał na instrukcje. Dzięki tej książce można się nauczyć, jak z wykorzystaniem języka Python oraz kilku popularnych frameworków stosowanych w robotyce, takich jak system ROS, budować autonomiczne roboty mobilne. Omówiono w niej również inne frameworki programistyczne, w tym również te dla Pythona. Aby równocześnie pokazać praktyczne wykorzystanie przedstawianego materiału, omówiono krok po kroku proces budowania robota-służącego ChefBot, który na przykład może podawać posiłki w domu, hotelu czy restauracji. W tej książce przedstawiono: zwięzłe podstawy robotyki i zasady projektowania oprogramowania robotów, aspekty projektowania CAD 2D i 3D z wykorzystaniem programów LibreCAD i Blender, budowanie modeli 3D z wykorzystaniem API Blender dla Pythona, zagadnienia sprzętowej warstwy projektowania robota, zasady obsługi sensorów robotów, w tym programowanie sensorów wizji, obsługę rozpoznawania mowy i syntezę mowy z wykorzystaniem Pythona i ROS, implementację sztucznej inteligencji za pomocą Pythona, zagadnienie testowania i kalibrowania robota. Przekonaj się, jak fascynujące jest programowanie robotów! Lentin Joseph — inżynier elektroniki, entuzjasta robotyki i ekspert w dziedzinie systemów wbudowanych. Szczególnie interesuje się robotyką, przetwarzaniem obrazu i zastosowaniem języka Python w programowaniu robotów. Jest również znawcą wielu platform oprogramowania robotów, takich jak system ROS (ang. Robot Operating system), V-REP i Actin. Biegle posługuje się bibliotekami przetwarzania obrazu, w tym OpenCV, OpenNI i PCL. Specjalizuje się również w dziedzinie projektowania 3D i programowania systemów wbudowanych na platformach Arduino i Launchpad Stellaris. Jest właścicielem firmy Qbotics Labs zajmującej się rozwijaniem robotyki i jej zastosowaniami w wielu dziedzinach.


Network Automation Cookbook. Proven and actionable recipes to automate and manage network devices using Ansible

Karim Okasha

Network Automation Cookbook is designed to help system administrators, network engineers, and infrastructure automation engineers to centrally manage switches, routers, and other devices in their organization's network. This book will help you gain hands-on experience in automating enterprise networks and take you through core network automation techniques using the latest version of Ansible and Python. With the help of practical recipes, you'll learn how to build a network infrastructure that can be easily managed and updated as it scales through a large number of devices. You'll also cover topics related to security automation and get to grips with essential techniques to maintain network robustness. As you make progress, the book will show you how to automate networks on public cloud providers such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure. Finally, you will get up and running with Ansible 2.9 and discover troubleshooting techniques and network automation best practices. By the end of this book, you'll be able to use Ansible to automate modern network devices and integrate third-party tools such as NAPALM, NetBox, and Batfish easily to build robust network automation solutions.


Network Protocols for Security Professionals. Probe and identify network-based vulnerabilities and safeguard against network protocol breaches

Yoram Orzach, Deepanshu Khanna

With the increased demand for computer systems and the ever-evolving internet, network security now plays an even bigger role in securing IT infrastructures against attacks. Equipped with the knowledge of how to find vulnerabilities and infiltrate organizations through their networks, you’ll be able to think like a hacker and safeguard your organization’s network and networking devices. Network Protocols for Security Professionals will show you how.This comprehensive guide gradually increases in complexity, taking you from the basics to advanced concepts. Starting with the structure of data network protocols, devices, and breaches, you’ll become familiar with attacking tools and scripts that take advantage of these breaches. Once you’ve covered the basics, you’ll learn about attacks that target networks and network devices. Your learning journey will get more exciting as you perform eavesdropping, learn data analysis, and use behavior analysis for network forensics. As you progress, you’ll develop a thorough understanding of network protocols and how to use methods and tools you learned in the previous parts to attack and protect these protocols.By the end of this network security book, you’ll be well versed in network protocol security and security countermeasures to protect network protocols.


Network Science with Python and NetworkX Quick Start Guide. Explore and visualize network data effectively

Edward L. Platt

NetworkX is a leading free and open source package used for network science with the Python programming language. NetworkX can track properties of individuals and relationships, find communities, analyze resilience, detect key network locations, and perform a wide range of important tasks. With the recent release of version 2, NetworkX has been updated to be more powerful and easy to use.If you’re a data scientist, engineer, or computational social scientist, this book will guide you in using the Python programming language to gain insights into real-world networks. Starting with the fundamentals, you’ll be introduced to the core concepts of network science, along with examples that use real-world data and Python code. This book will introduce you to theoretical concepts such as scale-free and small-world networks, centrality measures, and agent-based modeling. You’ll also be able to look for scale-free networks in real data and visualize a network using circular, directed, and shell layouts.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to choose appropriate network representations, use NetworkX to build and characterize networks, and uncover insights while working with real-world systems.


Neural Network Programming with Tensorflow. Unleash the power of TensorFlow to train efficient neural networks

Manpreet Singh Ghotra, Rajdeep Dua

If you're aware of the buzz surrounding the terms such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, or deep learning, you might know what neural networks are. Ever wondered how they help in solving complex computational problem efficiently, or how to train efficient neural networks? This book will teach you just that.You will start by getting a quick overview of the popular TensorFlow library and how it is used to train different neural networks. You will get a thorough understanding of the fundamentals and basic math for neural networks and why TensorFlow is a popular choice Then, you will proceed to implement a simple feed forward neural network. Next you will master optimization techniques and algorithms for neural networks using TensorFlow. Further, you will learn to implement some more complex types of neural networks such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and Deep Belief Networks. In the course of the book, you will be working on real-world datasets to get a hands-on understanding of neural network programming. You will also get to train generative models and will learn the applications of autoencoders.By the end of this book, you will have a fair understanding of how you can leverage the power of TensorFlow to train neural networks of varying complexities, without any hassle. While you are learning about various neural network implementations you will learn the underlying mathematics and linear algebra and how they map to the appropriate TensorFlow constructs.


Neural Networks with Keras Cookbook. Over 70 recipes leveraging deep learning techniques across image, text, audio, and game bots

V Kishore Ayyadevara

This book will take you from the basics of neural networks to advanced implementations of architectures using a recipe-based approach.We will learn about how neural networks work and the impact of various hyper parameters on a network's accuracy along with leveraging neural networks for structured and unstructured data.Later, we will learn how to classify and detect objects in images. We will also learn to use transfer learning for multiple applications, including a self-driving car using Convolutional Neural Networks.We will generate images while leveraging GANs and also by performing image encoding. Additionally, we will perform text analysis using word vector based techniques. Later, we will use Recurrent Neural Networks and LSTM to implement chatbot and Machine Translation systems.Finally, you will learn about transcribing images, audio, and generating captions and also use Deep Q-learning to build an agent that plays Space Invaders game.By the end of this book, you will have developed the skills to choose and customize multiple neural network architectures for various deep learning problems you might encounter.


Node Cookbook. Discover solutions, techniques, and best practices for server-side web development with Node.js 14 - Fourth Edition

Bethany Griggs

A key technology for building web applications and tooling, Node.js brings JavaScript to the server enabling full-stack development in a common language. This fourth edition of the Node Cookbook is updated with the latest Node.js features and the evolution of the Node.js framework ecosystems.This practical guide will help you to get started with creating, debugging, and deploying your Node.js applications and cover solutions to common problems, along with tips to avoid pitfalls. You'll become familiar with the Node.js development model by learning how to handle files and build simple web applications and then explore established and emerging Node.js web frameworks such as Express.js and Fastify. As you advance, you'll discover techniques for detecting problems in your applications, handling security concerns, and deploying your applications to the cloud. This recipe-based guide will help you to easily navigate through various core topics of server-side web application development with Node.js.By the end of this Node book, you'll be well-versed with core Node.js concepts and have gained the knowledge to start building performant and scalable Node.js applications.


Nowoczesne Django

Sylwester Walczak

Książka Sylwestra Walczaka jest poświęcona Django, wolnej, otwartoźródłowej platformie programistycznej służącej do tworzenia aplikacji internetowych. Autor udowadnia, że wbrew obiegowym opiniom Django jako framework nadaje się do budowy mikroserwisów - autonomicznych usług, które współpracują ze sobą, tworząc na przykład serwis internetowy. Odwołuje się przy tym do API potrzebnego do obsługi kawiarni. Jest to więc swojego rodzaju instrukcja, która przeprowadza przez projektowanie, programowanie i wdrożenie systemu do obsługi kawiarni, składającego się między innymi z takich aplikacji jak magazyn, menu, obsługa klientów i kolejkowanie utworzonych zamówień. To podręcznik przeznaczony dla programistów; do zrozumienia poruszonych w nim zagadnień wymagana jest znajomość języka Python i komunikacji webowej. Lektura kolejnych rozdziałów pozwoli Ci na tworzenie bibliotek i napisanie wtyczki do Django, odpowiadającej za autoryzację. Poznasz świat mikrousług, w tym ich zalety i wady. Przy okazji zapoznasz się z kilkoma narzędziami przydatnymi nie tylko w świecie architektury rozproszonej. Zatem - kawa i do dzieła? Dzięki książce: Dowiesz się, co to jest konteneryzacja, Docker, REST API i webhooki Utworzysz własny system autoryzacji Napiszesz system rozproszony Dynamicznie przepiszesz serializery do widoków Przygotujesz dokumentację API Opracujesz komunikację między usługami


Numerical Computing with Python. Harness the power of Python to analyze and find hidden patterns in the data

Pratap Dangeti, Allen Yu, Claire Chung, Aldrin Yim, ...

Data mining, or parsing the data to extract useful insights, is a niche skill that can transform your career as a data scientist Python is a flexible programming language that is equipped with a strong suite of libraries and toolkits, and gives you the perfect platform to sift through your data and mine the insights you seek. This Learning Path is designed to familiarize you with the Python libraries and the underlying statistics that you need to get comfortable with data mining.You will learn how to use Pandas, Python's popular library to analyze different kinds of data, and leverage the power of Matplotlib to generate appealing and impressive visualizations for the insights you have derived. You will also explore different machine learning techniques and statistics that enable you to build powerful predictive models.By the end of this Learning Path, you will have the perfect foundation to take your data mining skills to the next level and set yourself on the path to become a sought-after data science professional.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:• Statistics for Machine Learning by Pratap Dangeti• Matplotlib 2.x By Example by Allen Yu, Claire Chung, Aldrin Yim• Pandas Cookbook by Theodore Petrou


Odoo 10 Implementation Cookbook. Explore the capabilities of Odoo and discover all you need to implement it

Mantavya Gajjar

Odoo is a Python-based ERP system and is completely open source. Odoo is a comprehensive suite of business applications offering a wealth of functionalities that can be deployed to meet your business needs.This book will help you manage the different functionalities of your business and optimize it. You will learn in detail about the various facets of the business process such as sales, accounting, purchases, manufacturing, and inventory. We will cover each of these topics in detail and learn how Odoo handles all these tasks with much ease. With its modular approach, you will be able to build customized solutions, take advantage of the Odoo 10 system in your organization, and master basic administration. We will cover modules and applications in Odoo that will help optimize quality checks. You will also be able to customize major reporting functions for your teams and set up forms and documents for sales, purchase, inventory, and so on. By the end of the book, you will be able to use the major functionalities of Odoo 10 and fully implement them into your business.


Odoo 11 Development Cookbook. Over 120 unique recipes to build effective enterprise and business applications - Second Edition

Alexandre Fayolle, Holger Brunn

Odoo is a full-featured open source ERP with a focus on extensibility. The flexibility and sustainability of open source are also a key selling point of Odoo. It is built on a powerful framework for rapid application development, both for back-end applications and front-end websites. Version 11 offers better usability and speed: a new design (as compared to the current Odoo Enterprise version) and a mobile interface.The book starts by covering Odoo installation and administration and Odoo Server deployment. It then delves into the implementation of Odoo modules, the different inheritance models available in Odoo. You will then learn how to define access rules for your data; how to make your application available in different languages; how to expose your data models to end users on the back end and on the front end; and how to create beautiful PDF versions of your data. By the end of the book, you will have a thorough knowledge of Odoo and will be able to build effective applications by applying Odoo development best practices


Odoo 12 Development Cookbook. 190+ unique recipes to build effective enterprise and business applications - Third Edition

Parth Gajjar, Alexandre Fayolle, Holger Brunn, Daniel Reis

Odoo is a powerful framework known for rapid application development. Its latest release, Odoo 12, introduces tons of new features. With this book, you’ll learn how to develop powerful Odoo applications from scratch, using all the latest features.This Odoo cookbook starts by covering Odoo installation and deployment on the server. Next, you’ll explore the Odoo framework with real-world examples. You’ll create a new Odoo module from the ground up and progress to advanced framework concepts. You’ll also learn how to modify existing applications, including Point of Sale (POS). This book is not just limited to backend development; the advanced JavaScript recipes for creating new views and widgets will help you build beautiful UI elements. As you move forward, you’ll gain insights into website development and become a quality Odoo developer by studying performance optimization, debugging, and automated tests. Finally, you’ll learn the latest concepts like multi-website, In-App Purchasing (IAP),, and IoT Box.By the end of the book, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to build powerful Odoo applications. The development best practices used in this book will undoubtedly come handy when you are working with the Odoo framework.


Odoo 14 Development Cookbook. Rapidly build, customize, and manage secure and efficient business apps using Odoo's latest features - Fourth Edition

Parth Gajjar, Alexandre Fayolle, Holger Brunn, Daniel Reis

With its latest iteration, the powerful Odoo framework released a wide variety of features for rapid application development. This updated Odoo development cookbook will help you explore the new features in Odoo 14 and learn how to use them to develop Odoo applications from scratch. You'll learn about the new website concepts in Odoo 14 and get a glimpse of Odoo's new web-client framework, the Odoo Web Library (OWL).Once you've completed the installation, you'll begin to explore the Odoo framework with real-world examples. You'll then create a new Odoo module from the ground up and progress to advanced framework concepts. You'll also learn how to modify existing applications, including Point of Sale (POS) applications. This book isn't just limited to backend development; you'll discover advanced JavaScript recipes for creating new views and widgets. As you progress, you'll learn about website development and become a quality Odoo developer by studying performance optimization, debugging, and automated testing. Finally, you'll delve into advanced concepts such as multi-website, In-App Purchasing (IAP),, the IoT Box, and security.By the end of the book, you'll have all the knowledge you need to build impressive Odoo applications and you'll be well versed in development best practices that will come in handy when working with the Odoo framework.


OpenAI GPT For Python Developers. The art and science of building AI-powered apps with GPT-4, Whisper, Weaviate, and beyond

Aymen El Amri

“OpenAI GPT for Python Developers” is meticulously crafted to provide Python developers with a deep dive into the mechanics and applications of GPT technology, beginning with a captivating narrative on the evolution of OpenAI and the fundamental workings of GPT models. As readers progress, they will be expertly guided through the essential steps of setting up a development environment tailored for AI innovations, coupled with insightful advice on selecting the most appropriate GPT model to suit specific project needs.The guide progresses into practical tutorials that cover the implementation of chat completions and the art of prompt engineering, providing a solid foundation in harnessing the capabilities of GPT for generating human-like text responses. Practical applications are further expanded with discussions on the creation of autonomous AI-to-AI dialogues, the development of AI avatars, and the strategic use of AI in interactive applications.In addition to technical skills, this book addresses the ethical implications and prospects of AI technologies, encouraging a holistic view of AI development. The guide is enriched with detailed examples, step-by-step tutorials, and comprehensive explanations that illuminate the theoretical aspects and emphasize practical implementation.


OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python Cookbook. Leverage the power of OpenCV 3 and Python to build computer vision applications

Aleksei Spizhevoi, Aleksandr Rybnikov

OpenCV 3 is a native cross-platform library for computer vision, machine learning, and image processing. OpenCV's convenient high-level APIs hide very powerful internals designed for computational efficiency that can take advantage of multicore and GPU processing. This book will help you tackle increasingly challenging computer vision problems by providing a number of recipes that you can use to improve your applications.In this book, you will learn how to process an image by manipulating pixels and analyze an image using histograms. Then, we'll show you how to apply image filters to enhance image content and exploit the image geometry in order to relay different views of a pictured scene. We’ll explore techniques to achieve camera calibration and perform a multiple-view analysis.Later, you’ll work on reconstructing a 3D scene from images, converting low-level pixel information to high-level concepts for applications such as object detection and recognition. You’ll also discover how to process video from files or cameras and how to detect and track moving objects. Finally, you'll get acquainted with recent approaches in deep learning and neural networks.By the end of the book, you’ll be able to apply your skills in OpenCV to create computer vision applications in various domains.


OpenCV 3.x with Python By Example. Make the most of OpenCV and Python to build applications for object recognition and augmented reality - Second Edition

Gabriel Garrido Calvo, Prateek Joshi

Computer vision is found everywhere in modern technology. OpenCV for Python enables us to run computer vision algorithms in real time. With the advent of powerful machines, we have more processing power to work with. Using this technology, we can seamlessly integrate our computer vision applications into the cloud. Focusing on OpenCV 3.x and Python 3.6, this book will walk you through all the building blocks needed to build amazing computer vision applications with ease.We start off by manipulating images using simple filtering and geometric transformations. We then discuss affine and projective transformations and see how we can use them to apply cool advanced manipulations to your photos like resizing them while keeping the content intact or smoothly removing undesired elements. We will then cover techniques of object tracking, body part recognition, and object recognition using advanced techniques of machine learning such as artificial neural network. 3D reconstruction and augmented reality techniques are also included. The book covers popular OpenCV libraries with the help of examples.This book is a practical tutorial that covers various examples at different levels, teaching you about the different functions of OpenCV and their actual implementation. By the end of this book, you will have acquired the skills to use OpenCV and Python to develop real-world computer vision applications.