
Python Machine Learning. Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow 2 - Third Edition

Sebastian Raschka, Vahid Mirjalili

Python Made Easy. A First Course in Computer Programming Using Python

Kevin Wilson

Python: Master the Art of Design Patterns. Click here to enter text

Dusty Phillips, Chetan Giridhar, Sakis Kasampalis

Python Microservices Development. Build efficient and lightweight microservices using the Python tooling ecosystem - Second Edition

Simon Fraser, Tarek Ziadé

Python Microservices Development. Build, test, deploy, and scale microservices in Python

Tarek Ziadé

Python na maturze. Rozwiązania i analiza wybranych zadań programistycznych

Roland Zimek

Python na start! Programowanie dla nastolatków

Michał Wiszniewski

Python Natural Language Processing. Advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques for natural language processing

Jalaj Thanaki